How long has it been since we did a post bashing communism? Well that’s too long!
Here Michael Malice talks with Yaron Brook and Lex Fridman about writing his book The White Pill: A Tale of Good and Evil (which I guess I should track down now) about the evils of communism and how western intellectuals covered up for them so long.
The clip starts with Malice describing Ayn Rand testifying before the House Committee on Unamerican Activities about the horrors of communism she witnessed before escaping the Soviet Union, and them simply not getting it.
Michael Malice: “The broader point in the book is how ignorant many people are in the west about the horrors of Stalinism and Communism, but also how many people in the west were complicit in saying to Americans ‘Go home, everything’s fine, this is great.'”
MM: “They really made a point to downplay, really gratuitously, some of the unimaginable atrocities of communism.”
MM: “Many people I’m friends with who are historians, who are interested in the space, this isn’t common knowledge to them, then we can assume that almost no one knows about it.” Conservatives knew about in the in the 1980s, thanks to coverage of Robert Conquest’s The Harvest of Sorrow: Soviet Collectivization and the Terror-Famine and a 1985 documentary on the subject that I remember being played on PBS a few years later.
MM: “American exceptionalism has a positive context, but also has a negative context, where you think we’re invincible. All these horrible things happen to these other countries that can’t possibly happen here. We’re America, we’re special, and it’s completely an absurdity.”
Malice and Brook talk about the film Mr. Jones, which i still need to track down, and how New York Times reporter Walter Duranty. MM: “He was talking about how great it was, how if you hear about this famine in Ukraine this is just propaganda. “I went to the villages, you know everyone’s happy and fed.’ A lot of it was explicit lies.”
MM: “Anne Applebaum, who’s just a phenomenal, phenomenal writer [Or was before the TDS got her. -LP], she wrote a book called Red Famine: Stalin’s War in Ukraine, and she talks about how what people in America don’t appreciate is how clever in their sadism the Soviets were. And what they knew to do to Ukraine is, everyone is starving, so they knew if you got some meat on your bones, you’re hiding food. So they come back at night, take your hand, put in the door jam, keep slamming the door, ransack your house. They didn’t have to find the food, they burn down your house, take all your clothes, goodbye and good luck.”
Yaron Brook: “The view of the intelligencia: [Communism] is a great idea, it just was badly implemented. And no, it’s a rotten idea, it’s an evil idea, and it was implemented exactly, it was implemented exactly how it has to be implemented. There’s no alternative.”
This entry was posted on Saturday, February 1st, 2025 at 3:19 PM and is filed under Communism, Media Watch, video. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
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Very much on the same lines – a fictional account, based on reality, with the stated goal at the end that it’s long past time to educate people on the horrors.
Until academia acknowledges the evils of communism as thoroughly as they acknowledge the evils of fascism, skepticism of “research” or “papers” in the humanities or any science softer than biochemistry will deserve only skepticism, and no respect.
Have you seen this?
Very much on the same lines – a fictional account, based on reality, with the stated goal at the end that it’s long past time to educate people on the horrors.
Until academia acknowledges the evils of communism as thoroughly as they acknowledge the evils of fascism, skepticism of “research” or “papers” in the humanities or any science softer than biochemistry will deserve only skepticism, and no respect.
on this subject.