Invasion USA: El Paso Edition

There’s a word when organized groups of armed men attempt to forcibly enter your country, and that word is “invasion.” Well, Invasion USA—

Not that one

—happened at El Paso this week.

Knife-wielding Tren de Aragua gang members are mobbing border crossings at El Paso, Texas, in an attempt to break into the US — and have said they will attack border guards who try to stop them, according to a shocking Texas law enforcement memo leaked to The Post.

Last week, 20 of the Venezuelan gangbangers — armed with blades, tire irons and broken liquor bottles — tried to force their way into the US at a border gate, the missive from the Texas Department of Public Safety read.

Another attempt to break through is expected for New Year’s Day, the memo warned.

Before the social justice warriors running the Biden Administration threw open the borders, I had never heard of Tren de Aragua, but now they’re taking over hotels in El Paso, apartment complexes in San Antonio and Colorado, and now they’re even in our middle schools.

Someone somewhere in the bowels of the Obama/Biden policy establishment made the conscious decision to let criminal illegal alien gangbangers into the United States, knowing full well that the side effect would be more dead Americans. And they made the judgment that those dead Americans were acceptable collateral damage for reaching that “permanent Democratic majority” they were dreaming of.

November’s election results suggest that American voters strongly disagree.

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7 Responses to “Invasion USA: El Paso Edition”

  1. Tig If Brue says:

    So few nations would put up with this. We’re a laughing stock. There are several nations that would meet such activity on their border with gunfire. I wonder when the other half of the country is going to pull their heads out of their asses and figure out how damaging this is for everyone, themselves included.

  2. Howard Frampton says:

    Chuck Norris doesn’t flush the toilet.
    One look and he scares the shit out of it.

  3. 370H55V I/me/mine says:

    Time for stateside Sombra Negra.

    Milei-Bukele ’28!

  4. Mike V. says:

    My rules for 2025:
    If you carry, have extra ammo on board.

    Carry first aid supplies (including tourniquets) with you.

    Keep your head on a swivel always.

    Remember that if the shooting starts you might not be the only armed person to intervene, so try to avoid “blue on blue” incidents.

    I think New Orleans amd Las Vegas are harbingers of things to come.

  5. Seawriter says:

    I think law enforcement needs to provide 9mm responses to these types of attacks. If that doesn’t discourage Tren de Aragua, the introduce them to Ma Duce. It will be a salutatory reminder of why you don’t bring a knife to a gunfight.

    Certainly we can make this policy after Jan 21.

  6. Earth Pig says:

    Vigilante response is becoming more likely. As the law enforcement industrial complex continues to fail, citizens will recognize that our Social Contract has been broken by the powers-that-be. Best prepare.

  7. Malthus says:

    “[O]ur Social Contract has been broken by the powers-that-be.”

    Lex Talionus is old as civil society. All respect to “The Sword” but if the authorities abdicate their responsibility to retaliate, it reverts to me.

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