More On Venezuelan Gangs

Yesterday’s LinkSwarm talked about Venezuelan gangs ripping off Permian Basin oilfields, but that was hardly the only activity by the Venezuelan Tren de Aragua gang to make the news this week. That gang evidently took over at least one Aurora, Colorado apartment complex:

  • “The evidence we have reviewed indicates that gang members are engaging in flagrant trespass violations, assaults and battery, human traffic trafficking, sexual abuse of minors, unlawful firearms possession, extortion and other criminal activities.” Human trafficking? Where’s that “see something say something?” And sexual abuse or minors recalls the Rotherham Muslim rape gang scandal in the UK. Evidently “raping children” is just one of those jobs natives won’t do.
  • “According to the law firm’s report, the Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua has threatened to kill and, in certain instances, has apparently actively attempted to kill, members of Whispering Pines management.” Is “attempted murder” just not a serious enough charge for the police to get involved?
  • “A consultant for the property management company was severely beaten and stomped by gang members and was hospitalized the alleged incident recorded by building cameras with screenshots attached to the letter.” I’m going to go out on a limb and suggest that the property management company in question were derelict in their fundamental duties.
  • “The takeover began last November.” So this has been going on for over three-quarters of a year. Again, where were the police?
  • “The report recounts that this summer, the gang approached the property manager and told him they would help him out in exchange for half of all the rent that he collected.”
  • “The gang members then allegedly took over vacant apartments, and according to the document, moved families into those units and started collecting rent.”
  • The gang obviously didn’t fear property management or the police.
  • Here’s footage of that same gang operating openly in another apartment complex called The Edge:

    Another video, which I am unable to relocate right now, showed a reporter on a street near an apartment complex where gangs had left stolen and stripped cars all down the sides of the street.

    The question is how was the problem allowed to get so bad? How was the problem allowed to fester more that nine months?

    In increasingly Democrat-controlled Colorado, are the police being told not to arrest illegal alien gang members?

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    18 Responses to “More On Venezuelan Gangs”

    1. Subotai Bahadur says:

      Given that when the news of the first apartment complex in Aurora being taken over by Venezuelan prison gangs finally came out a couple of weeks ago, the response of the Democrat governor of the state was to openly declare in a press conference that it was “imaginary”; it is not unreasonable to assume that there are orders from on high declaring that the gangs are to be left alone. Since then, there are reports of further complexes having been taken over around the Metro Denver area. And this morning I saw where two gang members were arrested at the original Aurora complex for attempted murder in that they shot someone. And the arrested gang bangers were immediately released on $1000 bond for attempted murder.

      Unpleasant times are upon us for American citizens not violating the law.

      Subotai Bahadur

    2. Kirk says:

      This is happening because of systemic corruption in the entire government, from Federal, to state, to local municipalities.

      The United States government, as a whole, is now working against its own citizens. Think about that, for just a moment: This could not happen if that was not the case.

      It’s not just the government, either… It’s all these NGO organizations we support, who’re out there actively bringing in all these illegals. Look at that town in Ohio; where was the vote taken of the actual citizens, as to bringing in 20,000 Haitians? Who benefited from that, who paid for it all to happen? The reality is that the mechanisms and institutions of governance have been suborned, and turned against us. The government made it profitable for those bad actors to bring in the enemy aliens, and supplant their own citizenry. To what end? I don’t know; I presume so that they may rule over hell rather than serve in heaven.

      This is all down to the debasement of governance and its subornation by those who seek power over the rest of us, and it is our own damn fault for not monitoring what they were doing, and who they were. The NGO organizations in Minnesota have been working with these elements in the government since the 1980s; that’s why Minneapolis is in the throes of decivilizing into a Third-World hellhole as we speak. Observe what happens, going forward: Any attempt by actual American citizens to defend themselves and roll this all back is going to have to include cleaning out the government in all branches, particularly the judiciary. Odds are that there are going to be an awful lot of very ugly things happening, which will result in a recoil effect that will result in things looking like the aftermath of Pearl Harbor to a lot of people.

      What’s ironically humorous about it all is that the Democrats have been doing this most diligently in their own cities, and the first victims are going to be their own very favorite clients, who will likely turn on them with a rapidity that will quite stun the average person.

      We’re in for a long, hard haul ahead of us, even if we don’t drown in the swamp created by these creatures of the night. And, I’m not talking about the illegals, either… The people behind this are our own kind, seeking to destroy us as a nation.

    3. TJ Jackson says:

      The communists always seek to create disorder, chaos, and division in order to destroy a nation. Once the existing traditions, institutions, and structures have been destroyed they kill any who resist. We are witnessing the destruction ofAmerica and its replacement by those who detest it.

    4. Rob Crawford says:

      “Human trafficking” is a despicable euphemism — what it means is SLAVERY. The euphemism exists solely to keep us from doing anything about it.

    5. Whole Number says:

      “… a reporter on a street near an apartment complex where gangs had left stolen and stripped cars all down the sides of the street.”

    6. John H says:

      Who is blame? We all need to look in the mirror. Had we voted in sufficient numbers to keep the Democrats in power this century they wouldn’t have had to open the floodgates for new settlers to do the job Americans are reluctant to do – that is to vote for Democrats.

    7. Clinton says:

      If I was running a cartel, I’d definitely be using some of my profits to secure a favorable environment for the continuation of my business model. In other words, I would absolutely be buying politicians and media. It would be a solid investment, especially if I could secure the defunding of the police, the elimination of border control, etc. Maybe even move into engineering vote fraud, so my purchased politicians needn’t fear angry voters…

      I think the likelihood that the cartels have purchased or otherwise suborned our politicians and media explains a lot that otherwise seems so inexplicable.

    8. Forbes says:

      Note, as a curiosity, the the law firm who submitted the finding of their investigation is Perking Coie LLP, the Washington, DC firm who represent the DNC, and was involved via former partner Marc Elias with the faux Russian election collusion allegations.

    9. […] eating family pets in Ohio” on their Apocalypse Bingo Card? Anyone? Along with the violent Venezuelan gangs that our Host has already spoken of, this influx of third-world savages is being done on PURPOSE by […]

    10. FM says:

      I would bet the backstory here is there were already one or more criminal gangs in functional possession of these low income complexes, and the Venezuelan gangs pushed them out and took over. The police may have already been ignoring these problem complexes because of defunding or political deals with the existing gangs or whatever, so the new gangs were initially just the same story different cast, but the Venezuelans are criminal-ler than the prior gangs and did not honor the prior limits that kept them off the radar, and here we are.

    11. Malthus says:

      Whose visions in the final end
      Must shatter like the glass
      I pity the poor immigrant
      When his gladness comes to pass—I Pity the Poor Immigrant, Bob Dylan

      When the potato famine caused Irish to emigrate here, they were met with “No Irish Need Apply” signs at many factories. Too many immigrants were facing too few economic opportunities. Consequently, some number of them turned to crime as a way to earn a living. Jews and Sicilians got similar treatment and responded the same way.

      These political/economic refugees developed underground economies and thus was born the Irish, Italian and Jewish ( e.g., Meyer Lansky) mafias. It is folly to imagine that importing Venezuelans or Haitians would produce a better result.

    12. Occasional Commenter says:

      If this gets any worse, the solution may be military, not civilian.

    13. Cybrludite says:

      Do the Democrats want Los Pepes? Because this is how you get Los Pepes

    14. […] More On Venezuelan Gangs […]

    15. […] carton, and Cuba spends $36 million on car imports from U.S. in first 7 months of 2024 BattleSwarm: More On Venezuelan Gangs, Paxton Sues Travis County Over Partisan Voter Drive, Harris County Justice Cancels All Warrants, […]

    16. […] the Venezuelan Tren de Aragua gang that took over an apartment complex in Aurora, Colorado? That same gang has taken over a hotel in El […]

    17. Patrick Brady says:

      Just a matter of time before large numbers of threatened US citizens take aggressive, organized, ruthless action to defend themselves, their families and their communities.

      They have a God Given right to defend themselves and their families from an existential threat like the murderous gangs of rapists and pedophiles.

      Tren de Aragua are unquestionably tough, pitiless thugs. They’re well armed and have discipline among members enforced by brutal force.

      Americans are also well armed.

      So far Americans have left responding to the thugs to the “authorities” who are being kept on a ridiculously short leash by Woke politicians and a naive public.

      Once enough Americans see the handwriting on the wall, all bets are off. Self-organized armed citizen patrols and Wild West rules of engagement are coming very soon. People on both sides will die in the battles, but Tren de Aragua will be permanently eliminated in the US.

      They’re gonna need a Boot Hill for Tren de Aragua Venezuelans by Christmas. Will be tough on the gravediggers. Colorado dirt is hard to dig when its frozen. Maybe they’ll opt for funeral pyres instead. All they’d need is a tank of gasoline to get it started.

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