Hunter Biden To Plead Guilty Rather Than Face Trial

It turns out that if you were crackhead bagman for your father’s multi-million dollar influence peddling operation, you’re none to eager to stand trial for tax evasion.

Hunter Biden intends to plead guilty to criminal tax charges to avoid a potentially damaging trial that would have brought his lucrative foreign business dealings and lavish lifestyle back into the spotlight.

Defense attorney Abbe Lowell announced Thursday morning that the younger Biden will be reversing his not-guilty plea on the first day of jury selection for the tax trial. He will be entering an “Alford plea” agreement where he maintains his innocence but accepts a sentence from federal judge Mark Scarsi, who has yet to sign off on the arrangement, CNN reported. The tax charges, three felonies and six misdemeanors, carry a maximum of 17 years in prison.

Special counsel David Weiss is prosecuting Hunter Biden on nine federal tax charges based on his alleged failure to pay more than $1.4 million of taxes in a timely manner over a four-year period last decade. Along with tax-evasion, Biden was charged with filing false tax returns for attempting to deduct expenses incurred from his drug-fueled escapades.

Most of Biden’s income from that time period came from foreign business dealings with individuals and entities in Ukraine, Romania, and China. Those business dealings and his messy divorce from ex-wife Kathleen Buhle were laid out in a searing indictment last year that gave a detailed look into the exorbitant amounts of money Biden spent on his lavish lifestyle and sexual deviancy.

Leading up to the trial, federal prosecutors spotlighted Hunter Biden’s Romanian dealings in court papers laying out how he his business partners agreed to lobby U.S. officials on behalf of a Romanian oligarch accused of corruption. Biden’s attorneys disputed the Justice Department’s characterization of the agreement and suggested that the court papers were meant to generate headlines.

In June, Weiss’s team won a conviction against Hunter Biden on three federal gun charges for lying about his crack-cocaine addiction on gun paperwork and possessing a firearm while he was addicted to crack almost six years ago. Biden’s sentencing for the gun charges is scheduled to take place in November. He faces a maximum sentence of 25 years in prison on the gun charges, but will likely receive a lesser sentence as a first-time, non-violent offender.

The tax trial was expected to be politically damaging for Hunter’s father, President Joe Biden, until he dropped out of the presidential race in July following a public Democratic Party revolt over his apparent mental decline.

Given their shady dealings in Russia, Ukraine and China, I can certainly see why the Biden Crime Family wouldn’t want the bright sunlight of a high profile trial directed at their dealings, so a plea deal was always going to be the smart way to go. After all, Joe Biden isn’t going to be able to get the memory care he obviously needs if he’s behind bars.

The question is just how much of a sweetheart deal can the DOJ get away with offering Hunter. The average jail time for federal tax evasion is evidently 3-5 years, so I’m guessing Hunter gets 1-3 years, and that probably at a relatively cushy minimum security prison. If it’s merely probation, then the fix is truly in…

Update: Actually, it appears that the prosecutors in the case are calling for the judge to reject the please deal.

It would appear that Hunter Biden doesn’t have a nicely arranged plea deal with the DOJ after all – as prosecutors have urged the judge in the case to reject his proposal to plead guilty.

Of note, Hunter is attempting to plead guilty via an “Alford plea,” which would have to be approved by the prosecution and higher-ups at the DOJ.

It appears they were caught off guard.

So it’s not a done deal, just something Hunter’s side has floated. Developing…

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11 Responses to “Hunter Biden To Plead Guilty Rather Than Face Trial”

  1. Chemist says:

    “I’m guessing Hunter gets 1-3 years”
    Doesn’t matter what he gets for a sentence, Daddy will pardon him before he serves a day.
    If they try him on another charger, he’ll stall, delay and then cop a plea.
    Then daddy will pardon him again.
    Laws are for the little people – not a Biden.

  2. Kirk says:

    I honestly don’t see how we get out of the situation we’re in regarding government corruption. The people Clinton and Obama put into position throughout the Federal government are so numerous and so intrinsically corrupt that I can’t see us voting our way out of the problem, because they’re just going to manipulate it all so that the votes don’t count. I fully expect to hear the morning after this next election, if we even have one, that Harris “won” after a bunch of late-night shenanigans with the count. Happened before our eyes in 2020, and nobody even blinked at the chicanery.

    What you have going here is the equivalent of an organized crime “bust-out” operation, conducted at a national level. The debts run up, the corruption? All synonymous with that exact sort of criminal enterprise. And, the average person in this country is so trusting, so naive, that they can’t even see it when it happens in front of their face. “Oh, no… They’d never do that…”

    Sadly, “they” damn sure will, and rely on your credulous and trusting belief in your fantasy idea.

    We’ve watched this crap happen, time and time again, down at the state level. Supposedly, the votes were found only after the recount, and they oddly always favored the Democrat, by just enough… And, some dumbass judges would go ahead and either say there was no standing to challenge the results, or somehow reach the conclusion that no fraud had taken place, when it was plainly statistically impossible for there to be anything other than fraud. You “find” votes? They ought to match the same ratios as the earlier counted ones, not display massive bias towards the Democrat. Yet, they do, every time.

    Frankly, much though I pray it isn’t so, I think we’re cooked.

  3. Andy Markcyst says:

    “I think we’re cooked.”

    No Kirk. They’re cooked. When it falls apart and people wake up and the reckoning comes and it will come these traitors will beg for death before the end.

  4. Subotai Bahadur says:

    I expect either the probation, a time served in holding sentence, or if we do indeed have an election [not guaranteed], that that Hunter will be pardoned by Biden before the inauguration.

    Subotai Bahadur

  5. Heresolong says:

    How can you plead “not guilty but please punish me anyway”? The options are guilty or not guilty afaik. The judge needs to flat out reject this. Either admit wrongdoing or go to trial.

  6. Malthus says:

    “…Hunter will be pardoned by Biden before the inauguration.”

    The sentence will be delayed until the 21st of January. Hunter Biden gives Joe Biden‘a handlers immense leverage over him. Joe will go quietly into That Good Night.

  7. Earth Pig says:

    The corrupt sleazebag punk will get a pardon from the Drooling Moron currently occupying the White House.

  8. 370H55V I/me/mine says:

    Advice for Hunter when he reports to that minimum security prison:

  9. Kirk says:

    @Andy Markcyst,

    Respectfully, people should have been acting on this crap years ago. I really lost all faith in the “wisdom of the electorate” about the time Bill Clinton got his second term, and the election (to great acclaim…) of Barack Obama just sealed the deal.

    One Clintonesque grifter term per generation is probably survivable. We’ve had five, and a two-term interregnum where the supposed Republican did no more than tread water, and who actually can be said to have set the stage for Obama with his tepid non-defense of his actions in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    The government of the United States has been co-opted and turned against its own citizens, to the apparent approval of the “elite” in both parties. You can’t analyze it any other way… They lie out there teeth about everything that’s been going on, even that which is happening right there in front of you like Aurora.

    The FBI is now claiming that a large swathe of the commenters who were gaining foothold against the mainstream media are Russian dupes; how conveniently timed… Lay you long odds that they start raiding the headquarters of places like X/Twitter on the basis that they’re “assisting misinformation”, and that the average complacent idiot won’t figure out what’s going on until about, oh… Say, 2050 or so. About the time they wake up in the camps and see the guard towers.

  10. Alan Simpson says:

    He’s pleading to HIDE the evidence of the Biden Families corruption. That and to allow time for his daddy to pardon him!

  11. LKB says:

    “How can you plead “not guilty but please punish me anyway”?”

    It’s called an Alford plea. Court does not have to accept it, and former DoJ prosecutors are saying DoJ *never* agrees to allow someone to enter an Alford plea.

    Additionally, if an Alford plea is accepted, it means an upward factor in the sentencing recommendation for failure to take responsibility.

    My guess is that the Bidens are hoping that the judge splits the baby by accepting the Alford plea but then hitting Hunter with some serious hard time, at which point FJB will say “look how they have mistreated by son” and then either pardon or commute the sentence. (DoJ is probably going along with this as well.)

    Hopefully, the judge will simply refuse to accept the Alford plea.

    PS: while lower level federal prisons / camps are nowhere near as hard as middle or high security federal prisons. none can be described as “cushy.” That’s a myth — even low security BoP facilities are still unpleasant places to be.

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