Video Tab Clearing

I’ve had several videos cluttering up my tabs, none of which I thought worthy of doing a separate post on, so I’m going to burn all of them off here. Think of it like a sampler plate at a restaurant.

  • Habitual Linecrosser lays out just how much more powerful the U.S. military is than China. It’s not remotely a fair fight…

  • From the RNC, why Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson left the Democratic Party to join the Republicans:

    “Democrats in power demonstrate they don’t care about stopping the killers or the thieves who terrorize black and brown communities. They don’t care about securing our border, and they don’t care about dangerous homeless encampments. No, the heart of today’s woke Democrat Party is with the criminals, not with their victims.”

  • From across the pond, why the Labour Party loathes the actual working class:

    As here, lefting wing activists want to talk about global warming, gay rights and illegal alien rights, while the actual working class wants to talk about boring old things like “jobs” and “crime.” “There’s a large swath of the Labour Party who feel complete and absolute contempt for white working class people in particular.”

  • It’s not just the UK: How luxury beliefs are failing all across Europe:

    “Only a few years ago, every academic under the sun was telling us that we were going to have a green surge in European politics, largely because most academics support the greens or radical left movements. So they were very support of what was happening. It was quite obvious that this was going to end in election disaster because the policies that many green parties have been bringing forward are not realistically anchored in the life experiences of ordinary voters.”


    “At the core of all of these parties is the immigration population nexus. That is what ultimately this is all about. The more immigration the better, these parties will do that.”

  • How the EU is killing Europe:

    Europe used to thrive on innovation because of different competing nation statues. Now a Mandarin Ming class has taken over and stiffed that. “Europe has failed to produce any significant innovation in the last 30 years.”

  • How a 1995 episode of Star Trek: Deep Space 9 eerily predicted the actual future of San Francisco in 2024.

  • Enjoy your sampler platter, and please tip your waitress…

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    4 Responses to “Video Tab Clearing”

    1. 10x25mm says:

      Interesting that Habitual Linecrosser mentions famine as a tool of war. He does not appear cognizant of the Biden-Harris Administration’s greatest achievement: the creation of American agricultural products trade deficits.

      Biden-Harris Administration policies have created a U.S. agricultural trade deficit that will explode to $ 42.5 billion in 2025, according to new estimates from the USDA’s Economic Research Service:

      “Outlook for U.S. Agricultural Trade: August 2024
      U.S. Agricultural Exports in Fiscal Year 2025 Forecast at $169.5 Billion; Imports at $212.0 Billion”
      by the USDA Economic Research Service and Foreign Agricultural Service

      Once again, search on the title of this just released USDA publication in quotation marks, because hyperlinks kill posts here.

      The Chinese are not the only country stalked by famine.

    2. Kirk says:

      Much as I disagree with 10X25mm on a lot of issues, I fear I have to endorse what he’s saying here. The idjit class in Washington DC, along with the usual globalist suspects like Bill Gates, have been steadily destroying US agricultural productivity surreptitiously since they’ve been in power.

      Note the water rights issues in Idaho and California; they’re bankrupting productive farmers, deliberately. And, for what? Bullshit “environmental” concerns that are going to lead to mass starvation.

      It’s the same all over the world; note what the Dutch have been doing at the behest of those ohsoverysmart bureaucrats in Brussels, and how the entire “climate change” fraud has been co-opted by the globalists to further their interests.

      Whole thing is going to end badly, either way it goes. If they succeed, the globalists are going to wake up in charge of a drastically reduced working population, and discover that once that process starts, the depopulation is hard to stop. How’re you going to encourage the young to breed, when they’re being taxed to death in order to support the bullshit super-state you’ve imposed on them? You look at the various fertility rates around the world, and you ought to really start worrying about what it’s all going to be looking like, in a few short generations. My guess is that by about 2080, you’re going to see something like “birth mandates” put in place, to where a young woman has to have kids before she has civil rights. There’s going to be a total reversion on all this “genderfluid” crap, because if there isn’t, then even a tiny fraction of the population cannot be allowed to exist where they don’t have kids.

      The elites are about to learn an ugly lesson, over these next decades. You can’t lord over people who don’t exist, and by not ensuring that the general population is able to thrive, they’re hollowing out their own ability to survive and thrive as elites. The next century is going to look a lot like Europe after the Black Death, as all the “little people” discover that the absence of all the numbers they had increases their individual power and economic impact immeasurably. That’s a part of the reason that the elites are encouraging all the illegal migration… They want cheap labor. Problem is, what happens when the migrants run out, and they discover that substituting a MENA-migrant Muslim for an ethnic German doesn’t work out very well…?

      The “global elite” is in for a rather unpleasant comeuppance. It’d be amusing to watch, if I didn’t live here as well…

    3. John says:

      The guy talking about USA vs China has no idea what he is talking about when he is talking about the Navy and also when he discusses munitions acquisition.

    4. jabrwok says:

      “Democrats in power demonstrate they don’t care about stopping the killers or the thieves who terrorize black and brown communities.”

      I wonder what his response would’ve been to killers and thieves who terrorize White communities…

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