Comedian Drew Dunn On The Trump Assassination Attempt

Although this Drew Dunn video on the Trump assassination attempt isn’t the pure fire of Andrew Schulz’s bit on it, it’s still funny enough to post here.

  • “All the conspiracy theories come out around it, too. I don’t know what to believe. I do know is that if our government tried to do an assassination attempt, that’s kind of how it would look. It was very inefficient. That was the DMV of assassination attempts. That was not good. They had a very small budget.”
  • “You could tell they they wanted to do it with a grassy knoll at a parade like they were used. ‘We can’t swing, that we’ve got to do a tin roof at a town fair, that’s all we’ve got.'”
  • “‘Can’t get any ex-military people to take the shot. Let’s get the kid who came in last place on his marksman team.'”
  • “Dude, that was just one big government block of cheese.”
  • “I was hoping Trump was going to come out the same day, you’re still bleeding to do the press conference. ‘They tried to shoot me, they were too slow and I’m too fast. I dodged the bullet. I saw it coming from so far away, it was like the Matrix, it was all in slow motion. Call me Neo, I’m the chosen one.'”
  • “‘They say he was a republican, the shooter, but I’ll tell you right, now he shoots like a liberal. Not straight, so not straight.'”
  • “‘They said it was a fake bullet, that’s what they said. It was a real bullet. We found the bullets. Turns out the bullets, they were made in China, that’s where they were made. They were little teeny tiny Chinese bullets, so small, so tiny.'”
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    5 Responses to “Comedian Drew Dunn On The Trump Assassination Attempt”

    1. Frognot says:

      Pretty good. My mother-in-law truly believes it was a setup and faked, all to make Trump look good.

    2. Kirk says:

      The ‘effing problem with today’s information environment is that your mother-in-law could be completely correct… And, still wrong.

      You have to admit that if Trump set that assassination attempt up as a “false flag”, then that shows that the sumbitch has balls as big as basketballs, because to stand there and allow someone to shoot a rifle at you, relying on their good grace to do as told and miss…?

      From my perspective, that’s almost as much a reason to vote for the bastard as the assassination was. Proves he’s got the big brass ones to do the job, even if he’s a crooked mofo…

      I still haven’t made my mind up about Trump. I’m still gonna vote for his ass, because “not Kamala/Walz”, but I have niggling doubts about the whole 2016 election and his totally naive and unprepared assumption of office. You could present me with evidence today that he’d started out as a joke candidate that the Democrats manipulated into office by accident, and I’d believe it. You could easily persuade me that he was in on the joke, and didn’t expect to win…

      As I’ve said many times, history is gonna have to be the final judge of the man. I’m not going to try, even now… But, as the “best of worst”, I am voting for him. And, encouraging others to do so.

      Just the same, he could rip off the mask to reveal an orange lizard-person at the Inauguration, and I’d be sitting here watching it all unfold, entirely unsurprised. I’ve passed the point of “shockn’awe”, and am simply amusedly resigned to whatever the idiot electorate of this country gets itself up to.

    3. Malthus says:

      “Just the same, he could rip off the mask to reveal an orange lizard-person at the Inauguration, and I’d be sitting here watching it all unfold, entirely unsurprised.”

      I would find this to be a distressing development because my scheme to inaugurate a New Imperial Empire relied on Trump being an agent of the green lizard-people.

    4. Kirk says:

      I’m entirely unaware of the factional differences between the various flavors of lizard-people, but I feel like it’s more likely that Trump is of the orangish persuasion, giving the coloration of his crest.

      The whole world has been spinning out of rational comprehension since about 1989. If you’d have told me that the Soviets would quietly fold their tents and “go away” at any point prior to that actually happening, I’d have called you nuts. I expected the dying empire to go out with a rather large bang, and I’ve been bemused by our continual avoidance of said bang ever since. Personally, I fully expected to be dead due to some idiotic quasi-imperial struggle devolving into nukes sometime before I turned 35, so all this since then sort of strikes me as “bonus lifespan”. Although, TBH, the weirdness factor of everything that’s gone on since 1989 really disturbs me. Imagine being a time-traveler sent back to, oh, say… 1985-86. You’ve got a full briefing prepared for the US government and NATO on what all is going to happen over the next forty years, and you try giving it to the “responsible authorities”.

      It’d be my guess that you’d be inside a rubber room under heavy medication before you even got halfway through the presentation. And, that you’d never get out… There is no way, from the perspective of those years, that anyone would lend a true telling of “what was to come” any credence whatsoever. You could show up with dozens of corroborating evidentiary details to support the veracity of your claims, but… There is no way anyone would be able to take you seriously.

      Good God… Just telling them the reaction to COVID would leave anyone who remembered the Hong Kong Flu epidemic or the Swine Flu debacle completely certain that you’d lost your damn mind, if you thought they’d believe you.

    5. […] to Jamaica, and Communist organization in U.S. sends 800 tons of flour to Cuba BattleSwarm: Comedian Drew Dunn On The Trump Assassination Attempt, Video Tab Clearing, You’re Gonna Burn, and Another Texas Win Against Transsexual Mandates Behind […]

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