MSNBC Deceptively Edits Joe Rogan. Lawsuit?

Evidently MSNBC saw CNN being sued for being worthless partisan shills, and went “Hey, we can do that too!”

In this case, they deceptively edited a Joe Rogan segment critical of Kamala Harris that went on to praise Tulsi Gabbard to make it appear that Rogan was praising Harris.

Just watch the first three minutes of this:

  • It’s extremely blatant. (And they evidently took the video down.)
  • Tulsi Gabbard:

    Not only does Joe Rogan deserve an apology, there’s actually something far bigger at stake here. This is yet another example of how MSNBC is working hand-in-glove with the Democrat elite and the Kamala Harris campaign uh to try to spread lies, simply things that are not true. What this means is MSNBC is a for-profit corporation, they are helping Kamala Harris’ election campaign, and what they are doing through their platform would qualify as an in-kind contribution to her campaign. It’s worth a lot of money. The fact that they are doing this should require the Federal Election Commission, that manages campaign spending and campaign finance, require them to report this as an in-kind campaign contribution, or to be punished for abusing their position in trying to use their platform, that has nothing to do with journalism it is purely a propaganda platform, and that they are using this in order to try to help Kamala Harris get elected.

  • The clip brings up that this is not the first time the MSM has lied about Rogan for propaganda purposes, bringing up the “horse dewormer” lie over taking Ivermectin to fight his bout of Flu Manchu. “I can afford people medicine, motherfucker.”
  • Given MSNBC’s blatantly false editing, Rogan is reportedly suing MSNBC for $30 million. I say “reportedly” because stories about the lawsuit with that $30 million amount have popped up all over the Internet, but I have yet to find a primary source or real court documents stating that. Let it never be said that I have the callous disregard for truth shown by the likes of CNN and MSNBC.

    Given how obviously blatant and deceptive the video editing was, you wonder why they even tried it in the first place. But given the outlandish, over-the-top lovefest the MSM has thrown to gaslight the American public into thinking that unpopular, perpetual mediocrity Harris is somehow smart, accomplished and popular despite all evidence to the contrary, I wonder if all MSNBC staffers are under specific orders to produce segments that make Harris look good by any means necessary.

    I would say the MSM will do everything it can to drag Cackles McSidepiece across the finish line, even if it means destroying what’s left of their own credibility, but I don’t see any left to destroy…

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    6 Responses to “MSNBC Deceptively Edits Joe Rogan. Lawsuit?”

    1. […] and Residents of Santiago de Cuba are burning uncollected trash on their streets BattleSwarm: MSNBC Deceptively Edits Joe Rogan – Lawsuit Coming? Behind The Black: SpaceX announces another commerical passenger flight on a Dragon capsule, […]

    2. Sailorcurt says:

      In their defense, their “in-kind contribution” to Cackles’ campaign really isn’t worth much…no one watches them anyway and the ones who do are true believers anyway; their opinion isn’t going to be swayed by the truth.

      They can use that same reasoning in the lawsuit. Joe Rogan didn’t suffer any damages because no one watches their network or believes anything they say anyway.

    3. … no one watches them anyway and the ones who do are true believers anyway; their opinion isn’t going to be swayed by the truth.

      Ah yes, the “Madame Secretary” defense.

    4. […] THEM PAY: MSNBC Deceptively Edits Joe Rogan. Lawsuit? “Given how obviously blatant and deceptive the video editing was, you wonder why they even […]

    5. Ralph Gizzip says:

      “Cackles McSidepiece”
      I am so using that from now on.

    6. Billygoat says:

      MSNBC appears to have posted this as am Instagram reel. So it went way beyond their tiny viewership.

      Plus, even if Joe Rogan only had a viewership of 200 — and it’s actually more in the millions — it would be indeed damaging to his authenticity, as it was using his fame to blatantly misrepresent his views to falsely indicate a support for Harris that he did not hold.

      Damages plus punishment as a deterrent for repeat acts by MSNBC and others!

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