Has Marvel Purged The Woke?

On Critical Drinker’s Open Bar, Chris Gore of Film Threat dropped some big news: Marvel Studio has laid off all their woke producers.

  • Chris Gore: “I do know people who work at Marvel. They have cleaned house. They quietly, months ago, fired all the producers that would could be labeled ‘activist.'”
  • CG: “Unlike Lucasfilm, that is. Lucasfilm is lost. They’re lost, that’s it. They are doubling down on all the nonsense. You will never get anything good out of out of Lucasfilm and Star Wars.” So expect more lesbian space witches.
  • CG: “Kevin Feige recognizes it. [He] said that we tried it, it didn’t work. He’s talking about [MCU] Phase Four. That’s it. We tried it, it didn’t work.”
  • CG: “If Deadpool and Wolverine proves anything. You’ve heard that phrase ‘male and pale is stale?’ That was that was spoken aloud across studios. But if you look at box office this year, I would say male and pale is money.”
  • Critical Drinker: “It seems that Marvel are getting a bit tired of losing billions of dollars and turning their own fans against them by trying to inject ‘The Message’ into what used to be crowd-pleasing general purpose entertainment and are quietly changing course and the first step down that path is to clean house behind the scenes, getting rid of the activists and the idiots that have derailed so many projects since [Avengers] Endgame. I mean it only took them like five years to to recognize a problem that people like me have been pointing out since 2019. But hey, better late than never.”
  • This is all good and welcome news. However, because I want it to be true, I would like a source other than Gore to confirm that it’s actually happened. Like the names of those handed pink slips and confirmation via Twitter or Linked-In.

    Also, even if it proves to be true, the rest of Disney shows no signs of purging the woke. Disney may have settled its lawsuit against Florida governor Ron DeSantis, but there’s no indication that those who decided Disney needed to take point on turning kids trans have been demoted or let go. Disney employees still donate overwhelmingly to Democrats.

    I’m still going to refrain from buying tickets to any Disney studio movie (including Marvel, Lucasfilm, Pixar, etc.) until until I see more conclusive evidence that Disney has actually abandoned its woke agenda.

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    7 Responses to “Has Marvel Purged The Woke?”

    1. Andy Markcyst says:

      I will only believe it when I see it, and even then I am among the permanently “lost customers”. These idiots make multi-million dollar salaries to make poor decisions some toddlers could recognize.

      They do not deserve your money, and giving them more only establishes one boundary while they will quickly find others they can break. They’ve treated their customers like a battered housewife who will forgive them after they’ve been beating and insulting her for over a decade now. Would you really forgive such appallingly gross racial and cultural assaults directed at you and your family?

      I don’t know about others, but I don’t forgive my enemies until they’ve asked for forgiveness. An about face of secretly, maybe, trying to return things just to the way they were is totally insufficient to win my dollars back. I demand an apology and an admission of guilt.

      I’d rather spend that money on preparing my family for what’s coming, a something that these frauds helped create and nurture. Eff’em.

    2. Leland says:

      I concur with your interpretation, although not sure why so hard on Chris Gore. He doesn’t seem as bas as “Doomcock”, who had it on good authority that KK would be out last year if Indiana Jones failed, as it did to Angel Studios’ “Sound of Freedom”. But then Doomcock is perhaps setting a low bar.

      I like Ryan Reynolds’ humor. It works for me, regardless of who he is and his political opinions, I can enjoy his jokes and pacing (whatever it poorly says about me). I will eventually watch Deadpool and Wolverine. Still, I’m not ready to fork over the dough to see it in a theater, nor pay premium price as soon as it is available at home. I’ll have to give Disney some money, but I’ll pay a lower price. The negative is avoid spoilers until then.

      As for the latest Deadpool saving Marvel; I don’t see it. They followed canon pretty well for the first few phases, and when they wanted to do something new, they found the comics that themselves altered the canon. Maybe Phase 4 did it, but there is so much wrong in the story telling of the latest Dr. Strange, AntMan, and Ms Marvel that I can’t believe the comics were as incoherent. Maybe the absence of Stan Lee is allowing things to become unmoored. Deadpool and Wolverine didn’t fix that as it is still its own thing while expanding on the silliness of the Loki multi-verse. I don’t know if Feige can rein that in.

      I’m done with Star Wars. I was the perfect age to grow up with it. Saying I saw the original in theaters isn’t quite right, because back then where else would you see it. But I missed its opening by months. I saw Empire opening weekend. I read through many of the “legend” books through the Dark Horse Comics era, and I thought many of those could be interesting movies, or even some of the games of the era turned into a movie. All that is gone and can’t be made now. It is like an ex-girlfriend. You can recall the great times you had, but neither of you are the same person now and can’t go back to those times, so you move on. You don’t have to be ugly, though you might, but the true love is gone except the love of the memories. Except Star Wars, she got really fat, colored her hair purple, and has a strange attraction to underage boys with feminine traits or underage tomboy girls.

    3. Lawrence Person says:

      It’s not that I’m down on Chris Gore, it’s that I always try to be cautious when the source of news is one person relaying second-hand information.

    4. Leland says:

      Fair enough. Primarily, I was wondering if there was something about Gore that made him untrustworthy. When I occasionally watched him, I like what Gore had to say. Recently, I watched a bit more of Gore, and I thought he was being a bit hyperbolic in his commentary while not being as fun in doing so as say Drinker.

    5. Tig If Brue says:

      I don’t think it matters either/or, the brand damage is done. There’s going to have to be a whole different ‘universe’ of content creators/creative types in entertainment period if people want to return to the way things were, and that’s just impossible.

      For a solid cohort of old and young Americans, hollyweird is finished.

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    7. […] are reports that Marvel Studios (a division of Disney) has actually purged woke producers from its ranks, but that Lucasfilms (another division of Disney) has retained head Kathleen Kennedy, whose woke […]

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