Reminder: Kamala Harris Is Just The Worst

Now that most prominent Democrats have dutifully lined up behind Kamala Harris as their 2024 presidential candidate, let’s have a roundup that confirms what regular blog readers already know: Kamala Harris is just the worst.

  • We should all rejoice that Democrats are stuck with Harris, as she’s the next best thing to running against Biden’s ambulatory corpse.

    Short of Joe Biden staying in the race while exemplifying the energy and lucidity of an empty bag of Lay’s Sour Cream and Onion potato chips on the floor of a basement frat party, “passing the torch” to Kamala Harris is the best thing Republicans could have wished for — and simply “the next worst thing” for Democrats who, in their hail mary hour, reached into their quiver and pulled out the political equivalent of a Fran Drescher laugh track on repeat.

    The entire party all of a sudden throwing their endorsement behind a woman who polled worse than a quart of cottage cheese that was left to sit in the sun for six months during the 2020 primary exemplifies the point I made a month or two ago when I argued that politicians have a talent for making the worst possible decisions.

    Not only did Tulsi Gabbard publicly humiliate Kamala Harris on the debate stage during the 2020 primaries, but both polling and the results of Harris’ campaign forced us to one conclusion: most Americans find Harris detestable. And, in 2024, there doesn’t seem to be any indication that this attitude has changed.

    I can’t describe the pleasure I get from watching the stupid decisions the Democratic party makes—namely, selecting Kamala Harris based on her gender and race to be Vice President of the f*cking United States —come back to bite them in the ass.

    The fact is that if Harris was not vice president, she would never be next in line to be the Democratic nominee. She was picked to be vice president only because Joe Biden made his selection based on race and gender hustling, completely ignoring the fact that nobody seemed to like Harris and she doesn’t appear to have the brain torque necessary for the job.

    By circumventing an actual legitimate selection process for Vice President, which should always boil down to a meritocracy as one of the most important positions in the world, Democrats planted a political seed in a pile of horse manure that has now blossomed into poisonous, cackling political fungus. And by moving Kamala Harris into position to be the next Presidential nominee, the party is officially taking the first bite of the fungi they began growing on the dung heap four years ago.

    Beyond identity politics coming back to bite Democrats, the Harris pick makes no obvious sense because she is easily tethered and tied to the horrific last four years President Biden had in office. We are voting to “continue to be burdened by what was”, to use the parlance of Kamala’s time.

  • VP Kamala Harris Had 92% Staff Turnover During Her First Three Years.

    Under Kamala Harris, the Office of the Vice President has been called a “revolving door,” a “staff exodus” of key aides “heading for the exits.”

    That’s not hyperbole from the national media. Our auditors at OpenTheBooks quantified an extraordinarily high 91.5-percent staff turnover rate. We used U.S. Senate disclosures to conduct our investigation and those databases can be downloaded below.

    Elected in November 2020, Harris took the oath of office in January 2021. As of March 31, 2024, only four of the initial 47 staffers from the first year are still employed – consistently and without interruption – by the Vice President.

    Furthermore, the turnover chaos isn’t getting better. In the trailing 12-month period, 24 staffers left — that’s almost half the employees.

    The “top-to-bottom dysfunction” that The Atlantic referenced in October 2023 is shown in the reported payrolls that we captured.

    “In her first year and a half as vice president, Harris saw the departure of her chief of staff, communications director, domestic-policy adviser, national security adviser, and other aides,” the magazine wrote.

    If only that was all who left.

    The semi-annual Report of the Secretary of the Senate, among other things, lists the names, titles and salaries of staff in the Office of the Vice President (OVP).

    In the most recent publishing through March 31, only four staff from the original 47 listed in the 2021 report remained consistently employed and are among the office’s 50 current staff members.

    The Kamala Harris Fabulous Four – here are the names, titles, employment date, and salaries of the four employees most loyal to Kamala Harris:

    • Yael S. Belkind has been assistant to the chief of staff since Jan. 20, 2021, earning $85,924;
    • Nasrina Bargzie was associate counsel since Feb. 10, 2021, now is deputy council, taking home $118,066.
    • Oludayo O. Faderin was associate director from July 2021, then became deputy director of west wing operations, making $85,924.
    • Olivia K. Hartman was hired in August 2021 as advance coordinator and became deputy director of scheduling, making $94,750.
  • Remember how everyone was saying that only Harris could use money raised for Biden? Trump’s lawyers say “Not so fast!

    Former President Donald Trump’s lawyers on Tuesday filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission arguing that Vice President Kamala Harris cannot legally gain control of nearly $100 million donated to President Joe Biden by changing the name of his campaign committee.

    “This is little more than a thinly veiled $91.5 million excessive contribution from one presidential candidate to another, that is, from Joe Biden’s old campaign to Kamala Harris’s new campaign,” Trump general counsel David A. Warrington wrote in a complaint obtained by The Daily Wire. “Contributions by federal candidate committees to other federal candidates are limited to $2,000.”

    “Kamala Harris is in the process of committing the largest campaign finance violation in American history and she is using the Commission’s own forms to do it,” the complaint alleges.

    Candidates for office must create a campaign committee which includes their name, and file a statement of candidacy designating that committee as their fundraising vehicle. Harris did neither. Instead, on Sunday, the campaign treasurer “amended” Biden’s statement of candidacy to swap his name with Kamala’s, and pointed to Harris for President as her committee, using the same ID as the Biden for President committee. It also filed amended paperwork changing the name of that committee.

    “There is no provision in federal campaign finance law for Kamala Harris to take over Joe Biden’s candidacy now by quite literally attempting to become him via an amendment… and making off with all of his cash,” Trump’s lawyers say. “Ms. Harris’ actions constitute a massive excessive contribution from Biden for President to Ms. Harris.”

    With few exceptions, a campaign committee can only be linked to one candidate. Harris’s name has appeared on the Biden committee’s forms since 2020, but Trump’s lawyers argue that does not entitle her to the funds. Had Harris dropped off the ticket to challenge Biden for the presidential nomination, they note, she would not have been able to claim half of the campaign’s war chest.

    “If the Commission were to deem Joe Biden to have ended his candidacy before transferring his campaign funds to Kamala Harris, then this only creates another violation. Federal candidates are prohibited from keeping contributions for elections in which they do not participate,” the complaint said.

    Trump’s lawyers accuse Harris and committee treasurer Keana Spencer, who is in charge of submitting forms to the FEC, of committing “an attempted fraud on the Commission and should be referred to the Department of Justice for investigation and prosecution” as “a conspiracy to obstruct the lawful functions of the United States.”

  • “Democrats’ enjoyment of the Kamala Harris campaign’s ‘new car smell’ may prove short-lived, as a brand new poll shows the vice president trailing former President Trump by a whopping 11 points among likely voters — matching up even worse than President Biden, who trailed by 10.”
  • A thread covering some of Kamala’s greatest hits. Like this:

  • You know who else doesn’t trust Kamala Harris? Democrats.

    This is going to sound immodest,” Kamala Harris told an interviewer in the summer of 2019, “but I’m obviously a top-tier candidate.” That, she said, was why she drew so much fire from her fellow Democratic presidential candidates. But her face-saving appeal did not explain why she wilted in the face of those attacks, made a hash of her campaign, and ultimately dropped out of the race before a single primary vote was cast. Harris’s aborted presidential campaign clarified for Democrats what Republicans already knew — that the former California senator cannot live up to the standards her image-makers set for her. Contrary to the story Democrats are about to try to sell to the public, Harris’s party has never regained confidence in her abilities.

    The trouble signs were apparent early in the vice president’s tenure. Just six months after she was sworn in, sources in Harris’s orbit began telling anyone willing to listen that her office was “not a healthy environment.” She was accused of refusing to read her briefing materials only to turn around and “berate employees” whom she accused of being responsible for her embarrassing unpreparedness. By the summer of 2022, 13 senior Harris staffers had left for greener pastures.

    The chaos unfolding behind closed doors reinforced the impression she cultivated in public as a maladroit executive. The revolt of the staffers coincided with a one-on-one interview with NBC News reporter Lester Holt, in which Harris defended her failure to visit the rapidly deteriorating Southern border by laughing awkwardly while insisting she hadn’t “been to Europe” either. “I don’t understand the point you’re making,” Harris insisted. No one else appeared similarly perplexed.

    As New York Times reporter Astead Herndon later detailed, Harris and her allies were so demoralized by the vice president’s faceplant that she withdrew from the public spotlight. “Over the following year, Harris traveled less often,” he reported, “and she mostly avoided further media interviews, preferring friendly settings like The View and a show on Comedy Central hosted by Charlamagne tha God.”

    “Whatever happened to Kamala Harris?” Los Angeles Times columnist Mark Barabak asked in late 2021. Barabak attributed Harris’s disappearing act to the demands of the vice presidency and the Biden team’s allergy to the “merest hint of personal ambition” shown by the president’s subordinates. But as CNN reported at the time, Harris was being managed by the White House in ways her supporters bitterly resented.

    “Many in the vice president’s circle fume[d]” over the degree to which Harris was “being sidelined,” the dispatch revealed. “The vice president herself has told several confidants she feels constrained in what she’s able to do politically.” Indeed, Harris was “perceived to be in such a weak position” that Democrats had begun to wonder aloud why the White House would allow the vice president to “become so hobbled in the public conscious” — the assumption being that this was done to Harris rather than something she did to herself.

    After spending the first two years of the Biden administration waiting without reward for the competent campaigner Democrats had been promised to emerge, Harris’s allies began to show their impatience. The “painful reality” of Harris’s vice presidency, Times reporters wrote in early February 2023 after speaking to “dozens of Democrats,” was that “she had not risen to the challenge of proving herself as a future leader of the party, much less the country.” These sentiments were not confined to Harris’s embittered rivals within her own party: “Even some Democrats whom her own advisers referred reporters to for supportive quotes confided privately that they had lost hope in her.”

    Democratic leaders soon moved on Harris in a scaled-down version of the very putsch that finally rid them of Joe Biden. In January 2023, Senator Elizabeth Warren was asked if Biden should keep Harris on the ticket in 2024. “I really want to defer to what makes Biden comfortable on his team,” Warren replied. The remark was described as “pretty insulting” by Harris’s staff, and Warren made multiple efforts to apologize to the vice president for her flippancy. But if Warren’s remarks betrayed her doubts about Harris’s political acumen, those doubts weren’t hers alone.

    In September of that year, CNN anchor Anderson Cooper pressed former House speaker Nancy Pelosi for her thoughts on Harris’s potential. “Is Vice President Kamala Harris the best running mate” for Biden, Cooper asked. “He thinks so,” Pelosi replied curtly. In turn, influential House Democrat Jamie Raskin was asked the same question, and he, too, attempted an evasive maneuver. “That’s President Biden’s choice,” Raskin finally said when pressured for a definitive answer. “Raskin, after receiving backlash, later went on a different network to clarify his support,” Herndon noted.

    Today, for want of any realistic alternatives, Democrats are stuck with Harris at the top of the party’s ticket in November. But for all the party’s public displays of bravado, Democrats appear to understand that the vice president needs to operate in a rigidly structured environment . . . or else. “Harris has been cautious and reluctant to participate in events that weren’t tightly controlled,” Axios reported on Monday. For example, when Harris was invited to attend a 2022 dinner at the house owned by the former owner of the Atlantic, David Bradley, Harris was so beset with anxiety that “her staff held a mock dinner beforehand,” with her staffers “playing participants.” The preparation must have proven insufficient because, in the end, Harris declined to attend.

    Say what you want about Trump, but he’s never been afraid to attend a dinner party.

  • Don’t forget that Harris had a huge roll in the wave of crime now engulfing California.

    As attorney general, it was her job to give propositions appearing on the ballot accurate titles and explanatory summaries. In order to fool the voters into passing Proposition 47 — decriminalizing crime — and Proposition 57 — allowing the release of thousands of violent criminals — Harris intentionally lied to the voters about what these laws would do.

    Proposition 47 basically turned every crime into a “misdemeanor.” Grand theft, commercial burglary and possession of illegal narcotics — all misdemeanors.

    Theft of anything worth less than $950 — even theft of a gun — became a misdemeanor, no more consequential than a waiter giving a straw to someone who didn’t ask for one. As Californians have since learned, that $950 cap does not include the tens of thousands of dollars required to repair smashed car windows, store fronts or display cases.

    As a result, smash-and-grab robberies have become the new sport in the Golden State, leaving entire inner-city neighborhoods without a pharmacy. The police don’t even respond to thefts of less than $950. Retail stores have to keep their entire inventory under lock and key, including ordinary items, like shampoo and toothpaste — and those are the ones that aren’t closing permanently. San Francisco’s landmark Union Square shopping district is now plastered with “For Lease” and “Going Out of Business” signs. Roughly 50% of all videos on the internet are clips of California “teens” dashing out of upscale stores with armloads of stolen goods — Gucci, Prada, Burberry, Luis Vuitton.

    Last year, Los Angeles, Oakland and San Francisco topped the list of the U.S. cities with the most retail theft, according to the National Retail Federation. A fourth California city, Sacramento, came in at No. 7. These days, when a customer tries to actually pay for something, the cashier calls the manager.

    The shoplifting is so pervasive that, earlier this year, a Target shoplifter strolled out of the store right past Gov. Gavin Newsom. During a CNN report on the rash of thefts in San Francisco, three shoplifters hit the CVS as they were filming.

    Also good for business: Tourists are warned not to rent cars, because they’ll only be broken into. Drug addicts clog the sidewalks, writhing in their own needles and fecal matter.

    (Hat tip: Director Blue.)

  • A greatest hits package of her willing to endorse every bit of leftwing idiocy to come down the pike, including defunding the police:

  • And a greatest hits compilations of some of her most cringe-worthy speaking moments:

  • Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is also not a fan:

  • As California attorney general, she refused to reduce prison populations by releasing non-violent offenders, despite a court order.
  • She’s lazy and not very bright:

    (Hat tip: Ed Driscoll at Instapundit.)

  • Let’s also not forget that she’s a liar, even about trivial crap:

  • You know how Democrats crowed about that one poll that showed Harris was leading Trump? Yeah, they oversampled Democrats, just as you would expect. Always check the crosstabs…
  • It sounds like the Democratic Media Complex (including Axios, GovTrack and Wikipedia) are trying to whitewash Harris’ record even as we speak. (Hat tip: Ed Driscoll at Instapundit.)
  • MSNBC did a focus group of Wisconsin women and, boy, did it not go well for her.

    “How do you perceive Vice President Harris compared to President Biden in terms of competency and experience?” Jordan asked.

    One woman said she believes Harris is “worse” while another said, “She doesn’t even know what’s going on at the border. That’s what she was supposed to be doing.”

    Jordan asked when the group believes the United States will have its first woman president.

    “When there’s a competent one,” a different voter said.

    Another voter said, “I don’t get a good feel for her” while a voter named Mary said, “I think she’s an idiot.”

    Jordan asked Mary why she feels this way about Harris.

    “Because she hasn’t done anything in the time that she’s had. We don’t know anything about her as far as her three years so far in the White House. She’s not real smart.”

  • I can’t find a full video of that, just this snippet:

    Either MSNBC or YouTube (or probably both) sure doesn’t want you to find that interview…

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    13 Responses to “Reminder: Kamala Harris Is Just The Worst”

    1. Andy Markcyst says:

      An absolute trash human. Everything you can expect from DNC leadership principles and careerism. The perfect deep state airhead.

    2. Jane says:

      I for one am overjoyed at this nomination. I hope the Democrats will continue down this path for the next 20 years and insure that all their senate and congressional candidates meet the same standards that this woman meets.

    3. Kirk says:

      Don’t be surprised if the “margin of fraud” allows Kamala to “win” the election.

      The Democrats have been allowed to become far too good at this manipulation of our system. Their corruption should have been shut down starting at the beginning of it all, back during the 1960s and 70s. Instead, the Republicans actively colluded with them in order to keep their little co-dependent graft game going… We haven’t had an actual effective opposition party in this country since, well… The pre-Civil War era. Even that wasn’t that good an opposition, because if it had been, the corruption displayed by the Democrats back then should have resulted in mass executions and the utter destruction of the Democratic Party. Instead, the weak-ass collusionist Republicans just “worked across the aisle” in order to get rich and allow the Democrats to do whatever the hell they wanted.

      To our collective detriment, I might add. Had the Democrats been utterly destroyed the way they should have, none of the horrors of the reconstruction era would have happened, the civil rights abuses of Jim Crow wouldn’t have gone on, and the KKK would never have come into existence for its second life. Woodrow Wilson would have ended his life as he should have, likely in a Federal detention center, instead of corrupting our institutions the way he did.

      I blame them all, the Democrats and the Republicans both. The excesses of the Democratic Party could never have occurred absent the active collusion of their supposed “opposition” in the Republican Party, who’ve mostly been “go along to get along” types since slightly after the Civil War. The one that was largely the result of Democrat intransigence about the criminal activity they supported in the Southern states, that of chattel human slavery. What we should have done, with everyone who participated and benefited from that criminal conspiracy against humanity, was the exact same thing we should have done with every single member of the Nazi Party: Run their asses through the exact same system they created. That would have meant a generation or two of chattel slavery in the case of Southern slave owners, and running the Nazis through their own death camps.

      All of which should have happened in the immediate aftermath of the events, to the actual participants. As opposed to today’s concept, which is “Punish the descendants who had nothing to do with the original crimes…”

    4. Northern Redneck says:

      “Kamala Harris Is Just the Worst”

      Of course she is. It’s built into her name.

      As per a pointer a few days ago, anyone gone and looked up what “kamala” means in Finnish?

    5. Malthus says:

      The best way forward is to pass the torch…Joseph Robinette Biden

      There is much “pass the torch” talk among Democrats these days. Are they preparing to Burn Loot and Murder anew?

      The Greek “lampadephoria” (torch race) was a religious ceremony honoring Prometheus, who stole fire from the gods. This was considered to be an act of impiety that would be punished by Zeus but was celebrated by mere mortals. The torch races continued for approximately one millennia until banned in Christian Europe because of the pagan association.

      Fast forward to the modern Olympics, The Olympic Torch Relay’s Surprising Nazi Origins:

      “At a solemn ceremony in Olympia, Greece, on July 20, 1936, the searing rays of the midday sun, concentrated by a parabolic mirror, kindled the Olympic flame. Enveloped by ancient ruins and a dozen women dressed in white tunics, shirtless Greek runner Konstantinos Kondylis dipped a torch into a burning cauldron, held the fire aloft in his right hand and jogged the first steps of what would be an epic 12-day overland relay to Berlin, host city of the 1936 Summer Games.

      “While the pageantry appeared to reprise a sacred ancient Greek tradition, the Olympic torch relay was actually a piece of modern political theater carefully scripted and paid for entirely by Nazi Germany.”

      It’s intriguing how Biden’s term in office features so many NAZI themes, as witness the Philadelphia speech, where the podium was illuminated with lurid red lights.

      Some foul creature lies aborning in the Democrat womb.

    6. 10x25mm says:

      Dementia Joe appointed Vice President Kamala Harris to lead the first-ever White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention, which end runs the U.S. Congress with unconstitutional Executive Orders.

      Her track record on the Second Amendment is even worse than Dementia Joe’s. Fortunately for gun owners, she is even dumber and lazier than Dementia Joe.

    7. Hairless Joe says:

      “Whatever happened to Kamala Harris?” asks Los Angeles Times columnist Mark Barabak. The answer is clear: She was born that way.

    8. Kirk says:

      Kamala Harris is the epitome of DEI, in every sense of the term. Didn’t earn it (except on her knees, with some apparently really good fellatio), and is diverse in the sense that she’s not actually African-American: She’s Jamaican, descended from slave owners of both white and black persuasion, and Indian of fairly high caste. Not too sure how that went over, but the result is here before us, an embarrassment to all concerned. If she winds up as President, we’re cooked.

    9. Buzzy Krumhunger says:

      Considering this soon-to-be sixty year old’s embrace of some weird hip hop term “brat”, shouldn’t the headline read Kamala Harris Is Just The Wurst?

    10. Malthus says:

      “[S]houldn’t the headline read Kamala Harris Is Just The Wurst?” ISWYDT

    11. […] for creating it, and Violent pro-Hamas anti-Semitic protestors fly Cuban flag in D.C. BattleSwarm: Reminder That Kamala Harris Is Just The Worst, also, LinkSwarm For July 26 Behind The Black: Hungary/Axiom finalize deal to fly a passenger on […]

    12. Roger Bournival says:

      I want to hear Trump challenge her to a debate – “I’d love to debate her; I hear she has great oral skills” and watch the lefty press blow gaskets and whole engine blocks.

    13. Greg the Class Traitor says:

      Some thoughts:
      1: I would love to see the Dems boot Harris to the side and replace her with a “white” candidate. Because I expect that would reverse all that LBJ accomplished in pulling black voters to the Democrat Party. And Dems can’t win in the EC without continuing their significant over-performance with “black voters”
      2: Trump sat on his ass and let the Dems steal the 2020 election. But the Dems have made it clear this year that either Trump wins, or they will bankrupt him and throw him in jail for the rest of his life
      3: The response to Jan 6 shows Republican protesters that there’s absolutely no point to showing up unarmed
      4: So if the Dems try to play the games in 2024 that they played in 2020, like kicking out GOP observers, or forcing them to stay where they can’t see what is going on, there will be violence. Trump has NO reason to not call out Dem game playing
      1% of Trump voters deciding that they’re upset at Dems “stealing the election” is 700k armed people looking to “stop the steal”, with Trump egging them on.

      To conclude: the Democrats had better hope that they aren’t successful at stealing this election

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