Grant For Social Justice Org For Illegal Aliens = Widespread Child Sex Abuse

In addition to setting the stage for amnesty to create more Democratic Party voters, the Biden Administration’s aiding and abetting an illegal alien invasion of the southern border has allowed leftwing social justice organizations to rake in billions of dollars in federal subsidies to house, feed, etc. those same hordes of illegal aliens.

One organization that took federal money was Austin-based Southwest Key, an organization that claims to be on the frontier of social justice, and now they’re accused of allowing wildspread child sex abuse to flourish on their watch.

Disturbing allegations are detailed in a lawsuit brought by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) against a large Texas-based nonprofit organization tasked and funded by the federal government for years with housing unaccompanied minor children (UMC) who are not legally present in the country.

According to data from the Congressional Research Service, the number of UMCs entering the United States has spiked to record numbers in recent years, with 2021 and 2022 seeing over 140,000 UMCs annually — one of many elements of the ongoing crisis at the southern border.

The lawsuit explains that UMCs are children largely from Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, and all over the world who arrive at the U.S. southern border alone, with no parent or legal guardian. Immigration authorities turn the UMCs over to the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR).

ORR then uses grant funding, usually by hiring nonprofit housing organizations, to provide shelter care for the UMCs in the “least restrictive setting possible” and that “will be in the best interest of the child.”

In this case, one of those nonprofits is Austin-based Southwest Key, which from 2015 to 2023 received $3 billion in federal grant funding and operates 29 facilities in Texas, Arizona, and California, housing 6,350 children.

The DOJ said during this timeline, multiple Southwest Key employees subjected children as young as 5 years of age to “repeated and unwelcome sexual abuse, harassment, misconduct, and hostile housing environments.”

The suit further details allegations that the children were victims of sexual abuse, rape, and inappropriate touching. The perpetrators employed by Southwest Key took advantage of the multiple vulnerabilities to carry out their crimes, such as language barriers.

The DOJ also said that despite Southwest Key knowing their employees were harming the children in their care, they did nothing, violating the federal Fair Housing Act.

Graphic details are included in the lawsuit, including how one of the workers sexually abused a five-year-old girl and an eight-year-old girl at the facility in El Paso, and kept them silent about their abuse by threatening to kill their families if they told anyone.

Pages of the lawsuit lay out in horrific detail similar instances occurring at Southwest Key facilities across Texas.

Remember how “kids in cages” under the Trump Administration (never mind that it started under Obama) was the Worst Thing Ever? So instead of cages, illegal alien children now have to endure rape at the hands of those paid to take care of them.

Funny how social justice Democrats have shifted their focus to the homeless and illegal aliens, two constituencies among the least able to complain that they’re being abused, or that promised services aren’t being delivered, making it all the easier to siphon off allocated funds for graft.

And illegal alien children are the least capable of complaining of all…

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3 Responses to “Grant For Social Justice Org For Illegal Aliens = Widespread Child Sex Abuse”

  1. Malthus says:

    “UMCs are children largely from Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, and all over the world who arrive at the U.S. southern border alone, with no parent or legal guardian.”

    How all these children managed to navigate alone through multiple countries without getting lost along the way is truly a marvel. It would seem that they have innate homing skills, much like a pigeon. This makes it easy then for them to be returned to their native lands. Just give them half a turn and they will infallibly relocate the city of their birth in the lands of their fathers.

  2. Kirk says:

    By this point, anyone who hasn’t figured out that a key Democrat constituency are the various flavors of sexual deviant, and that the reason they demonize everyone on the right is that they know full well that were they to ever be unmasked, they’d likely all wind up dead due to mob violence on a scale not seen here in the US since the 19th century.

    They’ve been steadily working into the power structure like so many verminous blood-sucking ticks. Witness Mueller, the guy they picked to go after Trump… On his watch, he let what was then the biggest collector and distributor of kiddie porn discovered to date go with a slap on the wrist. Who was it? Isaac Asimov’s son… Go digging into the woodwork, and you’re going to find all sorts of unsavory things. These people seek power because that’s the only way they can get away with this crap, and stay safe.

    Only thing is, once they’ve destroyed the system, there won’t be anything standing between them and the families of their victims. When that happens, they are all going to wish they were in a nice, safe prison… As opposed to be where the mob can get to them.

    People are only going to take so much of this, and then there’s going to be a break in the continuity of it all, one that will likely end in the deaths of a lot of innocent people right along with a bunch of the guilty.

    Frankly, at this point? I’m unsure if I’m going to do more than sit at the monitor, watching it all go down, giggling to myself and eating popcorn. The people running the system have forfeited all rights to respect or leniency, and that’s going to show when the final denouement of all this comes.

    I’m thinking of the Fall of Rome, when all the corrupt Roman senators were trying to save themselves by selling their children to the Goths… It’s gonna be a lot like that.

  3. […] TAX DOLLARS AT WORK: Grant For Social Justice Org For Illegal Aliens = Widespread Child Sex Abuse. “One organization that took federal money was Austin-based Southwest Key, an organization […]

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