Seven-Time Felon Opens Up On LA Cops With Machine Gun

Here’s a story that demonstrates the astounding failure of Democrat-controlled California’s soft-on-crime (but hard on legal guns) policies to keep citizens safe.

A man whose record includes seven felony convictions now faces an attempted murder charge after prosecutors say he opened fire with a machine gun on two Los Angeles police officers, grazing one of them.

Malcolm Darnell Guss Jr. is accused of using a fully automatic AR-style rifle to shoot at Officers Stefan Carutasu and Joshua Rodney after they tried to stop his white Chevrolet sedan at around 9:30 p.m. on July 3 in Willowbrook near Broadway and Rosecrans Avenue, just south of Los Angeles.

The articles uses “machine gun,” which is probably technically correct in terms of the National Firearms Act definition, but it sounds like what he was using was an actual assault rifle, capable of selectable fully automatic fire. But since the democratic media complex loves to call Modern Sporting Rifles like the AR-15 “assault rifles,” they’re bereft of language when a real one shows up.

Guss allegedly unloaded on the officers before they could get out of their patrol car, resulting in two graze wounds to the head. Both officers suffered lacerations from the glass fragments of the patrol vehicle’s windshield. Guss fled the scene but was apprehended July 12. On Tuesday, he pleaded not guilty in Compton court to attempted murder and other charges for allegedly using a machine gun in the attack.

Court records show Guss’ prior convictions include two strikes for residential burglaries in July 2014 and December 2018. Since 2020 he’s been charged three times with being a felon in possession of a firearm.

In December 2020, records show, Guss was arrested with drugs and a gun by Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies. He was sentenced to two years in prison after striking a deal to plead no contest to a single felony charge in March 2021. That same month, he received another two-year sentence in a separate gun case that stemmed from a September 2020 incident.

The district attorney’s office in a statement said the two convictions had concurrent prison sentences

Guss was arrested again in the Antelope Valley in May 2022, charged with resisting arrest and assault with a deadly weapon. He pleaded no contest to the resisting offense and got 16 months in prison, according to court records.

In February 2023, a judge issued a bench warrant for his arrest after he allegedly violated the terms of his release. LAPD officers in Newton Division arrested Guss on July 10, but he was released a month later, county jail records show.

And yes, there’s footage of Guss trying to kill two cops by blazing away with a “machine gun” through his rear window:

(I’m not sure if it’s the youth, the Gen Z, or the California, but those cops do sound radically different than classic LA police as depicted in TV shows like Adam-12 or Dragnet.)

So we have a repeat offender with multiple felony convictions, who by all accounts should already have been behind bars for a good long time, driving around free as a bird. “Since 2020 he’s been charged three times with being a felon in possession of a firearm.” Once again, Democrats scream and shout about “gun crimes,” but in the locales they control (especially in places with a Soros-backed DAs like Los Angeles’ George Gascon), they seem to do nothing about locking up felons with multiple gun violations. And in a state with some of the strictest gun laws in the country, a felon had no problem obtaining a fully automatic weapon.

Soft on crime policies in Democrat-run California, whether at the state level through bad legislation or at the local level due to Soros-backed DAs who refuse to prosecute, is putting convicted felons back on the street and endangering the lives of both ordinary California citizens and law-enforcement officers. Given how thoroughly the mind virus rot of social justice has infected the Democratic Party, that won’t change until Californians are willing to start electing Republicans again.

Which seems deeply unlikely. But New Yorkers elected Rudy Giuliani in 1993 for the same reason, so maybe it’s not entirely impossible…

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7 Responses to “Seven-Time Felon Opens Up On LA Cops With Machine Gun”

  1. BigFire says:

    Don’t blame me, I voted for Jackie Lacey for DA.

  2. Shifty Bitwise says:

    Modified Glock ie. Glock switch == Machine gun

  3. Kirk says:

    Not a failure. Planned.

    None of this is accidental; it’s all being done deliberately, with malice aforethought. They increase the level of lawlessness and uncertainty so that they’re able to then “persuade” people to authorize and get behind draconian social controls.

    The problem with this ploy is that there’s no way of ensuring that once they crash the system, that they’ll wind up in charge. The revolutionaries in France were sure that they’d remain on top of the tiger; what did they get, in the end? Napoleon.

  4. Malthus says:

    “[T]hose cops do sound radically different than classic LA police as depicted in TV shows like Adam-12 or Dragnet.”

    Steve McQueen would have pursued Guss with relentless vigor until the bad guy crashed into a patrol station, triggering a conflagration.

    Forget all that. These days the bad guys are DAs and they have rewritten the script to make the criminals look like victims of overtly aggressive cops.

  5. Gun watcher says:

    If the video is from this incident, the gun shown is a pistol/handgun, not and AR-15. Note: Some handguns can be (illegally) modified to shoot full-auto.

  6. Larry J says:

    The *only* visible firearm in this video is the police handgun. If anyone can see more than muzzle flashes from the other car (the only automatic fire), you’ve got a far better screen and eyes than I’ve got. When the article specifically says an “AR-style rifle”, I assume they know the difference between a rifle and a handgun. So this is probably an M16 (or possibly an M4) that came out of a Latin American military and sold off to a cartel.

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