Poll: Trump Wallops Every Other Dem Even Worse Than Biden

A whole lot of Democrats still seem hot for dumping Slow Joe after his disasterous debate showed his obvious cognitive decline. There’s just one tiny problem: Every polled Democrat loses to Trump by even more.

A series of prominent Democrats were tested in a head-to-head ballot against Donald Trump:

  • Vice President Kamala Harris: 49% Trump, 43% Harris, 8% undecided
  • Senator Bernie Sanders: 48% Trump, 42% Sanders, 10% undecided
  • California Governor Gavin Newsom: 48% Trump, 40% Newsom, 12% undecided
  • Former Vice President Al Gore: 47% Trump, 42% Gore, 11% undecided
  • Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton: 48% Trump, 41% Clinton, 11% undecided
  • Senator Elizabeth Warren: 49% Trump, 39% Warren, 13% undecided
  • Secretary of State* Pete Buttigieg: 49% Trump, 39% Buttigieg, 12% undecided
  • Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro: 46% Trump, 38% Shapiro, 16% undecided
  • Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer: 48% Trump, 38% Whitmer, 15% undecided
  • The usual poll caveats apply, and the sample size of 1,370 is a bit low for a nationwide poll. But the crosstabs do show more Democrats than Republicans sampled, which makes things look even worse for Biden’s chances.

    The other caveat: The Sacred Spouse of Lightbringer McLegTingle wasn’t polled. She’s denied she’s interested in running, though swathes of media types are slavering over a potential candidacy, so I’ll have both of the the Bill Burr rants cued up.

    Finally, the DNC would never, ever, ever let Bernie Sanders get nominated, because that would mean an entirely new set of grifters kicking the current snouts out of the trough and inserting their own.

    If this poll is to be believed, then Democrats might as well roll with Biden, despite his brain being mush, because he still has the best chance to beat Trump.

    And that’s all that matters to them.

    *Yes, that was still up today. Last time I checked, Buttigieg was Secretary of Transportation (and doing a lousy job).

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    4 Responses to “Poll: Trump Wallops Every Other Dem Even Worse Than Biden”

    1. Andy Markcyst says:

      This makes a great case for the Biden supporters for him to stay in the race, which is really what we should all want.

    2. Malthus says:

      “… Democrats might as well roll with Biden, despite his brain being mush, because he still has the best chance to beat Trump.”

      Given the evidence of several recent heavyweight fighters, you don’t need brain cells to prevail in the ring. If Joltin’ Joe can beat Medicare, Donald Trump ought to be a first-round Knock Out.

    3. tim maguire says:

      My two caveats are:
      1) The not-Biden candidates haven’t had the media flogging for them 24/7 for weeks.
      2) Biden has 1 more debate and, given his trajectory, an equally bad performance is likely the best case scenario.

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