Roundup Of Dem Panic Over Slow Joe

Following Joe Biden’s dismal, mentally impaired performance in last week’s debate, there’s a huge roar of panicked Democrats suggesting (or demanding) his replacement as the Democratic presidential nominee. For now, Biden and his family/enablers seem to be digging in their heels.

  • Who is demanding Biden step aside? The same MSM who refused to investigate his cognitive decline.

    Editorial boards and editors from the New York Times, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution and The New Yorker have joined well-known cable commentators and columnists in pressing the president to step aside and pave a path to the top of the ticket for another candidate.

    The Washington Post’s editorial board stopped short of pushing the president to drop out of the race, instead pressing him to cancel weekend plans “in favor of some soul-searching.”

    What they’re saying: The Times’ board — in an op-ed entitled “To Serve His Country, President Biden Should Leave the Race” — said Biden appeared as “the shadow of a great public servant” at Thursday’s debate, contending there are “Democratic leaders better equipped to present clear, compelling and energetic alternatives to a second Trump presidency.”

    Pieces from the AJC’s board and a New Yorker editor followed, similarly arguing that the best candidate to defeat an unrestrained former President Trump is not the current president.

    The New Yorker named Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.), Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro and Maryland Gov. Wes Moore as a slate of potential Biden backups who “could energize Democrats and independents, inspire more younger voters and beat Trump.”

    MSNBC host Joe Scarborough’s question of “whether this man we’ve known and loved for a very long time is up to the task of running for president of the United States” presents a particularly damaging dagger to the commander-in-chief, a loyal viewer of “Morning Joe” who often seeks the opinions of the Scarborough, a former Republican congressman, on key issues.

    New York Times columnist Thomas L. Friedman echoed Scarborough’s tone in a Friday op-ed, writing that watching the man he considers a friend struggle on the debate stage made him weep.

    Maybe someone who “weeps” at a politician’s decline is too chummy to be a political commentator.

  • Also this:

  • Not the Bee has a nice roundup of Democrat panic. Including this NYT snapshot:

    Plus this:

    By the end of the debate, I was hearing a level of anxiety and alarm from those Democrats and several other party leaders and operatives that I’ve never seen in 20 years of covering presidential politics. The discussion turned squarely to the need for the Democratic Party to replace Biden as the 2024 nominee, with four months to go to the election, and how to make that happen.

    And this Cenk Uygur rant:

    “This thing is over!”
    “It’s a guaranteed loss!”
    “He can’t even talk!”
    “This thing’s a bloodbath! He’s gonna get annihilated!”

  • However, at this late date, it may not even be possible to replace Biden.

    We are monitoring the calls from across the country for President Biden to step aside, either now or before the election, and have concluded that the process for substitution and withdrawal is very complicated. We will remain vigilant that appropriate election integrity procedures are followed,” said Mike Howell, Executive Director of The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project.

    The Heritage Oversight Project has identified three swing states — Georgia, Nevada and Wisconsin — where they believe removing Biden from the Democratic ticket would prevent anyone else from replacing him.

    Wisconsin does not allow withdrawal from the ballot for any reason besides death, while in Nevada, no changes can be made to the ballot after 5 p.m. on the fourth Friday in June of an election year unless ‘a nominee dies or is adjudicated insane or mentally incompetent.’ In Georgia, if Biden were to withdraw less than 60 days before the election, his name would remain on the ballot but no votes would be counted.

    Nevada, Georgia and Wisconsin are all states Biden “won” in 2020 (some thanks to 3 AM ballot dumps). A theoretical Biden replacement could, just barely, lose all of them and still win by the skin of his teeth with 271 electoral votes if they held every other state Biden was awarded in 2020. Georgia and Nevada both have Republican governors, and Republicans control both the senate and house in Wisconsin, so last minute Democrat pushes to change the rules before November are off the table. Recent polls show Trump winning all three, as well as the other four swing states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Arizona.

  • It’s a bit ironic that the same people who want to push Slow Joe out are the same ones who lied about his decline and covered it up the last four years.

    Biden’s disastrous debate performance last week made it impossible to deny his senility, yet the Western elite is gaslighting they were supposedly oblivious to this until now. Time Magazine published a piece titled “Inside Biden’s Debate Disaster and the Scramble to Quell Democratic Panic”, which was complemented by CNN’s about how “Foreign diplomats react with horror to Biden’s dismal debate performance”.

    Both make it seem like Biden’s senility is a surprise for everyone who knew him.

    The reality is that they knew about this all along but covered it up by lying that any claims to this effect were “Russian propaganda” and/or a “conspiracy theory”, all because they actually approved of the Democrats installing a literal placeholder in the White House who the liberal-globalist elite could control. It was a refreshing change of pace from Trump, who was much too independent for their liking despite his occasional capitulations to their demands, and it also reassured America’s allies who disliked him too.

    They both went along with the lie that Biden is in tip-top mental condition for reasons of political convenience, but now it’s impossible to keep up the charade any longer, hence why they’re all feigning surprise and shock. The elite shouldn’t be allowed to get away with their latest gaslighting and should be exposed for one of the greatest cover-ups in American history. The country is being ruled by a shadowy network of transnational and domestic elites that are united by their radical liberal-globalist ideology.

    Biden was chosen as the Democrats’ candidate in 2020 precisely because he was already senile and therefore completely controllable. That party, which functions as the public face of the abovementioned elite network, wanted someone who’d do whatever they demanded on the home and foreign policy fronts. In particular, they sought to turn America into a liberal-globalist hellhole while ramping up NATO’s containment of Russia in Ukraine, but the second policy backfired after the special operation began.

    Nevertheless, they’ll never have another chance to install someone like Biden since 2020 was an exceptional election year due to it being a referendum on Trump – who a significant share of the public was preconditioned to falsely believe is the new Hitler – and mail-in voting due to COVID-19. These conditions can never be replicated in the same way again no matter how hard the elite try, which is why they decided to keep Biden as their candidate instead of replace him early on.

    In 2020, Biden’s mind was clearly already on the downward slope to senility, but he obviously had much longer periods of lucidity and energy than he shows now. In 2020 it was late afternoon, but in 2024, full night has fallen.

  • Biden’s family is encouraging him to continue on.

    At a Camp David gathering on Sunday, President Biden’s extended family urged him to ignore the growing number of voices asking him to quit the race — and many of his loved ones blamed his disastrous debate on his advisors. According to Politico, the two who most forcefully encouraged the 81-year-old Biden to continue were his wife Jill and his son Hunter — the two people whose opinion he reportedly values most.

    And really, who makes better decisions than Hunter Biden?

    The reports will strengthen a growing sense that Jill Biden is putting her own interests above that of her humiliated and failing husband. As one Democratic advisor told the New York Post over the weekend, “Jill Biden likes being First Lady…she doesn’t want to give that up.”

    Meanwhile, Hunter, who doesn’t exactly have strong reputation for sound judgment, is said to long for Americans to see a version of his father that — as paraphrased by the Times — is “scrappy and in command of the facts.” Much as he once was in denial about his drug problem, Hunter now seems incapable of admitting that that version of his father is gone forever:

    Biden family members are said to have blamed the debate debacle on three advisors: Anita Dunn, her husband Bob Bauer — who played the role of Trump in practice sessions — and Biden’s former chief of staff Ron Klain, who was in charge of the debate training. Aides to Biden denied these reports from multiple outlets.

    Yes, blame the help rather than yourselves for dragging Sundown Joe out on the trail once more so you can keep those sweet power and perks flowing.

    With Biden having spent a full week at Camp David gearing up for the debate, his family members and others are claiming the team worked the 81-year-old too hard, and tried to pack him full of too many statistics. They even fault advisors for a debate-night makeup job that transformed his summer-tanned face to one that was pale and unhealthy-looking.

  • Supposedly all Biden’s operatives are working overtime to calm the donor class and convince them they didn’t see what they saw.
  • “Dems Stick With Biden As It Would Be A Real Pain To Reprint These Ballots They Already Filled Out.”
  • So far Barack Obama, thought by some to be the only Democrat with enough clout to force Biden out, is backing him staying in the race.

    At least publicly…

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    10 Responses to “Roundup Of Dem Panic Over Slow Joe”

    1. PBAR says:

      They need to pay for their gaslighting of the public that Joe was still sharp and vigorous. He’s been severely mentally compromised since the last campaign, which is why he was barely seen in public. The ends justify the means though, amirite?

    2. Andy Markcyst says:

      Once you accept and internalize that the government is being run by everyone EXCEPT the President of the United States and the other 3 branches, it all makes sense. The government is not being run by ‘we the people’ or their elected representatives. There are unelected, unaccountable forces deep within the apparatus of the US govt that are controlling and manipulating the processes of government.

      You don’t know who they are. We don’t know who they are. No one voted for them and if they’re made to report to anyone, they work together to undermine the person people elected to be their boss.

      No confidence across the board. Fuck anyone and everyone that had a hand in foisting this catastrophe on us.

    3. LKB says:

      Biden’s not standing down, and anyone who thinks he is is smoking something.

      His family and the puppeteers inside the White House lose all their juice if he does. (You think Obama et al would still be able to dictate policy and appointments if Newsome, Whitmer, or even Kamala were in the big chair?) They are going to circle the wagons and try and get Slow Joe across the finish line at all costs.

      So what explains all the “Dems panic” stories? *Congressional* Dems are indeed panicking that Biden’s going to drag *them* down in November, and if that happens they lose *their* juice. So they called all their media sources (who were similarly freaked out by Buden’s implosion) and stirred things up.

      But other than probably weakening Biden further with independents, they achieved nothing.

    4. David says:

      “However, at this late date, it may not even be possible to replace Biden.”

      I stand to be corrected, but “Biden” isn’t on the ballot. His name may appear on the ballot (presumably right above Harris’s) but when you cast your vote, you are actually voting for “Electors for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.” If you examine any sample ballot it should indicate this, albeit in small type.

      Since–notwithstanding state laws and party rules that say otherwise–the Constitution gives plenary and unfettered authority to the electors themselves, I would surmise that if Biden (or Harris) were to withdraw, the DNC would just send out a letter to the electors indicating that they should now vote for whoever replaces them.

      There’s historical precedent for this in the 1872 and 1912 elections, when the listed candidate died after the election was held but before the electors had met and cast their votes.

    5. JorgXMcKie says:

      The Biden has a single saleable asset — access to Joe Biden, When Biden is no longer President the asset no longer has value. None of the family has any skill or knowledge that anyone wants to py for. Well, Hunter can try to sell his paintings. Flea market anyone? And DOCTOR Jill can teach a bigger load at the local community college. At regular adjunct pay of around 4k/class.
      And their may be book offers, but does anyone really want to buy a book ghostwritten for them? And can Joe (or DOCTOR Jill) expect big bucks for speeches?
      So, this is their last chance at a big cash grab, and I’m betting they’ve already blown through most of their grifting money.
      Too bad. So sad.

    6. Malthus says:

      “[T]here are ‘Democratic (sic) leaders better equipped to present clear, compelling and energetic alternatives to a second Trump presidency.’”—NYT

      …but none who are as eager to protect the Biden crime family. If Crooked Joe is not re-elected, who will issue pardons to his family and all the Democrat party operatives who were behind the stolen election?

    7. […] more extensive roundup of Democrat Party panic here for your entertainment, but I’ll extract this one since The Young Turks are always […]

    8. ed in texas says:

      This is all tremendously entertaining.
      Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of grifting thieves.

    9. Howard says:

      I believe the worst thing Republicans could possibly do right now is help Democrats by getting involved, in any way shape or form. This is their albatross, borne of their own choices. Let them enjoy the consequences of their decisions.

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