Guess How Many UT Protesters Were Charged

Remember all those “protestors” (mostly outside agitators) arrested on a variety of charges (including criminal trespass) at a pro-Hamas/anti-Israeli rally on UT campus? Want to guess how many of the 79 arrestees were charged with crimes? Remember, UT is in Travis County.

That’s right: Zero.

A group of primarily outside agitators will not face charges following their recent arrests at UT-Austin. Those arrested claimed to oppose alleged Israeli “genocide.”

According to The Daily Texan, Travis County Attorney Delia Garza announced that the 79 arrestees will not face criminal prosecution. The individuals involved had been charged with criminal trespassing.

The arrests in question had originally occurred on April 29.

As Texas Scorecard reported at the time, demonstrators were observed cursing out police officers, calling them Nazis, spitting on them, and throwing water bottles. Despite the difficult circumstances, officers were universally calm and professional. While Texas Scorecard did observe two instances of officers using pepper spray, it was obviously done in self-defense.

The arrests occurred after so-called “protestors” had tried to set up a Columbia University-style tent encampment on the University’s Main Mall. This violates House Bill 1925, a 2021 measure intended to curtail homeless camping.

The University subsequently released a statement disagreeing with Garza’s actions and said it was “deeply disappointed.”

I bet.

Under Soros-backed DA Jose Garza, Travis County has shown that it believes some animals are more equally than others, constantly refusing to charge leftists for crimes committed, but only too happy to charge those daring to exercise their right to self-defense.

Someone in Travis County should file an equal protection lawsuit.

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One Response to “Guess How Many UT Protesters Were Charged”

  1. LKB says:

    No, someone should file a complaint against County Attorney Garza under the Rogue Prosecutor law and seek to have her removed for refusing to prosecute these types of offenses.

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