Oakland Residents Celebrate Juneteenth By Shooting At Each Other

Another day, another incident of California’s slide into lawlessness.

An Oakland, California shooting on Juneteenth resulted in several people being hospitalized, according to the city’s police department.

The Wednesday night shooting started after a fight broke out near a crowd of roughly 5,000 people taking part in events around Lake Merritt, according to the Oakland Police Department. When police tried to move the crowd to a safe area, some people punched and pushed, with one officer being assaulted, the agency said.

The crowd was purportedly peaceful until an “illegal sideshow” with cars and motorcycles developed.

Several victims were hit by gunfire and transported to a nearby hospital, according to the Oakland Police Department. Authorities say there is currently no report of fatalities nor have there been any arrests made in connection with the shooting.

Multiple shots, several people hospitalized, no arrests.

A couple of observations:

1. In normal cities in normal states, there are usually enough police around to prevent two gangs from opening up on each other at a major holiday celebration. IN Oakland evidently things are different.
2. For all the talk of California having the toughest gun control in the nation, gangbangers seem to have no problem obtaining weapons. Evidently the California Democratic establishment only wants to disarm the law-abiding.

(Hat tip: ZeroHedge.)

Last year, Oakland was having a problem with pirates. Evidently they’ve made some progress on that front…

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12 Responses to “Oakland Residents Celebrate Juneteenth By Shooting At Each Other”

  1. Meatwood Flack says:

    Urban Ostrogoths. At this point MLK, Frederic Douglas, and Marcus Garvey themselves would’ve given up on them. Leftcoasties wanted it and now they have it. Gooderer and harderer.

  2. Joe Blow says:

    And thus the fatal flaw of gun control legislation. Criminals, by definition, are already ignoring the existing laws. Passing more laws which they will also ignore, does nothing.

  3. martywd says:

    Don’t even have to go as far as Oakland, CA. Unfortunately here in Round Rock, TX had it’s own juneteenth celebration shooting occurrence last Saturday night (June 15) at Old Settlers Park. 2 dead, 14 others injured from reports. Details at Round Rock gov’s website if any are interested.

  4. FM says:

    Note sideshows often feature gratuitous firearm discharges as part of the fun, so all it takes is a bit of muzzle indiscipline and you get holes in bystanders. Likely here the answer is a bit of this, and a bit of tit for tat in response, and pretty soon you get what you got.

  5. […] murdered by their partners continues to increase, along with other types of violence BattleSwarm: Oakland Residents Celebrate Juneteenth By Shooting At Each Other Behind The Black: German rocket startup Isar raises another €65 million in investment capital, […]

  6. Hairless Joe says:

    Lefty politicians, as a rule, are not very bright but I’d guess that most of them realize that “gun control” laws have no effect on the behavior of criminals (who, by definition, ignore laws), even though they’d never admit it in public. The purpose of gun control laws is to demonstrate to nervous suburban ladies and limp-wristed hipsters that they are “doing something” about violent crime– without actually arresting and jailing the perpetrators of said crimes, who are overwhelmingly black. Blacks tend to vote tribally, and the politicians need the black vote to get reelected, which is all they really care about. It’s a shame that so few blacks–who are often crime victims–can see this, but on the other hand where are the conservative politicians with the courage to clearly state what is going on and give them an alternative?

  7. Garrett Stasse says:

    It’s those damn Mormons again. Right, Newsom?

  8. Tig If Brue says:

    @Garrett Stasse


  9. sigh
    Yet another comments section overrun with Mennonite bots.

  10. […] FROM THE BLUE ZONES: Oakland Residents Celebrate Juneteenth By Shooting At Each Other. “For all the talk of California having the toughest gun control in the nation, gangbangers […]

  11. Malthus says:

    “Welcome to Oakland’s Hella Juneteenth ‘The Cookout’”!

    WTF…Wassat mean?!

    “Cook off” is a cooking contest in which participants prepare their own recipes.

    “Cooking off” is unfired weapon ammunition exploding prematurely due to heat in the surrounding environment. The term is used both for detonation of ammunition not loaded into a weapon, and unintended firing of a loaded weapon due to heating.

    Okay, we do Option 2.

  12. Noone says:

    The Amish? I would pay money to see an Amish “sideshow.” Good times, doing donuts with buggies.

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