Chinese Border Invasion In Progress?

Back in December, Texas Governor Greg Abbott warned about an “invasion” of Chinese nationals at the border.

Gov. Greg Abbott is highlighting recent numbers from U.S. Customs and Border Protection that show a record-breaking number of Chinese nationals encountered at the southwest border.

According to the latest numbers released, border patrol agents encountered 4,261 Chinese nationals in October—a massive increase from the 430 encounters in October 2022.

The increase in illegal aliens attempting to cross the southwest border has caused Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to take several measures to secure Texas’ southern border.

Abbott spoke to Fox News, explaining how the crisis at the southern border has become an “existential threat” to the United States.

It is extraordinarily dangerous because, first of all, as you point out, we have people from China coming here. We also have people on the known terrorist watch list who are coming across the border. And so there’s extraordinary dangers, calls to our country by Biden’s open border policies. And obviously, Biden is doing nothing about it. And that’s why Texas has to step up and apprehend as many of these people as possible to make sure that they’re not posing a threat to our country.

Abbott’s not the only one. On Joe Rogan’s podcast, Bret Weinstein talked about traveling to Panama to see illegal alien migration problem firsthand, and came away with some disturbing information.

  • “There is a migration of Chinese immigrants that looks different, feels different, and is being housed in a totally separate way in Darien for reasons that are not in any way obvious.”
  • “Now I don’t know exactly what to make of that. I have hypotheses there are no more than that. But the Chinese migration is not forthcoming about why it is migrating. It is composed mostly of young military-aged men. There are some women present, but it’s not 50/50 by far.”
  • “The international community has arranged separate encampments. The Chinese are in many cases traveling a separate way across the Darien Gap. They’re skipping some of the worst parts of it traveling by boat.”
  • “When asked where they’re from, where they’re going, why they’re going, they are uninterested in talking. There’s a hostility to it that I found shocking.”
  • “[If they] didn’t like the way things were in China, they feared their government, they thought that there was economic opportunity, they would be curious about Americans. These are soon to be their countrymen. They would tend to be interested in talking. And even if they, for some reason, because they had lived under a totalitarian regime, felt that they couldn’t talk, they wouldn’t be broadcasting hostility, they would be ambivalent or something.”
  • “That is not the impression that they leave when interacting with them, so I found that utterly alarming.”
  • “I wonder if the [larger migration] is a cloak for this other migration from China, which is nothing if not mysterious. Why are they letting it happen? Why do you think the government is allowing the border to be so porous, and why are they resisting when Texas tries to do something about it?”
  • “Before I went to to Panama, I thought there was a migration of people. Now I think there are two. One of them’s clearly a migration, and the other one could well be an invasion.”
  • “The belief amongst many who have been on the story of the migration for years now is that this is a ploy to create voters, Democratic voters, and I don’t think that’s impossible. I think that’s probably playing a role.”
  • He also brings up the possibility some of have floated to trade military service for citizenship as a way to lessen the army’s resistance to illegal orders. “If you wanted a force that was capable of acting on behalf of tyranny against Americans, then a force that doesn’t have a deep history with the rights of being an American, that doesn’t have a long-standing allegiance to people within the country, that force would be potentially more compliant.”
  • Pre-Flu Manchu, all this would have seemed like paranoid conspiracy theories. But after the lockdowns, the Antifa riots, and the continued government insistence that the warm yellow substance they were distributing on our pants was rain, I have to admit the idea is a lot more plausible than I would have previously considered. And until the social justice warriors ran amok at Evergreen College, Weinstein considered himself a Democrat.

    Someone is importing Chinese national illegal aliens into the United States, for some reason. The only question is who and why.

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    10 Responses to “Chinese Border Invasion In Progress?”

    1. Kirk says:

      When it is over, we’re going to be forced into doing a lot of really nasty things to these illegals. This isn’t going to stand, and if the Democrats think they can make it? I would predict civil war breaking out over it all.

      It’ll be interesting to watch as the blacks begin to realize that their favorite politicians are importing their replacements, and making them pay for the privilege. End state for blacks in America? Assuming they don’t wise up and start resisting this? They’re going to wind up like blacks in Mexico, a tiny fraction of the population.

      Don’t forget: Mexico imported nearly as many blacks as the rest of North America. Difference was, the Spanish used them as overseers in the mines and such-like. This led to the endemic anti-black prejudice in most of the Mexican population, and the reduction of blacks to about 2% of the population, mostly in remote areas of the southern Mexican states. The reason why Belize has so many blacks is that a lot of them were refugees from Spanish-controlled regions, and it also goes to why the Hondurans hate Belize so much…

      Or, so say several independent Central American informants of mine, when queried about why they hate blacks so much. So much of this stuff isn’t in books, but when you go looking for the oral histories of it all? You get an earful. Can’t actually say how much of it is true, but enough of the Central Americans believe this stuff to make this a “real” thing… They act on it.

      The sad thing is, when the whole “great replacement” thing is over, what will have been replaced isn’t going to be the whites, but the blacks. They haven’t figured that out just yet, but they will… By which time, it will probably be too damn late for most of them. Look at how many formerly black majority communities in SoCal have been ethnically cleansed already…

    2. juan says:

      Pardon me here.

      As a Texan, I must point out that the good governor is certified wef. recently when given the public chance to renounce/denounce wef/swab, he slickly declined. look up Pompeo/cia assessment of his relationship as of Trump’s tenure. We could talk a spell about all the pooh bear’s land acquisitions, pollitician buy-outs, academic subterfuge, just within Texas. and the “last stand” at Eagle Pass is a photo/psyop.

      Weinstein is a recently hatched gatekeeper. a “clown” instrument.


    3. Malthus says:

      “Someone is importing Chinese national illegal aliens into the United States, for some reason. The only question is who and why.”

      In a China v US conflict, the best place for Chinese nationals would be in close proximity to US naval assets, e.g., San Diego. If border security is lax in the area, it affords a unique opportunity to inconspicuously infiltrate and stage assassins and saboteurs in area safe houses.

      The US Pacific Fleet would be first to respond to an attack on Taiwan. The Chinese hack of the Office of Personnel Management data base provides useful information to a hostile foreign power. It could be data mined to reveal off-base housing locations for senior naval officers and supply chain nodes.

      Prior to an invasion, hit squads would descend on pre planned locales to search for officers and attack preselected infrastructure. If jihadi were simultaneously engaged in terrorist attacks against civilians, the security response would thin out the resources available to protect high-value personnel and property.

      Is this a hallucinatory reprise of The Yellow Peril? Can we afford to ignore it?

    4. Malthus says:

      “Weinstein is a recently hatched gatekeeper. a ‘clown’ instrument.”

      This is in marked contrast to you own well-know reputation for intrepid conduct rivaling Horatio At the Bridge and keen analytical skills surpassing those of another fictional character—John Thorndyke.

      But inasmuch as Brett Weinstein is well acquainted with the geography, people and mores of Panama, when his Spidey senses begin to tingle it ought to command the attention of notables such as yourself, even if it requires an act of grand condescension on your part.

      L’il ole me? I much prefer to believe those who have a public persona in preference to internet poseurs.

    5. […] Chinese Border Invasion In Progress? […]

    6. JNorth says:

      Malthus, not saying your theory might not be true but the first to respond to an attack on Taiwan wouldn’t be 3rd fleet but 7th, out of Yokosuka. From what I’ve been seeing of senior officers lately, it would probably be in China’s best interest to keep them around.

    7. Malthus says:

      @ JNorth:


    8. […] that Chinese invasion we talked about earlier in the week? Republican U.S. Representative Tony Gonzales thinks it uses […]

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