No Wonder the Left Hates “Argentina’s Trump”

One reason to be cautiously optimistic of anarcho-capitalist outsider Javier Milei’s victory in their presidential election is just how freaked out the international left is over it.

In a world with two (or more) major wars going on, China imploding, and a major U.S. recession, a libertarian winning election in Argentina is suddenly the new Worst Thing Ever.

  • “This came after years of far left fascist rule which has plunged the country into crisis, with the inflation rate hitting 143% earlier this month. Argentina has gone from a wealthy nation with an enviable standard of living to one destroyed by socialist lunacy.”
  • “That’s why firebrand Javier Milei, a conservative, a libertarian, a vehemently anti-socialist, anti-woke outsider won the presidential election in a landslide.”
  • “The world’s media went into a predictable meltdown, similar to when Italy’s center-right Giorgia Meloni was elected prime minister last year.”
  • “But the election results show Argentinians, including young Argentinians, importantly, have finally woken up to the lunacy of watching close to half the population live in poverty despite being blessed with abundant natural resources.”
  • Milei “has been clear in his desire to tackle the bloated bureaucracy that has so poorly served the country.”
  • And yes, he still intends to shut down Argentina’s central bank. “This weekend he confirmed that it was an absolute, non-negotiable.”
  • He wants to eliminate the Ministry of Sports and Tourism, the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of the Environment and Sustainable Development, the Ministry of Women, Genders and Diversity, and Ministry of Public Works.

  • Says Milei: “We are crushing them in the cultural battle! We are not only economically superior, we’re culturally superior, we are aesthetically superior, we are better than them at everything, and that triggers them!”
  • And since they can’t beat him in the field of ideas, “they use the repressive power of the state to destroy their enemies.”
  • You know who else likes the cut of Milei’s jib? Donald Trump.

    “Congratulations to Javier Milei on a great race for President of Argentina! The whole world was watching, and I’m very proud of you! You will turn your country around and truly make Argentina great again!”

    Trump also plans to visit him in Buenos Aires.

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    4 Responses to “No Wonder the Left Hates “Argentina’s Trump””

    1. Malthus says:

      “We are crushing them in the cultural battle! We are not only economically superior, we’re culturally superior, we are aesthetically superior, we are better than them at everything, and that triggers them!”

      Libertarianism has these Jewish roots: Ayn Rand (ethical egoism), Murray Rothbard (ethical hedonism), and Ludwig von Mises (ethical utilitarianism).

      Oddly, these three luminaries depend on ethical standards to support their arguments but you will search in vain for Judeo-centric apologists among today’s mainstream libertarians.

      I find it notable that Javier Milei is a conduit for Judaism, which to my thinking explains the vitality of his arguments. He has reclaimed a lost ethical heritage and is using it to defend the aesthetic, cultural and economic heritage that was developed by Jews but belongs to Western cultural as well.

    2. Malthus says:

      I had a economics professor who referred to Austrian economist Israel Meir Kirzner, as “Curse-ner” presumably because Kirzner sold more books. 😄

      Many accomplished men resent the Jews for their achievements and envy them their success. We ought to be forming Alliances of The Willing instead of vying for preeminence.

    3. Leland says:

      “But the election results show Argentinians, including young Argentinians, importantly, have finally woken up to the lunacy of watching close to half the population live in poverty despite being blessed with abundant natural resources.”

      This is being woke I can support.

      Milei “has been clear in his desire to tackle the bloated bureaucracy that has so poorly served the country.”

      What’s not to love?

    4. Kirk says:

      Never listen to what a politician says. Watch what they do…

      Meili may indeed be the great man Argentina needs. He may also be a demagogue more in tune with the times than Peron was, and who will do even more damage. Yet to be seen.

      Watch the hands, ignore the voice.

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