3 Responses to “LinkSwarm for April 7, 2023”

  1. […] to visit Cuba, receive intensive training on how to turn U.S. into a communist utopia BattleSwarm: LinkSwarm for April 7 Behind The Black: SpaceX successfully launches Intelsat communications satellite, Exploring the […]

  2. The Gaffer says:

    Because of your deadline you missed a big one with conviction of Daniel Perry. Governor Abbott better shine some daylight on what contractor/software is used for jury pools by DA Garza and set aside any sentence for Perry.


  3. Howard says:

    Given the messages Perry sent prior to the event, he looks pretty guilty.

    It’s a messy case. Texas is very in favor of open carry, and also very in favor of stand-your-ground. What happens when the two meet?

    Did Foster point his gun? Evidence is ambiguous. Who instigated? Who can claim self-defense?

    If there’s more to know, I’m eager to hear it.

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