Democrats’ Tower Of Self-Reinforcing Bullshit

The left has long had a tendency to push propaganda over truth, but the Trump years have seen a dramatic increase in willfully repeated falsehoods to push the Democratic Media Complex’s favored “narratives” over obvious truths everyone can see with their own two eyes.

First there was the Russian collusion hoax, a self-serving fiction democrats concocted both to jam Trump at the line of scrimmage and give them an excuse for explaining how they managed to lose an election everyone said they had in the bag. There followed more lies to support the initial lie, then the impeachment farce that failed to make a dent.

And all the while, underneath the surface, social justice warriors were spinning out falsehood after falsehood to support their favored narratives. “Hands Up Don’t Shot” was a lie from the git-go. The idea that sex is a social construct was and is a lie, as is the idea that someone can change their sex merely by declaring they have. Not to mention the risible #BlackLivesMatter bullshit that “silence is violence” and the ridiculous idea that everyone who voted for Trump was a “white supremacist.”

Then came to 2020 #BlackLivesMatter/Antifa riots the Democratic Media Complex did their very best to ignore or spin as “mostly peaceful” despite burning down hundreds of businesses and looting thousands.

Then they stole the 2020 Presidential election by massive fraud is six urban counties and got very upset when people tried to point this out.

Finally, the events of January 6 drove them to new heights of hyperbole. Want to call it inadvisable? Absolutely. A mob? Fair enough. A riot? Sure. Criminal? Some of it, by definition.

But what it was not was an “insurrection” or “coup.” Trust me, if a significant fraction of president Trump’s 75+ million supporters wanted to stage an armed coup, you’d know it. Or, more to the point, the likes of Nancy Pelosi, George Soros and Jack Dorsey wouldn’t know it, because they’d hang lifeless from the ends of gibbets.

For a party that failed to flip a single statehouse chamber in November, Democrats are freebasing dangerous levels of their own bullshit in ratcheting up the rhetorical hysteria.

You don’t get high on your own supply because the moment you start deluding yourself, reality has a nasty way of smacking you upside the head.

And if Democrats think that removing Donald “Emmanuel Goldstein” Trump from the White House means they get to immediately return to their old grifts without consequences (and add a bunch of new woke social justice grifts on top of them to boot), they have another think coming. Kurt Schlichter:

Have you noticed that everything is a lie and a scam? Everything.

See, the problem starts when our elite realized that it could break the norms and betray the principles that we all thought we were all abiding by without accountability, at least for a little while. The Establishment realized that it can simply not enforce the norms, and then there will be a lag time while the normals continue on as if the norms were still in effect. It’s inertia – this is why you get these sad sack RINOs lecturing us on how we’re subverting the institutions when what we are really doing is pointing out that the institutions have subverted themselves.

It’s willful blindness to the corruption because the weakhearts don’t want to admit there is corruption because that would then require them to act. It’s easier to live on scraps.

The biggest gap in this country isn’t between enlightened social justice warriors and the backward racist redneck freaks of JesusLand, it’s between those who want to continue sticking their snouts into troughs of taxpayer money, feel their own grifts are sacred birthrights above reproach and have different laws apply to them than the peasants, and those who have been made aware of the scam.

We’re not going back to sleep, no matter how hard you call us deplorables, racists or insurrectionists.

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9 Responses to “Democrats’ Tower Of Self-Reinforcing Bullshit”

  1. […] Currency Reform A Disaster Baldilocks: Help Me Save My Landlord’s Building BattleSwarm: Democrats’ Tower Of Self-Reinforcing Bullshit, also, Joe Rogan & Dr. Mark Gordon On California’s Lockdown Madness Behind The Black: […]

  2. J Kazak says:

    Everything, and I mean e v e r y t h i n g the Democrats stand for today is based on a lie.

  3. J kazak says:

    Everything the Democrats believe today is based on a lie. EVERYTHING.

  4. Eric S says:


  5. TK says:

    I love this HARDCORE Article. Demorats are getting High on their own Shit and gonna get Bitchslapped. Keep It Real.

  6. Doc C says:

    Great Article (and blog).

    Once the Truth really gets out (like when they try to put some of the rioters on trial) and everybody sees the surveillance video from the Capitol, I hope people will be even more pissed off.

    The Media is the most dangerous enemy. The local journos who are the footsoldiers of the big corporations should be held to account by their neighbors.

  7. […] how delusional are Democrats? Certainly the leftwing media bubble lets them continuously get high on their own supply, and they’ve been emboldened since their corrupt push to enthrone Slow Joe over both Bernie […]

  8. […] was a grave injustice committed in service of the Democratic Party’s imperative to continue trying to reinforce their own self-serving bullshit long after any rational person stopped believing in […]

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