Too Much Stupid To Process

It’s hard to blog when there’s too much stupid going around to have time to comment on it.

It takes a special kind of stupid to let Democrats steal two senate seats and a senate majority exactly the same way they stole Georgia’s electoral votes, but Georgia’s GOP establishment seems to have just that kind of stupid.

Lin Wood’s extra special stupid might have helped as well.

And it takes a completely different kind of stupid to storm the capitol building hoping to accomplish, well, damned if I know.

I may or may not have more thoughts tomorrow. But “thoughts” don’t seem to be driving politics right now…

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14 Responses to “Too Much Stupid To Process”

  1. AD says:

    Well, there’s a reason the “republican” party is known as the Stupid Party.

  2. Rich says:

    Here’s what is actually going on – the protests/riots/whatever were a plan by DC insiders to allow a limited very visible “insurrection”, that would justify 2 things: One – walk back any objections to certifying the electoral vote. Two – remove Trump/shame him at all costs. I only say this in observation after the fact. Mob rules are known that you only need one or two idiots to lead the charge into a riot, and when they stop leading…the riot disperses. (just like we saw on TV).

  3. Jo says:

    I feel the same way. Maybe coin a phrase “the 2020 stare”

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  5. The Gaffer says:

    A good number of our stupid people let a fair number of their smarter people lead them into creating a Reichstag fire the deep state and swamp will use to persecute enemies nation wide.

    Why did you think they took the leader of Proud Boyz off the field the minute he arrived?

  6. Pat says:

    Depressed. I think we all feel like pulling back into our cocoons right now. Not sure our republic will ever recover. It’s going to be a hell of a few years to come.

  7. Kevin McDonnell says:

    Well… that is about the best description of so many layers of unfolding train wreck that I have seen over the last weeks and particularly the last few days, that I have seen, so I give you a hat tip for that. The issue is how stupidity, is not merely a state for an individual to possess, but is also easily fractalized into a collective stupidity that affects individuals in exactly the same way, but manifests in slightly different forms depending on their particular profile. It’s a bit akin to a virus that way.

    At the moment… we have the added dimension in which those who control the vast majority of the levers that “frame” the shared discourse, believe they are above all the teeming hordes of stupidity, when indeed, they are guilty of the most vulgar stupidity of all, ignoring both history and common sense (which is for commoners you see) as they propagate the means for something even worse that stupidity enables, to manifest. We will all reap what they sow.

    Yes… a slow train wreck. One can only watch in horror and despair. Stupid really is as stupid does after all.

  8. Tough Questions says:

    What makes you think it was stupidity?
    Certainly the Democrats have lost confidence in the people, and have therefore elected a new set of “people”, i.e. Dominion machines.

    Certainly, our jobs as voters are now gone, lost to automation.

    But, from the oligarchs point of view, what is stupid about moving voting over to machines and away from the fickle masses?

    Certainly both sides of the oligarchy understand the marvelous efficiency this gives them in getting the election results they want. They don’t have to spend nearly as much, they can spend a lot more time in their basements, and they still win, as long as they have the best hackers.

    This is a much smaller, more efficient business model for both sides.
    The glory of capitalism at its highest.
    What’s not to like?

  9. frankdn says:

    “…hoping to accomplish, well, damned if I know”

    Let me help.

    For a few hours, the corrupt, stupid oligarchs were afraid of US. I don’t know if it’ll last, but d*mn it felt good.

  10. Deserttrek says:

    A well played false flag operation. The stupid people are the ones calling yesterday’s events a riot.
    Otherwise , the gop is not stupid, they are in on it

  11. J Russell says:

    It was not stupid people , it was EVIL people . They are called democrats ! Catch up .

  12. Douglas Robert Loss says:

    I know some of you will consider me to be hopelessly naive, but I just sent this to my Tennessee state representative and senator:

    “I want to address you both on an issue I consider urgent and possibly concerning the continued existence of our country.

    “We have now witnessed two elections in which the left in this country has blatantly stolen the election, hardly even pretending they weren’t doing so (the November presidential election and the Georgia senatorial election just past). Yesterday’s protest in Washington (which was notably not a riot in the form of the Antifa/BLM riots we witnessed over most of 2020) is already being used as justification for further abrogation of the US Constitution against anyone in our country who isn’t either part of the leftist cabal that is clearly controlling the federal government or a nominally conservative politician who is trying to appease the cabal in the hope of retaining whatever power they allow him to have. It pains me to say it, but it really has become the US federal government against the American people.

    “I urge you to open discussions in the General Assembly about making Tennesee an overt 10th Amendment Sanctuary state, analogous to the leftist pro-illegal-immigration sanctuary states. Make it clear that in Tennessee, all federal government activity will be examined according to what the federal government is given authority to do by the US Constitution, and any federal activity with no Constitutional justification will not be allowed in Tennessee. Not only will state authorities not assist in such activities, they will actively oppose said activities. This would not be secession from the US, just insisting on the proper division of authority between the federal government and the Tennessee state government.

    “I further urge you to open discussions with the General Assemblies of other like-minded states (Texas comes to mind) to persuade them to pass similar resolutions, and to regularize the language of all such resolutions so that a de facto 10th Amendment Sanctuary coalition would be formed. I ask that you do this in the hope of fending off the incipient civil war that I fear we may be coming very close to. I hope this can work, and that it isn’t a forlorn hope action. But if we don’t make the attempt, we might as well start arming up, I’m afraid.

    “Thank you for your consideration.”

    I can’t insist, but if any of you feel like sending a similar message to your state representatives, feel free to use the wording I wrote here.

  13. ray ward says:

    “And it takes a completely different kind of stupid to storm the capitol building hoping to accomplish, well, damned if I know.”

    Allow me to correct and educate you a little. You don’t need more than a little, and a little is all I can offer, anyway. I was there. We did not “storm” the Capitol. We walked toward it. The police took down the barriers (search for videos to prove it). Or some of us with walkers or wheelchairs rolled towards it. This is more accurately described as peacefully assembling for the redress of grievances. Perhaps 100k were on the grounds out of the more than a million I would estimate were there, most never got close enough to be off of the lawn and onto the building proper. Storming is a military term, to attack and take an objective with violent action. If a dozen or so out of 100,000 break a window to let themselves in, that is not “storming”. If 50-100 men attack with fully automatic weapons fire, that would be “storming.” I know that you value words. To call what we did “storming” is a lie.

    What did I hope to accomplish? I hoped to show support for my President who had requested my presence there. He was my leader and I was on that day his follower. How he intended to use my presence, I could only guess. A demonstration to the evil swamp dwellers of the extent of his support? Plausible. I don’t know. I was trusting him to make whatever use of it that he thought best. And the possible uses would also depend on how many of us showed up.

  14. Obama's Boyfriend says:

    Takes a special kind of stupid to ignore what Lin said and allow the same people to use the same process they stole the election with and then go on bended knee. Been this way since Reagan. Save us from the chucks.

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