Colin Furze Builds A Trebuchet

Everyone’s favorite insane British inventor has constructed quite a large trebuchet and used it to fling heavy objects considerable distances.

Here’s the build video:

The trebuchet looks to be about 10 meters high, which seems to be a fairly common height for medieval trebuchets. Here it is chunking stuff:

The largest trebuchet ever built was Warwolf, at a whopping 300-400 feet tall, built at the order of King Edward of England in 1304 for the siege of Stirling Castle in Scotland.

I’ll tag this with “Military,” because siege engine…

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3 Responses to “Colin Furze Builds A Trebuchet”

  1. George_Banner says:

    We have been defeated by the worst among us.
    They were giving a war.
    We were playing nice and by the rules.
    They are the cult of Maarx Moloch.
    We are the nice guys.
    We are the pussies.
    Arrogant cockroaches stand in the middle of a lit room, mocking us, daring us to stomp on them and laughing at our benevolence, our tolerance and our no small measure of cowardice.
    Decency become jelly.
    Our virtues weaponized against us, the cockroaches are counting on our not using the most obvious, natural and recommended answer to their antics, violence, pure, raw, unmitigated violence.
    Speed, Surprise, and Violence of Action. They work.
    We have built a safe society.
    Don’t be mean.
    Be polite.
    Be respectful.
    Be nice.
    Obey the law.
    And be governed by kuntala harris.
    Don’t shot at people.
    “Don’t shoot at the bastards yet” 1999, was it?
    . . .

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  3. […] this follow-up to last Saturday’s post, Colin Furze chunks more stuff from his […]

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