Everyone else and their dog has already covered this video of CNN talking heads Don Lemon, Rick Wilson and Wajahat Ali calling Trump supporters illiterate rubes:
No wonder the RNC quickly came up with an ad. (Hat tip: Stephen Green at Instapundit.)
But you may not have seen this really solid dissection and analysis of that clip by Dave Rubin and Michael Malice, as well as dissecting how outlets like CNN dishonestly label people to further a partisan agenda:
“Look who the corporate press has needlessly alienated through their chicanery: Rogan fans, Tulsi fans, Bernie fans, Andrew Yang fans, Trump fans, Kobe fans, Don Imus fans. It’s amazing. They can’t help themselves, because when they have a fundamentalist faith, you are certain you are on the side of the angels.”
Worth a watch.
(Hat tip: Ace of Spades HQ.)
Tags: CNN, Dave Rubin, Democrats, Don Lemon, Media Watch, Michael Malice, Rick Wilson, Wajahat Ali
That man needs to put on a shirt.