What if they had a Second Amendment rally in Virginia and and nobody got shot?
You and I know that there was never going to be any violence coming from Second Amendment advocates, and that if any started it was going to come from antifa. But oddly enough, antifa didn’t seem interested in showing up to confront armed opponents.
Funny how that happens.
It must have been a great blow to an MSM falsely accusing the event of being a “white supremacist” rally.
Everything Northam, many in media, and gun control advocates tried to hype ahead of Virginia’s rally didn’t happen. Second Amendment advocates aren’t like violent Antifa, yet barely a peep of condemnation of those frequent, violent actions. Shameful. https://t.co/HB8dx7YULE
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) January 21, 2020
They were heartbroken:
“Nobody has so much as fired a shot. This is an unbelievable tragedy,” said one teary-eyed MSNBC reporter, clearly caught up in the anguish of the moment. “It’s tragic that we live in a country where reporters who are just minding their own business trying to push a narrative can have everything ripped away from them in an instant when protesters refuse to shoot at people.”
(Do I actually need to flag the preceding from the Babylon Bee?)
The media was hoping for a second Charlottesville, but without paid agitators and a police force willing to channel two sets of protestors into each other, it never materialized.
Again, funny how that happens. There were also too many non-white attendees to pass it off as a “white supremacist” rally:
He speaks the truth but where are @CNN @ABC @MSNBC @NBCNews @CBSNews
Dare you to show this on the nightly news
Americans care about their gun rights #2A #GunRally pic.twitter.com/AL1R3cEJdK
— Constitutional Republic TEXT TRUMP 88022 (@Text88022) January 20, 2020
I couldn’t agree more
#VirginiaRally #GunRally being able to protect myself + my family is number one priority https://t.co/1NigcG7CXt
— Alice*
(@TweetMeAlice) January 20, 2020
(@TheMitchellnMan) January 20, 2020
Enjoy some tweets:
IT passed without incident because Second Amendment advocates are more honest, honorable, and reasonable than you are.
— BattleSwarm (@BattleSwarmBlog) January 20, 2020
After a peaceful pro-2nd amendment rally today, now these good people are staying to clean up the trash in the streets.
Well Done.#IStandWithVirginia#VirginiaRally#GunRally pic.twitter.com/xHgn4OJc88
— ~Marietta (@MariettaDaviz) January 20, 2020
I waited to see if any police were going to say anything to a black guy open carrying during Lobby Day today. Didn’t happen once. Not one side eye and I had plenty of black men enter our gun giveaway for a Taurus 1911. We have away a Diamondback AR-15 last month.
— Monsieur Vonni
(@JaVonniBrustow) January 20, 2020
Tags: Democrats, Guns, Media Watch, Ralph Northam, Second Amendment, Virginia