Another week, another deadly jihad attack on Europe. Current numbers: 22 people were killed (including an eight year old) and 59 injured in an explosion at an Ariana Grande concert at Manchester Arena. Many of the victims were under 16 years old. The explosion occurred where people were queued at the ticket office to get in rather than inside the concert venue.
The Islamic State has claimed responsibility.
The Mirror has continuing updates, including the name of the suicide bomber (AKA “some jihadist asshole”).
Jihad Watch put up a video of a woman whose legs were bleeding from nails from the bomb.
There was, as usual, the requisite outpouring of Emotional Expressions It Is Acceptable To Display Rather Than Actually Addressing the Problem of Islamic Terrorism:
Getting old folks.. "Manchester"
— kill me (@ItsYaCowboy99) May 23, 2017
The children of Manchester are pulling pieces of other humans' flesh out of their hair and people are worried about 'Islamophobia'
— Claire Lehmann (@clairlemon) May 23, 2017
When will you ever wake up?
— Trump Texas (@3lectric5heep) May 23, 2017
And David Frum decided to be an even bigger tool than usual:
As we mourn Manchester, remember: for a moment of ignorant boasting, the president betrayed one of the West’s best sources inside ISIS.
— David Frum (@davidfrum) May 23, 2017
To which Instapundit replied:
Oh, fuck off.
— (@instapundit) May 23, 2017
Getting Instapundit to cuss at you is like being such an asshole that Mary Poppins has no choice but to pop a cap in your ass.
Posting sad Tweets and changing icons are the things that western liberals do in order to not feel bad about themselves rather than actually deal with the problem of radical Islam.
Feeling sad will not stop Islamic terrorism.
Compassion will not stop Islamic terrorism.
Candlelight vigils will not stop Islamic terrorism.
Pledging to fight “Islamophobia” will not stop Islamic terrorism.
Hashtags will not stop Islamic terrorism.
Changing your Twitter and Facebook icons will not stop Islamic terrorism.
The only things that stop Islamic terrorism are restricting the flow of terrorists and their enablers into your country, and destroying Islamic terrorist networks and the countries that support them. Completely and utterly destroying the Islamic State probably won’t end terrorism, but it will likely take the wind out of their sails for a while. When the west hits back hard (as in Iraq in 2003, or after Israel hit PLO targets in the Bekaa Valley in 1982), Islamic terrorism drops in the aftermath.
Until the west is serious about destroying radical Islam, many more attacks like Manchester (and Paris, and London, and…) lie ahead.
Tags: Ariana Grande, Bombing, David Frum, Glenn Reynolds, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, Jihad, Jihad Watch, Manchester, UK
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