Early voting ends tomorrow in Texas. Plan accordingly…
Turns out that Hispanics are just fine and dandy with a Republican-controlled senate. So how’s that “all gay marriage and abortion all the time” thing working out for you, Democrats?
CBS buries its own poll showing that Democrats are about to get slaughtered. (Hat tip: Ace of Spades HQ.)
Democratic Wisconsin gubernatorial candidate Mary Burke was fired from her own family company because her “my way or the highway” management style alienated employees.
Ironically, Harry Reid protecting Democrats from tough votes may end up dooming them for tying them too closely to Obama.
Want to increase the number of black voters? Maybe it’s not such a swell idea to keep repeating that Obama is not on the ballot.
Democratic South Carolina gubernatorial candidate calls Republican Governor Nikki Haley a “whore.”
Dr. Milton Wolf endorses bitter rival Pat Roberts in Kansas senate race. Should help. (Hat tip: Instapundit.)
What better way to convince Iowans that Bruce Braley isn’t an out-of-touch elitist who sneers at them than having Joe Biden do a fundraiser for him in New York City?
Illegal alien amnesty is so unpopular even Karl Rove’s PAC is running ads against it.
Democrats offer up cunning direct mail come-on: “Accept Defeat.”
Tags: 2014 Election, Border Controls, Bruce Braley, CBS News, Democrats, Elections, Harry Reid, Kansas, Mary Burke, Media Watch, Milton Wolf, Nikki Haley, Pat Roberts, Wisconsin
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