We’ll save substantive analysis of Obama’s ISIS speech for another time. (Maybe.)
What I want to focus on: Vox.com and/or the White House set decorator making it look like Obama should have “666” on his forehead (click to embiggen for the full evil effect):
Now, I’m not one of those “Obama is the AntiChrist” nuts. And I realize that what looks like horns are merely folds in the ceremonial drapes (possibly window drapes) behind him. And his eyes probably look black because someone applied a standard photo filter to the picture (some iPhoto pics come out that way after applying the anti-redeye filter).
But combine all that with the oddness of the bags under his eyes, the overall weird shadows on his face, and it really gives Obama a sinister, malevolent look.
That’s why I saved a local copy to my HD, since I figure Vox will realize how bad it makes Obama look and replace it with one containing 95% less Satan by weight…
Edited to add: This one seems equally horn-arific:
Man, I can hardly wait for the lulz when Above Top Secret and InfoWars sink their teeth into this one…
Tags: Media Watch, Obama, Vox.com
There is an devil in earth but it,s …… obama or putin!!!!!!!!