Another roundup of tab-clearing news, much of which got pushed aside by Ukraine updates:
Obama Administration admits that ObamaCare will screw small businesses. (Hat tip: Instapundit.) Why are any Republicans futzing around with any fix but full repeal?
Bobby Jindal: “Obamacare is giving low-income Americans fewer reasons to work.”
How ObamaCare is turning into the Democrats’ own forever war.
Two more congressional Democrats retire.
And that doesn’t count liberal Democratic fossil John Dingell, who’s also retiring after a mere 58 years in office.
And speaking of Michigan Democratic congressman, here’s how Rep. Gary Peters is trying to kill a woman with cancer:
Democrats in denial over ObamaCare unpopularity. Well, those who haven’t retired yet…
How unions and Democratic cronies looted Detroit’s pension plans.
Former Democratic congressman and convicted statutory rapist Mel Reynolds arrested on child pornography charges in Zimbabwe. (You might remember that Bill Clinton pardoned him on the way out the door…)
Deeply incompetent New Orleans Democratic Mayor Ray “Chocolate City” Nagin convicted on 20 federal corruption counts.
NJ’s Democratic Rep. Rob Andrews: The Washington Generals of Legislators.
The top special interest donors contribute to Democrats.
This week in the Democratic Liberal Media Complex Revolving Door.
There are few people liberals hate more than conservative black men.
Ted Cruz is winning.
Food prices continue to soar, yet another sign that inflation figures are significantly understated.
Record numbers of college graduates are living with their parents. Thanks, Obama!
“*Somebody* at Cover Oregon will end up going to jail.”
“The combination of UAW micromanagement and adversarial culture, not wages per se, is what helped to do in GM.”
“The UAW couldn’t even win an election it had been handed on a silver platter by management.”
Venezuela continues to stumble along at a repressive simmer.
Too bad they’re out of toilet paper.
Catholic priest in Venezuela beaten unconscious by socialist state thugs.
Michael Totten points out that Che Guevara is a murderous communist scumbag. Bonus: “Cuba’s maximum wage is less than one percent of America’s minimum wage”
Battle is joined between EUroskeptic UKIP and the EUrophilic Liberal-Democrats.
John Kerry: There’s no room in the religion of global warming for cost-benefit analysis.
UK Leftists want punitive taxes even if they bring in no additional revenue.
Detroit home-owner with an AR pattern rifle 3, stupid thugs trying to break into her home 0.
Portugal decriminalized all drugs 11 years ago. Result? Addiction cut in half, and “Portugal’s drug usage rates are now among the lowest of EU member states.”
“Diversity demands that diversity of opinion not be tolerated anymore.”
“Anti-male misandry, like anti-female #misogyny, is unjust and dangerous.”
Paying attention to the victimhood identity politics crowd, or how to murder your writing career.
Sarah Hoyt further dissects Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America idiocy. She touches on many of the reasons I didn’t renew my membership, the main ones being that SFWA is no longer important enough to be worth fighting for, and was certainly not worth $90 a year in dues.
“Human Resources has been very reluctant to respond to my complaints about being invisibly strangled by a cyborg space wizard.”
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Tags: Anthropogenic Global Warming, Bill Clinton, Bobby Jindal, Communism, Crime, Democrats, Detroit, Gary Peters, Guns, inflation, John Dingell, John Kerry, LinkSwarm, Media Watch, Mel Reynolds, Michigan, New Orleans, ObamaCare, SFWA, Ted Cruz, UAW, unions, video, Welfare State
This entry was posted on Tuesday, February 25th, 2014 at 8:18 AM and is filed under Communism, Crime, Democrats, Global Warming, Media Watch, ObamaCare, unions, video, Waste and Fraud, Welfare State. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
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