Another Friday, another LinkSwarm:
When it comes to ObamaCare, it turns out that Democrats lied about, well, pretty much everything. “Millions of low-income Americans won’t receive coverage. Many workers at small businesses won’t get a choice of insurance plans right away. Large employers won’t need to provide insurance for another year. Far more states than expected won’t run their own insurance marketplaces. And a growing number of workers won’t get to keep their employer-provided coverage.”
ObamaCare is bending the cost curve. Upwards.
Even moderate and conservative Democrats dislike ObamaCare.
Green Eggs and ObamaCare.
Just starting, the ObamaCare Wars are.
Oh how Republican Senators hate Ted Cruz for expecting them to behave like Republicans.
Another Dead Goblin.
Given the chance, more Wisconsin teachers break their union fetters.
Thanks to high costs, mismanagement and union rules, New York City can no longer support two opera companies.
The DEA thinks Big Brother should have access to all your prescription records.
Is Texas DPS refusing to hold illegal aliens?
The Onion profiles an Obama voter.
Cosmo, RIP.
New York Yankees guaranteed to win as many post-season games as the Astros this year.
Tags: baseball, Border Controls, dogs, Guns, LinkSwarm, New York City, ObamaCare, Ted Cruz, unions, Wisconsin
This entry was posted on Friday, September 27th, 2013 at 7:23 PM and is filed under Border Control, ObamaCare, unions. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
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