Giving the People What They Want

The top ten search terms leading people to my blog today:

  1. dennis kucinich wife
  2. encrypted_search_terms
  3. mrs. dennis kucinich
  4. kucinich wife
  5. mrs dennis kucinich
  6. kucinich’s wife
  7. call girls (goes to a piece on Eliot Spitzer)
  8. hot wife
  9. kucinichs wife
  10. kucinich wife pictures

What can I say? I’m giving the people what they want.

Vox populai, vox dei


2 Responses to “Giving the People What They Want”

  1. Dwight Brown says:

    The “encrypted_search_terms” shows up a lot on my blog, too. I wonder what that’s about.

  2. Lawrence Person says:

    It just means that people who are signed into Google can choose not to have their search terms compiled.

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