
A funny thing happened on the way to total Social Justice Warrior cultural domination: They finally started paying a price for their “violent eliminationist rhetoric.”

More and more, it seems that being a left-wing racist asshat is an excellent way to earn yourself a pink slip:

  • In a followup to an item in last week’s LinkSwarm, Phil Montag, the Nebraska Democrat openly celebrating the shooting of Steve Scalise wasn’t just fired from his Nebraska Democratic Party gig, he was also fired from his day job.
  • The University of Delaware cut ties with part-time, adjunct faculty member Katherine Dettwyler, who said that North Korea detainee Otto Warmbier deserved to die at the hands of communist North Korean abuse since he was “young, white, rich, clueless.” (Hat tip: Stephen Green.)
  • Essex County College fired adjunct professor Lisa Durden for statements attacking white people and supporting pro-black segregation. “You white people are angry because you couldn’t use your white-privilege card to get invited to the Black Lives Matter all-black Memorial Day celebration.” Said Essex County College president Dr. Anthony Munroe (who himself is black): “Racism cannot be fought with more racism.” (Hat tip: Ann Althouse.)
  • Yale dean June Y. Chu loses her job after calling people ‘white trash‘ in her Yelp reviews. (Aside: When did the New York Times start putting in Chinese ideogram subheadlines at the top of every story?)
  • in all these cases, merely refraining from being complete asshats would have been sufficuent for the offenders to keep their jobs.

    Do we want to live in a world where people can be fired from their day jobs for unrelated Yelp reviews? Probably not. But as IowaHawk once observed:

    Until very recently, left wing Social Justice Warrior mobs were allowed to go after people’s livelihoods with impunity for the most trivial of politically incorrect infractions, confident that no matter how radical or racist their own words and deeds, that they would pay no price for it. Only recently have the same rules Social Justice Warriors apply to others been applied to themselves. Only when the pain of their own reckless attack mob mentality is inflicted on them will they stop.

    Finally, the rest of the world is punching back twice as hard, and radical leftists have no one to blame but themselves.

    If pink slips are the only language they understand, then pink slips it is.

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    One Response to “Pinkslipapalooza”

    1. Imagine that. Rules being applied to our masters the leftists that they applied to we serfs.

      Funny but they don’t seem to like this.

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