“We’ve Been Through A North Korean Brainwashing Experiment”
Eric Weinstein sat down with the Triggernometry guys (Konstantin Kisin and Francis Foster) to talk about the 2024 election and the Democrat Party’s radical diversion from “Democracy.”
Eric Weinstein: “A certain kind of base reality is too difficult to deny.”
Konstantin Kisin: “Well, if you keep losing elections, it’s too difficult to deny.”
EW: “They’ve lost one just now, but this is going to be a very consequential one. First of all, it puts JD Vance, who I consider a friend, on deck. Man is that guy smart and good, combines all sorts of aspects of progressivism. I think he ran a campaign with Donald Trump as a loyal number two, but JD is a powerhouse in and of himself.”
EW: “I think he could run a campaign that would just be irresistible to all sorts of people.”
EW: “I would like to just point out that you could easily have 12 years coming off of this election, and you could have a Supreme Court that was completely dominated by Donald Trump and JD Vance, and it will transform the country. So this is a very consequential election to have screwed up.”
EW: “Obama doesn’t matter.”
EW: “The Clintons are highly degraded.” I think he means as a political force, but the other way works as well.
EW: “This was such a bad story that no one knew how to defend it, and I also think that Kamla Harris’s apparent drop in IQ is due to the fact that nobody can explain the Democratic Party. It’s a series of horse trades and intellectual half measures. It doesn’t have any coherence.”
EW: “Are you the party of sweetness and light? Are you the party of the working class? Or are you really the party of the transgendered and financial billionaires worried about the carried interest exemption? It just didn’t make any sense, and there was no way to defend it and still got close to 50% of the popular [vote] because so many people are dependent on these narratives.”
Francis Foster: “To me the Democrat Party [is] divorced from reality in so many different ways. They talk about being Democratic, but Kamala Harris didn’t go through any primary. They just appointed her.”
EW: “You can’t say democracy is on the ballot. There’s no primary.”
EW: “The thing that inspires us, that gets us to put our right hand over our heart, is the idea of a government by, of, and for the people not perishing from this Earth.”
EW: [The idea] “it’s perfectly legal, perfectly permissible, to just select a candidate [is] an abomination.”
EW: “You’ve installed a candidate who was the worst candidate available, until she became America’s sweetheart, and the whiplash from that period of time just forced the Machinery to to reveal itself.”
FF: “And it seems like that’s one of the logical fallacies within the Democrat Party, but it’s just one after another after another.”
EW: “We’ve been through, like, a North Korean brainwashing experiment, and we can’t believe that this happened. It’s just so bad, and every single person of any kind of originality of thought or independence of mind rejects it.”
Weinstein notes that creative people in the trades (electricians, truckers, etc.) were never sucked into the woke mindset, because their jobs require them to be based in unforgiving reality. It was only among academics, PhDs and corporate workplaces that the woke virus spread. “That’s what’s going to have to collapse.”
The key to the Democrat’s success in intervening decades, as in N. Korea’s case or the Soviets or China, has been their ability to create a massive ecosystem of incestuous organizations that scold and self-congratulate with unwavering unanimity. They award each other. They fuck each other. They hate each other’s enemies. They do not deviate in the slightest because to do so reveals what communist and socialist entities fear most, the revelation that they aren’t just a minority, but an extreme minority.
The entire function of the ecosystem is to create an iron wall of social pressure that preys upon the most gullible and the most submissive, and it grows rapidly from there. It’s a super-effective psychological warfare strategy, and it’s also very feminine. Tell any woman the details above in reference to teen high school girl social pressure and they’ll immediate see the parallels. It doesn’t matter if they’re lying and you can prove it, the ecosystem simply doubles down, and they outnumber you so it will always appear to the unfamiliar and unengaged outsider that you’re the one with an agenda. They’re doing it right now with “climate change” in the CA wildfires. Then they reinforce their position by giving each other awards for seemingly nothing. They’re the experts, you’re not. They’re credentialed, you’re not. Their buddy Biden will get a Nobel Peace Prize for the Gaza deal, not Trump. This pulls even more people in. They’re the “popular girls”, your not. You don’t want to be one of those unpopular deplorables, do you?
This works really really well until it starts running headlong into things that need to work – CA wildfires or skilled trades or profitability among millions of examples. The problem is by the time you’ve hit the stage where things aren’t working anymore – like now – a level of damage has been done that will be hard to reverse and it will take as long or longer since it manifested just to go back, and it really started under Obama which was almost 20 years ago. And they still benefit from the chaos they’ve caused because their ecosystem just blames the sane for the current effects of their past failures, further reinforcing again the illusion of their dominance to the gullible, submissive, and weak. Almost half the country still voted for brain death, as EW says.
Nothing is more important for the health of this country than to crush their ecosystem permanently. The Democratic party is just the hyrda’s head and your can strike at it till you rot. We have to cut the strength from under them by annihilating their ‘mean girls’ like NPR and the rest of the MSM, segments of academia, and dark money conduits among so many others. Elon’s purchase of Twitter probably saved the country.
The 49% of America that voted for Kamala Harris must be converted constantly to that small sliver of the formerly brain dead who realized that the mean girls aren’t popular and aren’t anything close to as numerous as they appear, or things will continue to deteriorate. It appears the pain wrought by California’s incompetence is having a big effect, and if pain is what’s needed to wake up the weak, then so be it.
I agree with our spoonerific friend, except on one point. It by no means started with Obama, though I’ll certainly grant that he was more enthusiastic about supporting this particular abomination than anyone before him in the presidency.
The key to the Democrat’s success in intervening decades, as in N. Korea’s case or the Soviets or China, has been their ability to create a massive ecosystem of incestuous organizations that scold and self-congratulate with unwavering unanimity. They award each other. They fuck each other. They hate each other’s enemies. They do not deviate in the slightest because to do so reveals what communist and socialist entities fear most, the revelation that they aren’t just a minority, but an extreme minority.
The entire function of the ecosystem is to create an iron wall of social pressure that preys upon the most gullible and the most submissive, and it grows rapidly from there. It’s a super-effective psychological warfare strategy, and it’s also very feminine. Tell any woman the details above in reference to teen high school girl social pressure and they’ll immediate see the parallels. It doesn’t matter if they’re lying and you can prove it, the ecosystem simply doubles down, and they outnumber you so it will always appear to the unfamiliar and unengaged outsider that you’re the one with an agenda. They’re doing it right now with “climate change” in the CA wildfires. Then they reinforce their position by giving each other awards for seemingly nothing. They’re the experts, you’re not. They’re credentialed, you’re not. Their buddy Biden will get a Nobel Peace Prize for the Gaza deal, not Trump. This pulls even more people in. They’re the “popular girls”, your not. You don’t want to be one of those unpopular deplorables, do you?
This works really really well until it starts running headlong into things that need to work – CA wildfires or skilled trades or profitability among millions of examples. The problem is by the time you’ve hit the stage where things aren’t working anymore – like now – a level of damage has been done that will be hard to reverse and it will take as long or longer since it manifested just to go back, and it really started under Obama which was almost 20 years ago. And they still benefit from the chaos they’ve caused because their ecosystem just blames the sane for the current effects of their past failures, further reinforcing again the illusion of their dominance to the gullible, submissive, and weak. Almost half the country still voted for brain death, as EW says.
Nothing is more important for the health of this country than to crush their ecosystem permanently. The Democratic party is just the hyrda’s head and your can strike at it till you rot. We have to cut the strength from under them by annihilating their ‘mean girls’ like NPR and the rest of the MSM, segments of academia, and dark money conduits among so many others. Elon’s purchase of Twitter probably saved the country.
The 49% of America that voted for Kamala Harris must be converted constantly to that small sliver of the formerly brain dead who realized that the mean girls aren’t popular and aren’t anything close to as numerous as they appear, or things will continue to deteriorate. It appears the pain wrought by California’s incompetence is having a big effect, and if pain is what’s needed to wake up the weak, then so be it.
I agree with our spoonerific friend, except on one point. It by no means started with Obama, though I’ll certainly grant that he was more enthusiastic about supporting this particular abomination than anyone before him in the presidency.