Here’s a short, interesting video of a black, female YouTuber with a punk rock haircut who goes by Gothix, who found herself inadvertently red-pilled.
“I never really was into politics at all, but I had a lot of opinions about politics. To give you some context, I had severe Trump Derangement Syndrome. I hated Trump. I hated everyone who voted for Trump. I actually cut off one of my best friends. I didn’t speak to her for like a year because I could not understand how my white friend would vote for someone who was against my people being black people. And so and so.”
“My political awakening pretty much happened over the course of, maybe, like, two years. It started when Disney announced that they were going to be doing a live action remake of The Little Mermaid. I was wondering why they made Ariel black. I was very confused by this, so naturally I go online I ask this question, and I started to get a lot of pushback from people who were my fans.”
“A lot of them were black fans, and they they couldn’t understand why I had such a problematic anti-black opinion.”
“I’m, like, ‘My audience just turned on me for a very reasonable question.’ And I also didn’t like how if anyone opposed Ariel being turned black, you were automatically a racist. And that doesn’t make any sense to me.”
“A few months later Covid starts, and we’re told to stay home and flatten the curve. Meanwhile, the BLM protest starts, and now all of a sudden you can go out as long as you are protesting to end racial Injustice or something like that. So that hypocrisy didn’t make any sense to me. Either Covid is deadly or it’s not. Either we stay home or we don’t. We don’t get to pick and choose.”
“Once again I brought up the question: What does stealing a 70 inch TV have to do with ending police brutality? And once again I got hate. And then it dawned on me: ‘Hold on! I keep getting pushback from black leftists. There is something going on about this.'”
“So then I started going down a rabbit hole, and I started literally researching ‘black people who stopped being Democrat’ and the amount of stuff that I got it was crazy. The first thing that I watched was the Uncle Tom documentary, and what I came to realize after watching that is that we have been lied to about history.”
“There’s something called the black card, and there’s sort of like this expectation that you’re supposed to behave in a certain way, and that trickles down all the way to who you vote for.”
“When you are born black in America, it’s sort of insinuated that you will be voting Democrat. Don’t ask questions, just vote Democrat. Which is exactly what I did when Obama was running. I voted for him because he’s black. Knew nothing about his policies, but he’s black and I need to help my people or something.”
“That process got me to start really considering all the things that I used to believe. One of the things was about Trump, and then I realized that ‘Oh, wow, the media is lying about him they’re taking these clips and they’re using clickbait and distorting it taking it totally out of context.’ And they’re emotionally extorting people who wear their identity on their sleeve. If you are black and you see a a video of some guy in office talking about, uh, anything racist, of course you’re going to oppose him, right?”
“And then that makes room for a political savior to come in who makes empty promises about ending white supremacy. I just came to realize that the media is not on our side, they’re not there to tell us the news, they’re not there to keep us informed, they’re there to get us emotionally riled up so then they can use that to get us marching to the ballot box. They don’t actually care about us.”
If you know a white liberal who reflexively calls Trump a racist, send them a link to this video.
And I’ll have to track down that Uncle Tom documentary…
Gothix has some interesting things to say. My only complaint is that some of her videos are tool long and a bit rambling.
There is a documentary that came out in 2023 that details how she was canceled for daring to have a differing opinion than the one prescribed for her by the Democrats. It is also on Amazon Prime. I don’t know if it’s free with a subscription
[…] and The travel kit for Canadian tourists embarking on an apartheid vacation in Cuba BattleSwarm: Black Girl Redpilled, Best Smug “Trump Can’t Win” Videos, Paxton Sues Feds Over Jack Smith Records, Team Personal […]
The young lady needs to be introduced to Thomas Sowell, followed by Walter E. Williams and Larry Elder.
FYI … it’s included with Amazon Prime
Gothix has some interesting things to say. My only complaint is that some of her videos are tool long and a bit rambling.
There is a documentary that came out in 2023 that details how she was canceled for daring to have a differing opinion than the one prescribed for her by the Democrats. It is also on Amazon Prime. I don’t know if it’s free with a subscription
Didn’t realize the Gothix trailer was at the end of that video…
There are any number of interesting stories carried by #WalkAway.
[…] and The travel kit for Canadian tourists embarking on an apartheid vacation in Cuba BattleSwarm: Black Girl Redpilled, Best Smug “Trump Can’t Win” Videos, Paxton Sues Feds Over Jack Smith Records, Team Personal […]