Jeremiad To The Democrats The First: Abandon The Fucking Idiot Transsexual Woke Bullshit

Because I’m such a helpful, big-hearted fellow, I’m going to start a series where I tell Democrats how to find their way out of their current slough of despond. But since I’m so very, very tired of their useless shit, and of them making the same mistakes over and over again, I’m going to give said advice in a way that brutally goosesteps all over their precious feel-feels, ensuring that they will stop reading reading it in a fit of blind rage, which will in turn make them incapable of learning from it, ensuring that they continue to make the same mistakes over and over again.

I’m tricksy that way.

This first big lesson: Abandon the fucking idiot woke social justice warrior bullshit

All of it.


That’s going to be the overarching lesson for the first few of these. But because there’s so much social justice bullshit, I’m going to have to break these lessons up to cover different types of social justice warrior bullshit.

Lesson the First: Abandon your transsexual madness.

  • Cut out all the transsexual bullshit. Sex is not a social construct. There are two sexes, male and female. If you have XY chromosomes, you are male. If you have XX chromosomes, you are female. A man cannot make himself into a woman by any means, and certainly not by simply declaring he’s a woman. Stop pretending otherwise. Stop pretending that “gender” is “fluid.” Stop pretending that a few odd genetic corner cases give you permission to pretend a man wearing a dress is a woman. Stop enabling mental illness. We’re not playing anymore.
  • Get your fucking child-mutilating hands off children. If you insane, mentally ill perverts want to mutilate your own damn body, fine. Not my circus, not my monkeys. But when you start mutilating the genitalia of children and start sterilizing children for life, fuck you and every one of your virtue-signaling comrades and expect to lose every election between now and the heat death of the universe.
  • Stop putting men pretending to be women into women’s prisons. Democrats go to great lengths to assure the public they’re against rape, but when it comes down to preventing rape or enabling their virtue signaling, Democratic prison officials across the country have decided they’re just fine and dandy with rape. Just as with UK’s Labour government being just fine with systemic child rape of British women by unassimilated Muslim immigrants in the Rotherham et. al. scandals being an acceptable price to pay for more “multicultural” voters, so too the Democratic Party seems to think repeated rape of incarcerated women by male felons claiming to be woman is necessary for the greater glory of “social justice.”
  • Stop asking government to pay for “sex change operations” for illegal aliens and convicted felons. Remember how Kamala Harris’ promise to pay for sex changes for illegal aliens in 2020 came back to bite her in the ass in 2024. Like I said, if you freaks want to pay to mutilate yourself, we don’t give a rat’s ass. But when ordinary people are having trouble paying for food because of the lingering inflation from the Biden Recession, they get angry when you use their tax dollars to pay for idiot virtue-signaling bullshit. Ditto Julian Castro’s absurd pimping of “transgender abortion.”
  • Cut out the bullshit euphemisms. Mutilating a child’s genitalia isn’t “gender affirming care,” it’s evil perversion we will hold you to account for performing. Likewise:
  • Stop pretending that refusing to indulge in the mentally ill delusion that someone is a different sex than the one they were born with is “literally killing them.” “Do what I say or I’ll kill myself” has never been a morally acceptable threat, and studies show that mutilating people in the name of “gender affirming care” doesn’t decrease the risk of suicide. Quite the opposite: “The results of this study indicate that patients who have undergone gender affirmation surgery are associated with significantly higher risks of suicide, self-harm, and PTSD compared to general population control groups.”
  • Stop demanding pronouns. That means you, corporate American. We’re not playing your woke bullshit games any more, and if you keep trying to force that down our throats, expect to see employees, customers and federal contracts all dry up.
  • Stop pandering to the non-existent “modern” transsexual shopper. All their weird breast-binding and size 14 women shoe needs can probably be served by a single mail order house somewhere in New York or San Francisco. Pull that virtue signaling crap out of your store and put in merchandise that people actually want. That means you, Target. And if you’re aiming that shit at children, expect to see ordinary Americans actively work to see that you go bankrupt.
  • Stop letting men play women’s athletics. The average man is stronger and faster than the average woman, and among athletes this male advantage is even more greatly pronounced, and in contact sports like boxing the advantage is so overwhelming that pretending otherwise creates an active danger to the life and health of a woman trying to compete against a biological man. The Biden Administration’s perversion of Title IX has already been found unconstitutional and is deeply unpopular among the parents of girls participating in high school and college athletes. Why is the Democratic Party so obsessed with alienating vast swathes of the American voting public in order to pander to the laughable delusions of a small number of low value males who are incapable of beating other men and need to wrest some sort of sick gratification from beating smaller and weaker girls by pretending to be female?
  • Remember, Democrats, Step 1 is admitting you have a problem. Wokeness and social justice in general, and transsexual madness in specific, are a battleship-anchor around your neck. The sane majority of ordinary Americans are more than happy to see it drag you down to the bottom of the ocean, but self preservation would suggest you just might want to consider pulling your head out of your ass, changing course, and leaving the freakshow of transsexual madness behind.

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    28 Responses to “Jeremiad To The Democrats The First: Abandon The Fucking Idiot Transsexual Woke Bullshit”

    1. Mike V says:

      “Get your fucking child-mutilating hands off children”

      Add to that is someone isn’t mature enough to own a handgun until they are 21, they certainly aren’t mature enough to make the life altering decision to undergo sex change surgeries until they are 21 either.

    2. D Liddle says:

      A podcast a few years ago had an interview with a mtf transgender where he said something that stuck with me. On the subject of transitioning children, he said many mtf transgenders are obsessed with a belief that had they transitioned earlier, they would be able to “pass” more and that this creates the motivation to defend children’s “rights” to begin transitioning at any age they begin feeling they’re in the wrong body. In effect he was saying what so many already know to be horrifyingly true with transgender people, that literally everything and anything can be placed upon their alter as sacrifice so long as it results in being able to “pass”.

      It was shocking how morally vacant and unself-aware he was. It’s the primary reason transitioning seldom solves any of their underlying issues because 99% of them can never be satisfied unless by a wave of a magic wand they get to look like Jessica Alba instead of a dude in a dress. So because a magic wand doesn’t exist, the next best thing is to allow the next generation to mutilate itself earlier in life. Unreal, and solid proof this goes way beyond mental illness into something far more alarming.

    3. Malthus says:

      “Remember, Democrats, Step 1 is admitting you have a problem.”

      Democrat: what normies view as deviant conduct—“The Problem”—is vital to our being. To hold true faith and allegiance to the doctrines of deviancy demonstrates our resilience and will-to-power.

      We will not shrink from our duty as vanguards in the revolution against bourgeoisie values. We will never be defeated. What does not kill us makes us stronger. We will defiantly raise our rainbow banner atop the rubble of Western Civilization and declare the abolition of heteronormative man.

      Like the fabled Phoenix, a Brave New World will arise from the ashes.

      Perverts of the world unite! Today’s shameful debaucheries are tomorrow’s honors.

    4. Joe Redfield says:

      Second the motion; call the question.

    5. Malthus says:

      I vote against the abolition of heteronormative man.

    6. bobby b says:

      So many articles and essays and tweets aimed at helping the Dems regain sanity.

      Personally, my advice to them is, Double Down! More of the same!

    7. Malthus says:


      “Down the fanatic, down the clown;
      Down, down, hammer them down”

    8. Stop pretending that a few odd genetic corner cases give you permission to pretend a man wearing a dress is a woman.

      It’s a tragically common pattern:
      Academics: “Common sense says X, but we can’t conclude that, because of Y.”
      Leftist Activists: “And therefore, Z is not only true, but a moral imperative!”
      Self-Styled Moderates: “Well, Z seems crazy to me, but it’s what the studies are saying.”
      Conservatives: “What? Z is absurd.”
      In most cases, Z doesn’t follow. Sometimes, it’s because Z relies on so many other assumptions that it’s not even false, just incoherent. Of course, you’ll have no trouble finding examples where Z is neatly false as well. However, the usual result is just the leftist activists accusing conservatives of being “not-Z‘s”.

    9. 10x25mm says:

      Dr. John R. Lott, Jr.’s Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) finds 15.3% of prisoners in BoP (federal) women’s prisons are men, but only 0.5% of prisoners in BoP men’s prisons are women:

      “Of the 10,025 people in federal women’s prisons, 1,529 are men or 15.3%. Of the 143,714 people in federal men’s prisons, 744 are women or 0.5%. So-called transgender females are thus greater over represented in federal prisons relative to their share of women.”

      President Trump’s January 20th XO, “Defending Women From Gender Ideology Extremism and Restoring Biological Truth to the Federal Government,” requires transgender women to be removed from BoP women’s prisons.

    10. […] HELPFUL (AND SPICY) GUIDE FROM BATTLESWARM: Jeremiad To The Democrats The First: Abandon The F***ing Idiot Transsexual Woke Bullshit. “Because I’m such a helpful, big-hearted fellow, I’m going to start a series where I tell […]

    11. David P. says:

      what they’ll do instead is to change the name, like how we got from “Gun Control” to “Commonsense Gun Safety”. It’ll be the same thing, but with a different name.

    12. MartynW says:

      If you stop believing all the crap Democrats believe, you’re not really a Democrat any more.

      Swallow the damn red pill. Don’t just hold it in your mouth for months.

    13. Chuck Moss says:

      Anyone even remotely involved in ‘Gender Affirming:”stop
      –When the lawsuits get going, it will make
      Asbestos look puny. And that means you, Mr./Ms.Doobie the Cool Teacher. They won’t stop with the school district, they’ll come after you personally.

    14. 908 says:

      Mr. Preston, you are obviously a demented old racist/transphobic white male with a little dick and you’re compensating with this column.

      The Democrats are absolutely right on “woke shit.” And especially on the “trans” stuff. Democrat women would have nothing to do if you remove the object of their Munchausen syndrome and make them stop trying to surgically/pharmaceutically alter their kids.

      Not to mention all the doctors families that will find themselves homeless if they stop neutering those kids.

      Shame on you.

      And, the only reason Democrats lost to the Nazi Party was that they were too close to the political center. They have to move much farther to the left, and someone has to stop Russia from helping Nazi-Republicans.

      So there.

    15. Ruprecht says:

      Just accept that after gay marriage gained acceptance the trans agenda took over and everything about that agenda is unacceptable to most Americans.
      Go awhile without pushing a divisive cause, you might like it.

    16. KLA says:

      “Transsexual” doesn’t make sense as a term, since one can’t actually change sex. As Lawrence notes.

      But, a note about sex, and a place where people get it wrong: Your sex isn’t your chromosomes. It’s the gametes, whether the organism is of the type that has big gametes (e.g., eggs) or small mobile gametes (e.g., sperm). Horses are male and female, but don’t have the same chromosomes we do. And, there are some types of slugs that are fully functional hermaphrodites, among animals, and many flowering plant species that are also both sexes at once. And they don’t have XX or XY chromosomes, but in each case their own unique genomes and chromosomes.

      And remember, it’s about being a member of the *type* that produces the appropriate kind of gametes. A post-menopausal women, for example, no longer has gametes, but is still female. Likewise a castrated male is still a male. Likewise, most so-called “intersex” conditions are not in any fashion “between” the two sexes. Rather, they are males or females with some deformities, usually to genitals or secondary sexual characteristics. Sex isn’t a “spectrum”, as the activists would have it.

      TLDR: Chromosomes aren’t your sex, they just prescribe your sex. If you screw up this point, you open yourself up to disingenuous arguments from the transgender activists.

    17. mhw says:

      Unfortunately, the American Psychological Association and some other groups have given their imprint, although with lots of caveats, to the trans movement.

      That makes the trans movement more difficult..

    18. Irwin Chusid says:

      And by “biological man,” you mean “man.”

    19. John Kirk says:

      I will bet money that the Democratic Party and our Former Ruling Class (Main Stream Media, Colleges, RINO’s, Experts, Karens, etc.) ignore this good advice. Now is an excellent time to jettison the TRANSGENDER PANIC. Shove it into the CONE OF SILENCE closet. Do NOT admit any mistake, don’t explain anything, just stop talking about the Transgender and don’t return their telephone calls. Only the very rich can afford this stuff once the Trump Administration cuts off the money and most States don’t require Health Insurance to pay for the TRANSGENDER PANIC. Also many doctors and counselors really…really…fear Tort Lawsuits. It could all vanish. But my Prediction is in the 2026 Elections that half the Democratic Candidates will support the TRANSGENDER PANIC. You reap what you sow.

    20. Pete says:

      Never interrupt the enemy when he is making a mistake.
      Let them continue on the path to irrelevance.

    21. Leland says:

      Only one minor change. Really, you said it. Genitalia mutilation is bad, but I think the sterilization of children is worse. And really, I think there is a strong argument that what they are really doing is sterilizing children who are confused on whether they are homosexual or not, and if they claim homosexuality, then they’ll call them transexual and sterilize them.

      Future topics: MAID/Eugenics? War on Freelancers? Human Trafficking?

    22. Bruce Gee says:

      Aw shucks. Given that this is just one item on the long highway to total, unmitigated perversion, I was hoping to much some popcorn on the side of the road and see just what in tarnation they’d come up with next. I know everyone expects it to be sex with animals, but I was hoping for something, I dunno, like sex with aliens or maybe sex with rocks.

    23. JimB says:

      “Why is the Democratic Party so obsessed with alienating vast swathes of the American voting public in order to pander to the laughable delusions of a small number of low value males who are incapable of beating other men and need to wrest some sort of sick gratification from beating smaller and weaker girls by pretending to be female?”

      Because by forcing you to be a participant in a delusion that you know is ridiculous, they break down your resistance. It’s like wearing a cloth mask to stop a virus. The point isn’t the thing itself, it’s imprinting the behavior of accepting that you must DO WHAT YOU ARE TOLD. I believe Solzhenitsyn described this action by the Communists in the USSR. The more ridiculous the thing they make you say, the better. That’s what this is.

    24. Brian says:

      They are unable to let go of trans madness. They hitched their wagon of virtue to another set of deviants, homosexuals, for so long that now that it was suddenly taken from them in Obergefell they needed a new purpose, which was to latch on to the next set of sexual deviants. The reason this must be stopped is because after this becomes normalized one Thursday morning during Rulings Season, you know what the next category of deviants will be.

    25. Ron says:

      This blogpost was so on-target that I was compelled to donate to the blog.

    26. Alex Bensky says:

      Oh, no, eight year old children understand what gender is and can identify their real gender, even if it conflicts with their biology. We should therefore engage in irreversible procedures on such children to affirm their gender identity.

      However, no one would dream of letting a child that age determine his own bed time.

    27. James Versluis says:

      Quit giving them good advice. Instead, hint that the “trans genocide” is true.

      They lost because of this. Make them double and treble down.

      You do that by tripping their cult triggers, thus destroying their next presidential and legislative chances. We need at least 12 years of Trumpo-Vanceian work.

      I suspect you made this for the right-wing’s schadenfreude, not to give them advice.

    28. Lawrence Person says:

      I heartily approve of this tactic!

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