10% Of Texas Population Illegal Aliens?

This is a pretty startling tidbit via Texas Republican congressman Chip Roy:

Given that the entire population of Texas is some 31,000,000 people, that means that just under 10% of the population are non-citizens, the majority of which are probably illegal aliens, and most of them have probably been imported under the Biden-Harris administration.

If you were wondering how Democrats were planning on stealing the 2024 election, that’s one of the ways. Fortunately, Texas officials finally seem to have their act together for ensuring only citizens vote.

In a major reversal from her guidance just days ago, Secretary of State Jane Nelson now says non-citizen driver’s licenses may not be used as a form of voter identification.

The Texas Department of Public Safety issues driver’s licenses and personal identification cards to lawfully present noncitizens, which are clearly marked “Temporary Visitor” or “Limited-Term” and expire after one year or when the individual’s period of lawful presence ends.

An advisory from the Secretary of State issued Tuesday afternoon stated that while citizens should not use these types of IDs to vote, poll workers should nonetheless offer a regular ballot to people on the voter rolls who present a noncitizen ID. This contrasts with previous guidance from the Secretary of State’s office in 2018, which specifically stated that DPS-issued driver’s licenses and personal identification cards “should not be used if ‘Limited Term’ or ‘Temporary Visitor’ appears on the face of the card, as this indicates the person is not a U.S. Citizen.”

Instead, voters with such IDs were urged to show other forms of identification, including naturalization certificates or passports.

After backlash, Nelson has issued “updated guidance” reversing the decision:

When an individual attempts to vote by presenting a temporary or limited-term driver’s license (which federal regulations say must be issued only to non-citizens who are lawfully present in this country) election workers must require that the individual produce a naturalization card or naturalization certificate demonstrating U.S. citizenship to receive a regular ballot.

I still expect Democrats to try to harvest illegal alien votes (and pursue other avenues of voting fraud) in deep blue cities, but state vigilance has helped forestall this particular avenue of illegal alien voting fraud.

But voting fraud is far from the only baleful effects of Democrats importing such a staggering number of illegal aliens into Texas (and elsewhere). Higher crime rates, soaring housing costs, and downward pressure on manual labor and entry level jobs are all notable problems, as is the diversion of federal funds from more vital tasks to fund the Biden-Harris illegal alien importation agenda.

The Biden-Harris administration allegedly redirected funds meant for securing the southern border to advancing its open borders agenda.

The Center for Renewing America reported that the Federal Emergency Management Agency has been using funds allocated to U.S. Customs and Border Protection to spur illegal border crossings.

Specifically, CRA Executive Director Wade Miller levied accusations against the Biden-Harris administration for propagating the illusion that CBP had enough taxpayer funding, but then moving those dollars to FEMA to advance open-border policies.

He described this process as being even more scandalous than FEMA funding illegal aliens with its own money.

“It appears that much of the money used by FEMA to fund illegal immigration was transferred to FEMA from CBP,” Miller posted on X. “The Biden/Harris admin is defunding border security to facilitate open borders.”

Miller explained later that “Democrats set up the CBP funding levels to make it look like CBP had non-laughable funding levels, with the intent of then later transferring those funds to fund the open borders agenda through FEMA.”

While U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas revealed that FEMA is running out of money amid the ongoing hurricane season, FEMA actually spent exorbitant amounts of money on welfare for illegal aliens.

For example, in the past two years alone, FEMA covered approximately $1 billion worth of food, shelter, and transportation for illegal aliens.

Now, not only is FEMA allegedly out of money, but the federal government has also been accused of taking taxpayer dollars from CBP’s pockets and transferring it to FEMA to continue its spending on illegal aliens.

“Absolutely nothing that Border Czar Kamala Harris and President Biden do – or intentionally fail to do – surprises me,” State Rep. David Spiller told Texas Scorecard. “They continue to consciously endanger every Texan and American by their indefensible open border policies.”

Having this many illegal aliens running around lose is an active threat to Texas and the United States. A second Trump presidency is necessary to secure the border and start the deportation of all illegal aliens.

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2 Responses to “10% Of Texas Population Illegal Aliens?”

  1. Meatwood Flack says:

    Make no mistake they’re not just here to dilute your vote, the traitors that have engineered this for years intend to arm these people to attack native-born citizens when the time is right.

    There is a foreign born army living amongst us in every state in the union, if you can really still call it that.

  2. Subotai Bahadur says:

    Those who are enemies of our Constitutional republic and our Social Contract do not seem to understand a basic connection. Under our current system, the peaceful transition of power with the consent of the governed is based on legitimate elections with integrity that demonstrate that consent of citizens to be governed. If any of the factors in the previous sentence are void, then the Social Contract is too and historically the fallback position from that is neither predictable nor tidy.

    While I am old enough that I probably will miss the worst, I fear for my children and grandchildren.

    Subotai Bahadur

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