Breaking: Biden Drops Out

The Democratic Media Complex that gaslighted us for four years about Biden’s cognitive decline has now forced him out of the race.

President Joe Biden announced that he will be dropping out of the 2024 presidential race after intense public pressure from Democratic lawmakers and liberal commentators following his disastrous presidential-debate performance last month, a dramatic shake-up to the electoral landscape with only months to go until votes are cast.

Biden posted a statement on X, declaring his intention to drop out of the presidential race after seemingly having decided that he is not the Democratic Party’s best candidate to defeat former president Donald Trump this November. He did not endorse a replacement to top the presidential ticket.

Now a lame-duck president, Biden, 81, will serve the remaining months of his single presidential term. His political career, which has spanned five decades, will likely be defined by his decision to bow out of the presidential reelection contest.

Before stepping aside, Biden and his aides vigorously defended his mental acuity but failed to convince the public. Poll after poll found that most Americans believed Biden’s age presented a serious concern, and his decline became increasingly noticeable with each public appearance.

In February, special counsel Robert Hur observed Biden’s memory issues in his final report on the investigation into whether Biden had mishandled classified documents as a private citizen. Although Hur concluded that Biden “willfully” mishandled classified materials, he did not recommend criminal charges, in large part because he did not believe Biden was fit to stand trial.

When Hur’s report came out, Democrats leaped to his defense and claimed that Hur was a right-wing partisan who unnecessarily editorialized throughout the final report. Only after Biden’s horrendous debate showing last month did Democrats finally begin discussing publicly the problem posed by Biden’s advanced age.

Throughout the presidential debate, Biden coughed, stumbled over his words, lost his train of thought, whispered into the microphone, appeared outright confused, and rambled incoherently. Immediately, Democrats and their media allies began discussing the possibility of removing Biden from the presidential ticket.

So now the party that swore up and down that you had to vote for them to “save democracy” is now going to throw the only candidate to receive primary delegates this year (after keeping Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. off the ballot) out of the race so unelected party insiders can pick a new candidate.

His letter says he’s going to serve out his term, so they’re trying to maintain the fiction that he’s fit to govern:

Are they going with Kamala Harris, or was the plan to install Gavin Newsom at the top of the ticket all along?

Man, it has been a crazy eight days.

This is a breaking story, so there may be more revelations coming down the pike.

Update: Biden (or whoever controls his Twitter account) endorses Kamala Harris:

The only question now is whether the people pulling Biden’s strings have decided on Harris. And remember, Harris is both a horrible campaigner and a horrible human being.

Update 2: It occurs to me that the people actually running the Democratic Party may have decided they’re not beating Trump this year, and have settled on Harris as the sacrificial victim to toss to the tigers while they keep running things behind the scenes.

Update 3: It seems like a whole lot of media outlets had “Is Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro going to be Kamala’s running mate” pieces cued up and ready to go…

Update 4: And the first electoral map polling video since the announcement. Spoiler: Trump 340, Harris 198.

“Democrats have basically already lost this election.”

Don’t get cocky.

Update 5: Obama is not endorsing Kamala Harris. Hmmmm.

Update 6:

Update 7: Did White House staff not know about Biden’s decision until they read it on Twitter?

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19 Responses to “Breaking: Biden Drops Out”

  1. Greg the Class Traitor says:

    This should open up the floodgates for a lot of lawsuits based on the premise that Joe Biden is not mentally capable of being President, and therefore none of his executive orders, or pardons, or any exercise of executive power by the executive branch, is actually legal

    Because until they trigger the 25th, the power flows from him, no?


  2. Greg the Class Traitor says:

    I’m trying to come up with legitimate reasons why this would come as two posts on Twitter, rather than a press conference, or at least a video release.

    I’ve come up with:
    1: Joe is not currently mentally competent to pull off any sort of video
    2: It’s a coup, and Joe / “Dr” Jill did not actually agree to this

    I’ve asked around for a 3rd option. So far, no one has offered one

  3. D Liddle says:

    The level of scorn that should be heaped upon these liars is only a few levels above what you should think of sex offenders, and it’s probably not far off it just hasn’t been proven. In ye olden days mobs would’ve sieged the white house and tarred and feathered the lot of them.

  4. Kirk says:

    Biden hasn’t been mentally competent for a lot longer than this past few weeks, and the fact that they’re only now admitting it? Fraud, pure and simple.

    He’s been a meat-puppet to give Obama his third term since day one. That’s why Obama has a house in DC, unlike every other ‘effing former president in US history; look at all the people that Biden put into power; they’re all former members of the Obama crew.

    If Trump wins, and means to succeed? There needs to be a thorough stable-cleaning of Augean standards. If he doesn’t do that? You’ll know he’s a put-up job, part of the problem himself. He has zero excuse at this point, for trusting any of these bastards and putting them in charge of even being a dogcatcher. The entire Uniparty structure in DC needs to go…

  5. Howard says:

    Another fun part: Joe doesn’t do his own Twitter. He has a team for that. So … who put out the tweet? Who drafted the letter?

    Does JB even know what “he” announced?

  6. Howard says:


    I still can’t figure why Trump put Omarosa in his cabinet 7 years ago. Unless it’s all kayfabe.

  7. Northern Redneck says:

    This all reminds me of when Stephen Breyer’s “retirement” was “announced,” and it was all news to him. Remember that?

    BTW, if Kamala does get the slot, well, we can have lots of fun. Go look up what “kamala” means in Finnish…

  8. BigFire says:

    It’s the only legal way for Democrats to spend the $200 million in Biden-Harris campaign warchest.

  9. Kirk says:

    Howard said:

    “I still can’t figure why Trump put Omarosa in his cabinet 7 years ago. Unless it’s all kayfabe.”

    That’s my niggling suspicion, with Trump. That the whole thing is theater, from start to finish.

    However, I do have to admit that we’re getting our money’s worth out of him, so I’ll keep the faith and vote for him yet again.

    Here’s the thing, though: Any more? I’m just voting a straight “Vote for who they don’t want you to vote for” ticket. Hell, if Satan himself were to run, and the news media told me not to vote for him? He’s getting my vote. That’s how done I am with these arseholes.

  10. Big D says:

    If they’re so certain that they can’t cheat enough to win either way, why dump Biden? Why not let him fail, and avoid the question of whether or not he is competent to remain in office until it no longer matters?

    Is there a concern that if Kamala isn’t at the top of the ticket, she’d cause strife in ’28 if they didn’t give her “her turn”? Is it something to do with the money, or with some faction(s) thinking that they need to take over the party *now* and not later? On the conspiracy side. is there a plan to take another shot at Trump and clear the board? It feels like we’re missing some key data points that would explain this decision.

  11. Lawrence Person says:

    If I had to guess, it would be the think having her at the top of the ticket will keep enough blacks voting (D) that it will protect some down-ballot races. Plus a fear that there’s no limit to how low Slow Joe could go, especially with more senior moments.

  12. Malthus says:

    “So now the party that swore up and down that you had to vote for them to ‘save democracy’ is now going to throw the only candidate to receive primary delegates this year (after keeping Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. off the ballot) out of the race so unelected party insiders can pick a new candidate.”

    Exhibit A: We will be navigating uncharted waters in the days ahead. But I have extraordinary confidence that the leaders of our party [Read: BHO and Michelle] will be able to create a process from which an outstanding nominee emerges.—Barack Hussein Obama

    Novus Ordo Declarum (I made up that last word up) is Latin for: “We Make It Up As We Go Along.”

    Even though the LBJ precedent offers guidance as to how Democrats may select a substitute candidate, Barack will never forego an opportunity to upset the applecart so as to destroy all that came before.

    The 2024 DNC will be year Zero for Democrat politics as BHO struggles to regain the political control he lost when Biden went “tits up”.

  13. Garrett Stasse says:

    Seems there’s civil war between the Obama and Clinton factions to get, keep or restore control. Both sides are accomplished grifters and cash flow is at stake. So maybe a Clinton mole shipped that tweet to put Hillary back in the race. But anything goes at this point.

    As for Trump, he’ll need a really big bucket to clean this swamp.

  14. Malthus says:

    How would a Harris/Lewinsky team ensure absolute political loyalty to the machinations of back-room Democrats?

    They each have documented experience in swallow the leader.

  15. Steve White says:

    We the public haven’t seen Mr. Biden since July 17th, I think.

    The ‘letter’ is not on WH stationery and has a mechanical signature.

    The withdrawal from the campaign is done with two tweets.

    Any reason why they couldn’t put Doddering Joe in a chair with a camera and a teleprompter? I can think of several reasons, none of them good.

  16. tim maguire says:

    I don’t believe Democrats went to all the trouble to remove Biden only to not try to win. The only way Harris can win is by running for re-election, not for election. That is, put her in the oval office and, if the world doesn’t immediately fall apart, reluctant Trump voters may decide they can live with President Harris. It’s her only hope.

    So if Harris is the nominee (I don’t expect her to be), then look to Biden to resign or get 25th’d out.

  17. Malthus says:

    “[T]here’s civil war between the Obama and Clinton factions…”

    Larry Correa has penned a hammy plot line for the upcoming election. This is my own contribution, sketched out as a commie revisionist set piece.

    Blood thirsty Anarchists plan to assassinate the Czar and then fight it out between the Mensheviks and Bolsheviks, only this time around, Act II is beginning without the necessary battle space prep work because Matthew Crooks missed by a millimeter.

    Now I’m sittin’ here coaxing down a White Russian as I await further developments. The trick is to wait patiently for one faction to destroy the other. Then your role is to fix bayonets and run through the ranks of the winners before they can consolidate their gains.

    It’s 1917 again, with a happy ending.

  18. BigFire says:

    Meanwhile here’s the house oversight committee questioning Director of Secret Service

  19. […] cadres of the Party’s rank and file, and he’s only been governor since 2023. I also noticed a whole lot of media outlets had “Is Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro going to be […]

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