Like just about every blogger, I have some half-finished drafts of posts I never finished, many of which I still have Firefox tabs open for. Every now and then I have a hankering to bear down and finish one of them, if only to close a few tabs. So let’s have a poll!
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Let me know what you’re interested in and I’ll make an effort to finish that one. Just don’t expect it immediately…
Tags: Austin, homeless, Media Watch, poll, Site Administration, Twitter
Austin has become too conservative. Gotcha.
I have no preference which comes first. All sound worthy. I check you daily, anyway.
‘Social Justice’ is no more wrecking leftist groups than the Leninists purging the Bolsheviks ruined the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. It is merely an essential step in purifying the party base, driving out the weaker sisters and putting fear into the minds of those who stay. The outcast Trotsky-analogs will be hunted down and purged with malice aforethought, likely receiving the ice-ax treatment.
This is all part of the process of radicalization. They practice on their own, and then move outwards once they’ve got the process down, and have nutted themselves up. It’s all predictable, and entirely of a piece with historical events. The point you need to worry about is when they turn their attention outwards…
I vote yes.
Austin too conservative? Are you referring to this laughable propaganda piece?
I admit, I hadn’t heard about the El Paso shooting, or if I had, I’ve forgotten about it. The rest of the article (and the overblown concerns of the people allegedly fleeing) strikes me as so much hyperbolic panic-mongering. But if it encourages Leftists to flee Texas, so much the better!
[…] cancels appearance in Milan, flees city as Cuban exiles launch peaceful protests BattleSwarm: Tab Clearing Poll, also, Rifle Bullets vs. Steel At 250,000 FPS Behind The Black: Inspection of leaking Progress […]