At this point, I believe there’s less than a 1% chance that the election fraud is overturned and Donald Trump sworn into a second term on January 20. Still, I’m going to go ahead and do another Election Fraud Update for (as Dwight likes to put it) the Historical Record.

No, not that one
From the findings of this report, it is possible to infer what may well have been a coordinated strategy to effectively stack the election deck against the Trump-Pence ticket. Indeed, the observed patterns of election irregularities are so consistent across the six battleground states that they suggest a coordinated strategy to, if not steal the election outright, strategically game the election process in such a way as to “stuff the ballot box” and unfairly tilt the playing field in favor of the Biden-Harris ticket.
- The ballots in question because of the identified election irregularities are more than sufficient to swing the outcome in favor of President Trump should even a relatively small portion of these ballots be ruled illegal.
- All six battleground states exhibit most,or all,six dimensions of election irregularities. However, each state has a unique mix of issues that might be considered “most important.”To put this another way, all battleground states are characterized by the same or similar election irregularities; but, like Tolstoy’s unhappy families, each battleground state is different in its own election irregularity way.
- This was theft by a thousand cuts across six dimensions and six battleground states rather than any one single “silver bullet” election irregularity.
- In refusing to investigate a growing number of legitimate grievances, the anti-Trump media and censoring social media are complicit in shielding the American public from the truth. This is a dangerous game that simultaneously undermines the credibility of the media and the stability of our political system and Republic.
- Those journalists, pundits, and political leaders now participating in what has become a Biden Whitewash should acknowledge the six dimensions of election irregularities and conduct the appropriate investigations to determine the truth about the 2020 election. If this is not done before Inauguration Day, we risk putting into power an illegitimate and illegal president lacking the support of a large segment of the American people.
We report a simple yet powerful statistical model of county-level voter behavior in the November 2020 presidential election using two main types of data:
1. County-specific voting data from the five previous presidential elections.
2. Selected demographic variables (race and education) plotting how different national voter groups voted differently in 2020 overall.These two types of predictors allow us to explain over 95% of the variation in county-level votes, and therefore allow us identify which counties (and consequently, states) look substantially anomalous in the 2020 election.
The model provides substantial support for the allegation that the outcome of the election was affected by fraud in multiple states. Specifically, the model’s predictions match the reported results in all other states, i.e. states where no fraud has been alleged, but predicts Trump won majorities in five disputed states (AZ, GA, NV, PA and WI) and 49.68% of the vote in the sixth (MI).
In other words, the reported Biden margin of victory in at least five of the six contested states cannot be explained by any patterns in voter preference consistent with national demographic trends.
1. Our model explains 96% of county-level variance in Trump’s two-party vote share with four demographic variables (non-college white, college-educated white, black and hispanic) and one historical variable (the average of county-level GOP two-party presidential vote share, 2004-2016). All five variables are highly significant. This reinforces the conclusion that the model is generally a very strong predictor of vote shares, and so deviations from it should be considered surprising.
2. Under conservative assumptions, regression analysis shows Trump ought to have won AZ, GA, NV, PA, WI.
Remember that statistical models are indicative, but not conclusive.
The cyber-security firm that conducted a forensic examination of 22 Dominion Voting tabulators in Michigan has determined that “Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed” to “create systemic fraud,” and that election results of Antrim County should not have been certified. Allied Security Operations Group (ASOG) said in a report published Monday morning that it observed an error rate of 68.05 percent in the fatally flawed machines.
Earlier Monday morning, Michigan state judge Kevin Elensheimer ordered the release of the the Dominion voting machines audit in Antrim County, where thousands of votes for President Trump were flipped to Joe Biden.
Last week, Judge Elensheimer issued a protective order allowing Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel and Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson to temporarily block the results of the audit.
During a hearing conducted by ZOOM and streamed live on YouTube, Elensheimer this morning removed that order, clearing the way for the results to go public with some redactions.
We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election
results.The system intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors. The electronic ballots are then transferred for adjudication. The intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no oversight, no transparency, and no audit trail. This leads to voter or election fraud. Based on our study, we conclude that The Dominion Voting System should not be used in Michigan. We further conclude that the results of Antrim County should not have been certified.
PHOENIX — The Maricopa Board of Supervisors voted 4-1 today defy the state lawmakers and resist complying with legislative subpoenas. Instead of allowing a transparent audit, the board voted to file a lawsuit against lawmakers in Arizona state court to block the enforcement of the subpoenas.
The Chairman of the Board, Clint Hickman (R), described the subpoenas as unrealistic and unconstitutional.
The subpoenas were issued earlier this week by Arizona lawmakers, who sought to force an audit of Dominion voting machines used by Maricopa County.
If they have nothing to hide, why are they hiding?
2/ This Dominion advantage was observed regardless of the county's majority political party affiliation nor urban, suburban, or rural-area demographics. Biden over-performed our estimates in “democratic strongholds” – by the same amount he over-performed in “Trump” counties.
— Kanekoa (@KanekoaTheGreat) December 18, 2020
4/ In the first graph, we see Biden’s actual 2020 election results. The blue line is our center “prediction” line. Half the counties should be above the blue line & half below. This is confirmed true with Biden over-performing in 45% of counties & underperforming in 55%.
— Kanekoa (@KanekoaTheGreat) December 18, 2020
6/ The county data filtered by voting machines shows us that candidate Biden over performed by approximately 5% on Dominion machines AND also by approximately 6% on Hart machines.
— Kanekoa (@KanekoaTheGreat) December 18, 2020
8/ In this graph, we see green dots represent votes from counties using Dominion/Hart machines. The green dots should overlay the blue dots in a similar, mixed up/random fashion. We do not see this. Instead, we see the green dots centered higher than the center of the blue dots.
— Kanekoa (@KanekoaTheGreat) December 18, 2020
10/ The increases in votes occurred in hundreds of Dominion/Hart counties across the U.S. Again, it is important to understand, Biden "over-performed" in "democratic strongholds" – by the same amount he over-performed in “Trump” counties as long as these machines were used.
— Kanekoa (@KanekoaTheGreat) December 18, 2020
12/ VIDEO: [Part One]
— Kanekoa (@KanekoaTheGreat) December 18, 2020
14/ VIDEO: [Part Three]
— Kanekoa (@KanekoaTheGreat) December 18, 2020
16/ VIDEO: [Part Five]
— Kanekoa (@KanekoaTheGreat) December 18, 2020
— Kanekoa (@KanekoaTheGreat) December 18, 2020
Full summary in PDF form.
Many Americans — according to some surveys, a majority — believe that the presidential election was marred by massive fraud in five states without which the President would surely have been re-elected.
This partisan fraud has been ongoing for at least two decades but is no longer escaping the attention of great deal of its erstwhile consumer base. For years we have been examining media disinformation and bias. This year it was particularly evident in the media’s discrediting the accurate reports of Hunter Biden’s corruption (and that of his father and uncle, who also benefited from it).
Add to this the media’s refusal to accurately describe the months-long BLM/Antifa riots, looting, arson, and killing, calling it instead “mostly peaceful protests,” it’s no wonder people are tuning them out. The heavy hand of the left wing played its part. Internet giants like Twitter suspended the account of the oldest newspaper in the country, the NY Post, which broke the story of the Biden family corruption with China, Russia, and the Ukraine as well as the account of the White House press secretary, and you can understand why “fewer than 15 percent of Americans trust the media.”
Treat your pen like a Democratic party weapon and be rewarded with pink slips to the unemployment line. “An estimated 28,637 job cuts were reported in the industry by late October, Variety, citing data from Challenger, Gray & Christmas, reported, nearly as many as the record 28,803 reported in the media sector in 2008. By comparison, the sector saw just over 10,000 job losses in 2019 and 15,474 in 2018.” The Hill attributes it to the China Virus. I think the mendacity and patent bias also has a great deal to do with the shrinking media employment.
(Hat tip: Sarah Hoyt at Instapundit.)
Federalist Senior Editor Mollie Hemingway said on Fox News Thursday that allegations of a rigged election include big tech and big media conspiring to elect Joe Biden in addition to charges of voter fraud.
“We hear about the rigging of the election,” Hemingway said, “but partly what they mean is the meddling on the part of big media and big tech to affect the outcome of the election.”
Hemingway continued, pointing out that when major revelations about Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, began to surface implicating the former vice president in corrupt and potentially criminal overseas business activity, the stories were suppressed online by Silicon Valley tech giants and delegitimized by legacy media.
“When the New York Post broke the story about these emails,” Hemingway said, referencing the paper’s reporting from an abandoned Delaware laptop expanding the web of Biden’s scandals, “even though they were verified and people who were recipients of these emails verified they were real, the media suppressed that story.”
In October, the New York Post published a series of exposes revealing that Joe Biden stood to rake in millions from Chinese communist leaders, lied repeatedly when denying conversations about his son’s business, and leveraged his high-powered position to benefit the family. A Biden family business partner-turned whistleblower even came forward to corroborate details of the New York Post’s reporting.
The Post’s journalism that made Democrats look bad got the nation’s oldest paper locked out of its Twitter account for two weeks after the platform blocked users from sharing its blockbuster reporting.
(Hat tip: Instapundit.)
How it happened:
1. Pick six Democrat-machine controlled cities.
2. On election night stop the count & figure out the spreads.
3. Add enough non-verified ballots to cheat big.
4. Resume the counts.
5. Flip the states.
6. Declare historic “victory…”#PickSixCheatBigJoeDid— Kevin McCullough (@KMCRadio) December 21, 2020
It was inevitable that the Democrats would overreact to legal challenges by President Trump and other Republicans to corrupt election practices in swing states, but some responses have been unhinged even by their standards. One recurring refrain is particularly disturbing — that lawyers, members of Congress, and state attorneys general who supported post-election litigation are guilty of sedition. At least one Democratic congressman insists that attorneys representing the president in such challenges should be disbarred and that House members who supported Texas v. Pennsylvania in the Supreme Court shouldn’t be seated in Congress. One of the defendants in that ill-fated lawsuit described it as a “seditious abuse of the judicial process.”
This dangerous view of dissent has a long, sordid history among progressives.
(Hat tip: Stephen Green at Instapundit.)
Election fraud is the secret “assassin’s mace” of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) that has long confounded security hawks, according to tech billionaire and entrepreneur Patrick Byrne, who back in August assembled a cyber intelligence team to analyze the U.S. voting system.
“For 10 years or more, there have been references to a coming ‘assassin’s mace’ in the Chinese literature—where they take out the United States with one stroke,” Byrne told The Epoch Times’ “American Thought Leaders” program. “The national security community in the United States has been trying to figure this out: Is it their new aircraft carrier? Is that the hypersonic missile? Is it this, that, is it an EMP?”
“I don’t think so, ” he told host Jan Jekielek. “The one stroke that takes the United States out is what we’re experiencing right now.”
The 2020 vote involved “massive election fraud,” he says. “Not voter fraud, but election fraud.”
I doubt the “China did it” theory of election fraud, mainly because we’ve already seen the Democratic Party use these methods of fraud on a smaller scale (see Philadelphia) in past elections.
Despite the layoff, it’s been a busy week, so I have no doubt missed several election fraud stories. Please feel free to link to them in the comments.
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Tags: 2020 Presidential Race, Antrim County, Arizona, Crime, Democrats, Elections, Georgia, Maricopa County, Media Watch, Michigan, Mollie Hemingway, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Peter Navarro, Phoenix, Supreme Court, voting fraud, Wisconsin
Two things alone are all I need to prove to me that the election of His Fraudulency, the Manchurian Candidate was indeed a fraud. They are these:
1. the absence of any serious campaigning by His Fraudulency
2. the idea that Plugs could receive more votes than DJT’s floppy eared predecessor.
This is a great database of the attempt to gaslight us into thinking we didn’t see the deception. Here’s another, even more comprehensive listing. thank you, Lawrence! Keep up the good fight!
We can talk and ponder and theorize and analyze and hypothesize and conjecture and speculate aaaaaaaall we want.
And at end of it all we will have moved in a circle and be back at the very same spot a lot of us have been saying but it is worth repeating: where we stand today we have only two choices
(a) submit ourselves and America to fascist-cultural-marxism under the biggest treason in the history of mankind and then America and Western civilization go down the drain and we become the lefto-pukes slaves or
(b) start killing lefto-pukes until we run out.
Thank you for making this compilation!
This is an existential event for the Republican party. It is wholly within the power of the Republican party to overturn this, either at the state legislature level, or at the Congressional level. If they refuse to do so millions of Trump voters are going to walk away from the Party, as they well should.
If the Republicans allow this election to be stolen they will lose the Senate in the GA runoff in 2021. There are approximately 40 competitive seats in the House in 2022 and approximately 10 competitive seats in the Senate. Republicans will lose almost all of them. Following the 2024 election Republicans could easily see their numbers dropping below 180 in the House and under 35 in the Senate.
At that point in time the party becomes irrelevant. They can neither advance an agenda nor stop the Democrats. There is simply no reason for donors to shell out money to Republicans. Goodbye party.