Ted Cruz staffer Joshua Perry recently tweeted that he had hit a deer. (Both his car and the deer were fine.) I quipped that he should hope it was a Dewhurst-voting deer. He replied he thought it was for Sadler. But there are so many other possibilities:
It was a Grady Yarbrough deer, disoriented from suddenly being thrust from the safety of obscurity, out into the bright onrushing headlights.
It was a Sean Hubbard deer, which had spent the last two months wandering around despondently without purpose, before finally deciding to put itself out of its misery.
It was a Craig James deer, sure it could make it across the road, but only made in 3% of the way before it got hit.
It was a Ricardo Sanchez deer, which just stepped out into the road before realizing that it didn’t have the energy to get to the other side.
It was a Joe Agris deer, who felt its mission was accomplished simply by stepping out onto the road.
It was a Michael Williams deer, which suddenly decided it wanted to be on another road.
It was a Roger Williams deer, which was just following the Michael Williams deer.
In summary: I’ve been following the Texas Senate race too damn long!
Tags: 2012 Election, Craig James, David Dewhurst, deer, Dr. Joe Agris, Grady Yarbrough, Joshua Perry, Michael Williams, Ricardo Sanchez, Roger Williams, Sean Hubbard, Ted Cruz, Texas, Texas Senate Race
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