LinkSwarm for August 13, 2021

August 13th, 2021

Happy Friday the 13th!

This week’s LinkSwarm features Democrats behaving badly (a timeless theme).

  • Immediately after Senate Republicans caved on the pork-filled infrastructure bill, Democrats turned around and passed a highly partisan $3.5 billion budget bill. Good job, idiots.
  • Hunter Biden is the gift that keeps digging: “The Russians have videos of me doing crazy f***ing sex!’ Hunter Biden is seen in unearthed footage telling prostitute that Russian drug dealers stole ANOTHER of his laptops.” 1. Hunter has more Russian-related felonies in a single weekend than Donald Trump had in his entire lifetime. 2. I don’t lose pennies the way Hunter loses laptops…
  • “How Many Other Andrew Cuomos Are Elites Covering For?”

    The obvious fact is, however, that this corrupt corporate press and the Jennifer Rubin “conservatives” of the world are the ones who propped Cuomo up as “the gold standard,” to use Joe Biden’s words, even describing themselves as “Cuomosexuals.”

    Cuomo’s “radical transparency” made him a “terrific bureaucrat,” they said. Cuomo is “inspiring, uplifting, fascinating,” and truly “magnificent,” they insisted. He’s “honest, direct, brave,” and what “real leadership” looks like. Elites gave him an Emmy and blessed him with softball interviews and comedy-hour airtime, with left-wing activists working behind the scenes to discredit Cuomo’s accusers.

    Tuesday’s resignation signals it’s the end of the road for Cuomo — for now. But if the media can sit and twiddle its thumbs — or worse, kiss keister and perform comedy sketches with giant Q-Tips — while thousands of elderly folks die in New York nursing homes and women in the double digits tell of a gropey governor’s disgusting habits, we must ask: How many other Andrew Cuomos is the media covering for?

    Covering for elite misconduct is a perpetual problem in the media; it didn’t start with Cuomo. As Federalist Political Editor John Daniel Davidson wrote on Tuesday, the media did the same with Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein, and Theodore McCarrick. Don’t forget Bill Clinton or Roman Polanski, either.

    “Everyone knew. No one cared. No one said anything until forced to. Then the feigned shock and outrage, the concern about the treatment of women, the hand-wringing and Me Too-ing, the performances on social media,” Davidson wrote. “As long as sexual harassment, assault, abuse, even the sex trafficking of underage girls stays quiet, then [the media] stay quiet, too.”

  • “New York’s Capital Is Crazytown

    You read all this and think: The governor is a letch, a creep, a dirty old man. But also a nut—a high-functioning one, a politically talented one, but a nut. Only a nut would do these things, and only a nut would think he wouldn’t be found out.

    No one in New York is walking around saying “I don’t believe it” or “That’s not the Andrew I know.” It’s apparently the Andrew Cuomo a lot of people knew.

  • Cuomo could still end up in prison. (Hat tip: Stephen Green at Instapundit.)
  • “Arizona state Sen. Tony Navarrete resigns seat after arrest in child sex abuse case.”
  • Old and busted: Democrats want to segregate students by race. The new hotness: Democrats want to segregate students by race.
  • How inflation is undoing the four years of wage growth and price deflation President Trump brought to the economy.

    Read the whole thing, especially the parts on the EU and Canada.

  • Devin Hogan, head of the Minneapolis Democratic Party, said that burning down a police building was “an act of pure righteousness.”
  • “Swiss Police Threaten to Stop Enforcing COVID-19 Rules. Group warns in letter that lockdown laws violate fundamental rights.”
  • Oregon has decided that it’s going to stop requiring Oregon high school graduates to prove they can read and write.
  • Baltimore professor arrested for dealing math. “Prof. Edward C. Ennels taught math at Baltimore City Community College but appears to have been offering a running lesson on supply side economic theory. Ennels reportedly was selling grades on a sliding scale depending on your worth and your ambition: $150 for a C; $250 for a B; and $500 for an A. He has now earned jail time after pleading to 11 misdemeanor charges, including bribery and misconduct in office.”
  • Speaking of Baltimore schools failing their students: Some Baltimore high school students test at grade school levels.
  • Dan Crenshaw slams Jennifer Ruben for a huge mistake:

    That’s a big mistake even by her standards. How did she make it? The Texas Tribune screwed the pooch on the original story:

    That’s a hell of a correction. “When we wrote Nolan Ryan struck out 383 batters in a single game, we meant he struck out that many in a single season…”

  • YouTube takes down another video by Rand Paul.(Hat tip: Director Blue.)
  • Dumbass: Running from the police. Extra Dumbass: In a stolen vehicle. Super Turbo Dumbass: On a stolen ATV. (Hat tip: Dwight.)
  • “Mongo ist nur Schachfigur im großen Spiel des Lebens.” (Hat tip: Dwight.)
  • “Dems Considering Another Lockdown To Wipe Out The Few Small Businesses That Survived The Last One.”
  • “Bill Gates Announces He Too Will Go To Space Once His Rocket Is Finished Installing Updates.”
  • Golden throats:

  • In Which I Take On Two Unwarranted, Unspoken Assumptions Conor Friedersdorf Has About Defunding the Police

    August 12th, 2021

    Conor Friedersdorf has a pretty decent piece in The Atlantic about how disasterous and unpopular the entire “Defund the Police” movement has been:

    After George Floyd’s murder, when sweeping criminal-justice reforms seemed more possible than ever, many Black Lives Matter activists and their allies settled on a rallying cry: “Defund the Police.”

    That choice was a disaster. The slogan—shorthand for cutting spending on law enforcement and redirecting it toward social services, or, for more radical proponents, moving toward eventual police abolition—is a political liability, largely due to justified fears that, if implemented, it would lead to many more murders, assaults, and other violent crimes, disproportionately harming victims in America’s most marginalized communities. Yet even as the Democratic Party abandons the slogan, the activist left still clings to it, as if oblivious to its opportunity cost: Namely, the public is open to any number of potential improvements to American policing, but no politically viable reform is getting anywhere near the attention of “defunding.”

    Before the public sours on criminal-justice reform more broadly—as it may amid rising fears about crime and disorder in cities—a new focus and rallying cry are needed. And given the spike in homicides that has afflicted the United States during the pandemic, disproportionately killing Black people, there’s an especially strong case for this overdue slogan: Solve All Murders. Precisely because Black lives matter, people who take Black lives shouldn’t get away with it.

    The Murder Accountability Project, a nonprofit watchdog group that tracks unsolved murders, found in 2019 that “declining homicide clearance rates for African-American victims accounted for all of the nation’s alarming decline in law enforcement’s ability to clear murders through the arrest of criminal offenders.” In Chicago, the public-radio station WBEZ’s analysis of 19 months of murder-investigation records showed that “when the victim was white, 47% of the cases were solved … For Hispanics, the rate was about 33%. When the victim was African American, it was less than 22%.” Another study in Indianapolis found the same kind of disparities.

    Eliminating such disparities ought to be a priority for all Americans, including anti-racist activists. But that’s unlikely so long as Black Lives Matter leaders and their allies focus on defunding the police.


    Last summer, many progressives persuaded themselves that “defund the police” was not just a talking point that some radicals favored, but an attainable goal. “The movement to defund the police is gaining significant support across America, including from elected leaders,” The Guardian reported on June 4, 2020. “Government officials have long dismissed the idea as a leftist fantasy, but the recent unrest and massive budget shortfalls from the Covid-19 crisis appear to have inspired more mainstream recognition of the central arguments behind defunding.”

    Within left-activist bubbles, criminal-justice-reform proposals that stopped short of defunding the police lost any credibility. By mid-June 2021, for example, the leaders of 8 Can’t Wait, a campaign to get police departments to reform their policies on when and how to use force, felt obliged to apologize for focusing on lifesaving reforms rather than defunding. “We’ve seen dozens of cities adopt the goals of #8CANTWAIT, policies that can reduce the harm caused by police in the short-term,” a statement on their website declared. “And while we are proud of the impact we were able to make, we at Campaign Zero acknowledge that, even with the best of intentions, the #8CANTWAIT campaign unintentionally detracted from efforts of fellow organizers invested in paradigmatic shifts that are newly possible in this moment. For this we apologize wholeheartedly, and without reservation.”

    In fact, “defund” was the problem, because the mainstream still regarded defunding the police as a leftist fantasy. And that fantasy appeared to hurt Democrats in the 2020 election. “In the summer, following the emergence of ‘defund the police’ as a nationally salient issue, support for Biden among Hispanic voters declined,” the data scientist David Shor argued in an interview with New York earlier this year. “So I think you can tell this microstory: We raised the salience of an ideologically charged issue that millions of nonwhite voters disagreed with us on. And then, as a result, these conservative Hispanic voters who’d been voting for us despite their ideological inclinations started voting more like conservative whites.”

    The utter unpopularity of defunding the police has since become even clearer. By 2021, some of the cities that made the most significant gestures toward cuts to police budgets were reversing themselves. In March, a USA Today poll found that nationwide, “Only 18 percent of respondents supported the movement known as ‘defund the police,’ and 58 percent said they opposed it,” adding that “only 28% of Black Americans and 34% of Democrats were in favor of it.” The victor in New York City’s Democratic mayoral primary in June was Eric Adams, a former police officer who ran against “defund the police.” In July, another USA Today poll surveyed residents of Detroit as that city suffered a rapid increase in murders. “By an overwhelming 9–1, they would feel safer with more cops on the street, not fewer,” the newspaper reported. “Though one-third complain that Detroit police use force when it isn’t necessary—and Black men report high rates of racial profiling—those surveyed reject by 3–1 the slogan of some progressives to ‘defund the police.’”

    Given bipartisan, pan-racial majorities that oppose “defund the police,” the Democratic Party’s explicit rejection of that framing, and the fact that most Black Americans favor more, better-trained cops on the streets of their neighborhood, not fewer cops in departments with fewer resources to train them, you’d think anti-racists would shift their focus.

    Instead, many activists are still doubling down on “defund,” whether in municipal budget disputes or interviews with national publications. Legislators on the Democratic Party’s left flank continue to press the idea at the local, state, and federal levels. The merits of defunding are still taken as self-evident in academic writing, tweets by prominent organizers, and professional PR campaigns.

    On July 20, I received an email from Ronja Kleinholz, an account executive at Berlin Rosen, a large PR agency that, according to its website, has offices in New York, Los Angeles, and Washington, and represents clients including MGM Resorts, the Ford Foundation, Unicef, Singapore Airlines, and Virgin Hyperloop 1. “With continued talks around addressing rising crime rates and increases in gun violence, activists with the Movement for Black Lives are available to talk about why we must refocus the conversation around defunding the police,” she wrote. “While Republicans focus on fearmongering and blaming disinvestment in policing for rising crime rates, statistics show that police don’t prevent nor stop crime—in fact, they often show up after the crime has already occurred.”

    Some good points in here, but he fundamentally misunderstands the real motives of the people behind the defund the police campaign.

    The first unspoken assumption that Friedersdorf makes about the #BlackLivesMatter/hard social justice left is that they really want to save black lives and prevent crime, and that showing them that eliminating the police costs more black people their life than continuing to fund the police will change their mind. This is not the case. The hard left is ideologically committed to completely eliminating municipal police for at least two big reasons.

    The hard left’s immediate goal in eliminating the police is to ensure that all the money going to the police instead goes to them. Reading through the “reimagine police” document the City of Austin put out (and remember that Austin is one of the few cities actually foolish enough to reduce funding to the police in 2020) makes this crystal clear. Again and again they say money needs to be shifted from the police to “the community,” and again and again it’s clear that by “the community” they mean hard-left social justice organizations. The entities pushing this agenda will never agree to give up their push for defunding because that means giving up the dream of getting their sticky fingers into all that sweet cash. You can’t convince a man to see your point of view when their entire business model revolves around not seeing it.

    The hard left’s secondary goal in defunding the police is eliminating any organizations outside their control that might thwart their will to power, especially those that are armed. They believe (correctly I think) that police departments are institutionally opposed to their radical program to replace the American capitalist constitutional order with Marxism. (This is also why the left has never wavered in it’s support for complete civilian disarmament.)

    The second unspoken assumption that Friedersdorf makes about the hard left is that they can be remotely swayed by polls that show Democrats being defeated across the country due to all the “defund the police” rhetoric. Before they can seize control of the means of production, the hard left must first seize complete control of the Democratic Party. Time and time again, the corrupt wing of the Party (be it Hillary Clinton, Tom Perez, or Joe Manchin) has thwarted the will of the insane wing of the party. Just look at how many times they screwed over Bernie Sanders!

    If defunding the police causes a massive number of Democrats to lose their jobs in November of 2022, the insane wing knows that corrupt wing of the party will be the one to face the brunt of voter displeasure. As such, an electoral wipe-out only increases their chances of a complete top-to-bottom takeover of the party.

    In light of all that, the hard left has no reason (and no intention) of abandoning their drive to completely defund the police.

    Doctor Says We’re Doing Everything Wrong

    August 11th, 2021

    I am far from an expert on Flu Manchu, but it’s obvious that a lot of the “official wisdom” about how to fight the virus is simply wrong. Lockdown states have not done any better (and frequently worse) than states which lifted their lockdowns earlier or never imposed them in the first place.

    Here’s a doctor that says we’re doing everything wrong:

    His contentions:

  • Viruses go through all masks.
  • Coronavirus will not go away, because there are animal reservoirs.
  • “Why is a vaccine that is supposedly so effective having a breakout in the middle of the summer, when respiratory viral syndromes don’t do that?”
  • “Antibody mediated viral enhancement.” I think Joe Rogan mentioned this.
  • “You cannot make these numbers better by doing any of the things you’re doing. Because that’s the nature of viral respiratory pathogens.”
  • “The CDC is giving you bad advice.”
  • How he’s been treating patients: “Vitamin D, ivermectin and Zinc.”
  • Previously infected get no benefit from vaccines, but suffer two to four times the side effects.
  • I’m not a doctor, but provide this as another data point for people to make up their own mind.

    I tracked done an email address for Dr. Stock and asked if he had a handy list of the studies he references in the video above. I’ll let you know if I get a reply.

    News Flash: Cuomo Resigns

    August 10th, 2021

    New York’s Democratic Governor Andrew “Granny Killer” Cuomo just announced “his resignation, effective in 14 days, a week after the state attorney general’s office found he had sexually harassed nearly a dozen women.”


    Edited to add: National Review: “In my mind, I’ve never crossed the line with anyone but I didn’t realize the extent to which the line has been redrawn.” He’s right and he’s wrong: The line has been redrawn, but he’s long been over it…

    Edited to Add 2: I’m just going to start throwing up some tweets on the topic:

    Can We Stop The Runaway Pork Trainwreck?

    August 9th, 2021

    The more people look into the details of the massive “infrastructure” bill, they more reasons they find why conservatives should kill this giant pile of pork:

    Analysts from The Heritage Foundation have found a variety of flaws that should give pause to legislators in both chambers…

    1. Adds Hundreds of Billions to the National Debt.

    With the national debt having increased $5.2 trillion since the start of 2020 (or $40,000 per household) and the economy at risk of serious inflation, America is in dire need of fiscal responsibility from the nation’s leaders. Unfortunately, the Senate bill offers anything but.

    For starters, it bails out the Highway Trust Fund to the tune of $118 billion. The fund suffers from chronic deficits due to overspending. Rather than bring it into balance, senators are whipping out the national credit card, and then pretending they didn’t when it comes to keeping score.

    2. Fake and Inappropriate ‘Pay-Fors.’

    The bill includes many provisions designed to pay for the spending spree, which are dubious, inappropriate, or both.

    This includes a laundry list of tired budget gimmicks, including the sale of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, extending long-standing fees, and spectrum sales. Many of these gimmicks have a history of falling short of expectations.

    Another gimmick, known as “interest rate stabilization” (or “pension smoothing”) would allow corporations to reduce pension contributions and increase their profit margins, leading to more revenue from the corporate income tax. This would shortchange the pension funds by roughly $9 billion for the sake of less than $3 billion in additional tax revenue.

    In an attempt to increase capital gains tax revenue, the bill also includes a rule that would force cryptocurrency companies to disclose personal information on their users to the government. This surveillance mandate would be technologically impossible for many key parts of the industry to comply with, including “miners” who maintain the networks, “stakers” who save in crypto, and even software developers, potentially driving these functions offshore altogether.

    While legislators anticipate a $28 billion tax windfall from crypto, it will almost certainly bring in far less. For example, an IRS probe into the Coinbase crypto exchange market led to only $25 million in tax assessments.

    The bill also repurposes hundreds of billions worth of funds that were originally passed in COVID-19 relief bills. The vast majority of this amount (such as states turning down harmful unemployment benefit expansions) would not have been spent, meaning this represents fake savings.

    3. Sets Up a $3.5 Trillion Left-Wing Bonanza.

    Congressional Democrats have repeatedly stated that they will not allow any infrastructure bill to reach President Joe Biden’s desk for signature unless it is accompanied by a $3.5 trillion package passed along party lines through the budget procedure known as reconciliation.

    Another fun tidbit on the infrastructure bill: it includes $1 billion for The Appalachian Regional Commission, which, by some amazing coincidence, just happens to be run by Joe Manchin’s wife Gayle:

    Buried in the 2,702-page bipartisan infrastructure plan that senators could pass as soon as this week is $1 billion in funding for a commission run by the wife of Sen. Joe Manchin, one of the key Democratic negotiators.

    The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act would allocate $1 billion for the Appalachian Regional Commission, an economic development partnership agency between the government and 13 states in the Appalachian region that’s co-chaired by Gayle Connelly Manchin.

    President Biden tapped Gayle Manchin for the role in March, and she was unanimously confirmed by the Senate one month later.

    The proposed legislation envisions spending $1 billion over the course of five years in order to fund the Partnerships for Opportunity and Workforce and Economic Revitalization initiative, a program that provides grants to communities affected by coal-related job losses. Biden initially proposed the funding increase as part of his $4 trillion “Build Back Better” economic agenda.

    In a May statement, Gayle Manchin said the $1 billion – which will roughly double the commission’s current funding level – will allow it to “more adequately meet the overwhelming needs of communities impacted by job losses resulting from the decline in the coal industry. These grants will be instrumental to the long-term diversification and economic growth in Appalachia.”

    Which she really means, of course, is that the graft will flow to people Manchin, Biden and other Democrats approved of, including Democratic Party donors, leftwing activists, etc. Because this is how the game works.

    Shamefully, 17 Republicans have voted to help cram this crap sandwich down America’s throats:

    Roy Blunt (Mo.)
    Richard Burr (N.C.)
    Shelley Moore Capito (W.Va.)
    Bill Cassidy (La.)
    Susan Collins (Maine)
    Kevin Cramer (N.D.)
    Mike Crapo (Idaho)
    Lindsey Graham (S.C.)
    Chuck Grassley (Iowa)
    John Hoeven (N.D.)
    Mitch McConnell (Ky.)
    Lisa Murkowski (Alaska)
    Rob Portman (Ohio)
    James Risch (Idaho)
    Mitt Romney (Utah)
    Thom Tillis (N.C.)
    Todd Young (Ind.)

    Collins and Romney I can understand, but there’s no way in hell senators from North Carolina, Idaho or North Dakota should ever be supporting this giant pile of garbage.

    Is there still time top stop this garbage? It seems that D.C. insiders have greased the skids for this runaway pork train, but at least we should try. If you live in a state represented by any of the senators, I would suggest constacting them immediately and state your full opposition to the bill.

    Imagine Communism

    August 8th, 2021

    I need to put “Don’t fucking play ‘Imagine’ at my funeral” in my will. But this version I think I could live with:

    “And some day you will join us, or we will shoot you in the face.”

    Based Joe Rogan Vs. Vaccine Fascism

    August 7th, 2021

    In just over two minutes, Joe Rogan articulates why America is special in world history, and why the Flu Manchu lockdown and tracking proposals are a threat to the historically exceptional freedoms Americans enjoy.

    “When you give people freedom, when you let people do whatever the f*ck the want to do, they actually find ways to succeed and grow and thrive.”

    Feel free to debate in the comments whether Greek and Roman periods of democracy “actually worked” as experiments in self-government…

    LinkSwarm for August 7, 2021

    August 6th, 2021

    Greetings, and welcome to another Friday LinkSwarm! Biden not just dropping, but deflating and throwing away the ball on border security, Andrew Cuomo finally behaves badly enough for the MSM to notice, and some tidbits about hacking attacks.

  • Biden’s proposed budget wants to cutting funding for border security…by 96%:

    His administration has presented Congress with a Department of Homeland Security budget proposal that calls for slashing spending on what it calls “Border Security Assets and Infrastructure” by 96%.

    In fiscal year 2021, Congress approved $1,513,000,000 in funding for border security assets and infrastructure. Biden is now asking that Congress approve just $54,315,000 for fiscal year 2022. That is a reduction of $1,458,685,000—or 96.4%.

    What exactly is Biden cutting?

    Biden’s DHS has presented Congress with a 562-page “overview” of its fiscal year 2022 budget proposal for Customs and Border Protection. The explanation for its “Border Security Assets and Infrastructure” plan is presented on pages 326 through 350 of this document.

    The presentation divides “Border Security Assets and Infrastructure” into six categories: Integrated Fixed Towers; Remote Video Surveillance Systems; Mobile Video Surveillance System; MVSS-M2S2 Modular Mobile Surveillance System; Border Security Assets and Infrastructure End Items; and Border Wall System Program.

    In the past two fiscal years—as reported in Biden’s proposal—the Border Wall System Program has been the most significant of these. “This investment,” it says, “includes real estate and environmental planning, land acquisition, wall system design, construction, and construction and oversight of a physical barrier system.”

    In fiscal year 2020, it received $1,375,000,000. In fiscal year 2021, it received the same amount.

    Now, if Biden gets his way, the federal government will not spend one penny in fiscal year 2022 on planning or constructing a “physical barrier system” at the border.

    Obviously, Democrats want a massive influx of illegal aliens so they can amnesty them and have them vote for Democrats. (Hat tip: Stephen Green at Instapundit.)

  • Indeed, the Biden Administration has stopped apprehending illegal aliens at the border.

    As illegal aliens are still being allowed to cross Texas’ open border, U.S. Border Patrol has reportedly reassigned all hands from “apprehending” to “processing.” A former federal agent says these massive waves of illegal aliens are one of the “biggest sources” of rising cases of the Chinese coronavirus and advises Texans to contact all their state officials to stop illegal crossings at the border.

    Victor Avila, a former U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent, has previously told Texas Scorecard that federal and state officials aren’t making serious efforts to stop illegal aliens from crossing the border. He said the number of illegal border crossings has recently skyrocketed.

    On Tuesday, Kinney County Attorney Brent Smith (R) told Texas Scorecard that U.S. Border Patrol informed him they had been given new orders. “They’ve all been reassigned to processing,” Smith said. “None of them are actually going to be enforcing the border.” Avila commented, “That is what I’m hearing exactly.”

    Kinney County Sheriff Brad Coe described processing as “paperwork, documentation, etc.”

    “We’re in a bad spot now,” Smith said. “Texas is on its own.”

  • Speaking of border security: “Texas landowner fears for kids’ safety amid worsening border crisis, says they can’t play outside anymore.”
  • “More Illegal Immigrants, Border Agents Testing Positive for COVID-19.” The way Democrats love expanding governemnt in the name of fighting Flu Manchu, you wonder if this is a bug or a feature… (Hat tip: Director Blue.)
  • Speaking of fearing for your safety from illegal aliens: “ICE Confirms Suspect in Slaying of MyPillow Employee is Illegal Immigrant…Last week, 55-year-old America Mafalda Thayer was brutally beheaded in Shakopee, Minnesota.”
  • “House Foreign Affairs Committee Republicans released their report on COVID-19’s origins, pointing to evidence of a lab leak, genetic modification, and a cover-up, making the case the virus accidentally emerged from the Wuhan lab in August or September 2019.” Or pretty much what every conservative blogger has been saying for almost a year and a half…
  • “‘For $1/Day’… Double-Blind Ivermectin Study Reveals COVID Patients Recover More Quickly, Are Less Infectious.”

  • This week’s Democratic political scandal de jour is an official state probe of New York Governor Andrew “Granny Killer” Cuomo committed multiple instances of sexual harassment. “These interviews and pieces of evidence revealed a deeply disturbing yet clear picture: Gov. Cuomo sexually harassed current and former state employees in violation of federal and state laws,” said State Attorney General Letitia James. It would be ironic if it was this rather than killing some 15,000 elderly New Yorkers by putting Flu Manchu cases in nursing homes that brought Cuomo down.
  • Speaking of which, the New York Times has a recap of the Cuomo’s disasterous Mao Tze Lung policy:

    Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, once widely celebrated for leading New York out of the coronavirus pandemic’s darkest days, is now embroiled in crisis over how many of the state’s nursing home residents died because of the virus and an apparent effort to hide the true toll.

    Beginning last spring, Mr. Cuomo was criticized over a state requirement that forced nursing homes to take back residents who had been hospitalized with Covid-19 once they recovered. Critics said the policy had increased the number of virus-related deaths among nursing home residents.

    At the time, Mr. Cuomo and his aides dismissed the outcry as politically motivated, and in July, the State Health Department released a report that found the policy was not responsible for an increase. The report did, however, raise questions in some quarters about how the state was reporting deaths.

    In January, New York’s attorney general said the administration had undercounted nursing home deaths by several thousand. Mr. Cuomo later acknowledged as much, blaming the lower figure on fears that the Trump administration would use the data as a political weapon.

    “Don’t you see? We had to lie to you, because Orange Man Bad!”

    The suggestion that the actual death count had been covered up intensified criticism of Mr. Cuomo, including from his allies in state government. The scandal deepened after reports that the governor’s aides had altered the July report to hide the true figure.

    In April, The New York Times reported that Mr. Cuomo’s aides had gone to far greater lengths than previously known to obscure the death toll, repeatedly overruling state health officials over a span of at least five months.

  • New York State Senate minority leader Rob Ortt wonders why Cuomo is still governor:

    First, there was the nursing-home scandal, in which Governor Cuomo deliberately undercounted the number of seniors who died due to his directive placing COVID-positive residents back into understaffed, underequipped nursing homes — and then misled New Yorkers and federal officials about it. Estimates suggest that as many as 15,000 New York seniors due to his actions. Worse yet, while covering up these deaths, he took a cool $5.1 million to write a book touting his COVID leadership and then allegedly used state staff and resources to produce this propaganda piece. One needn’t be a skeptic to link the timing of the deal to the cover-up of the scandal.

    And that’s just one of the many fires engulfing the Cuomo administration. At this point, it’s hard to keep up with the litany of abuses perpetrated by Governor Cuomo and his staff. Despite anointing himself as a champion of women, Cuomo has been hit with more than ten accusations of sexual harassment since December. First, he said he’d investigate these allegations himself. When public pressure forced him to establish independent investigations of the charges, he stalled for time and declined to comment while the investigations played out. Now, with a Democratic state attorney general investigating the claims, the governor and his top aides have stonewalled, threatened, and gaslit witnesses and state officials, accusing them of playing political games.

    There have also been reports that Cuomo’s friends, family, and donors received preferential access to COVID-19 tests and health information. There’s the matter of a $62 million COVID-related state contract being given to a medical network that donated $230,000 to the Cuomo campaign. There’s the claim by gaming interests that the governor’s team threatened them until they coughed up campaign money. And another investigation is centered around allegations that a top Cuomo aide linked vaccine access to political support of the governor.

    In an attempt to silence these stories, the governor has responded with brute force. New York City mayor Bill de Blasio is on the record as saying Governor Cuomo hurls invective at officials and the media to make them feel “belittled.” Democratic assemblyman Ron Kim — who lost a close family member to COVID in a New York nursing home — called for Cuomo to provide answers about the nursing-home tragedy. Cuomo personally phoned Kim and threatened to “destroy” him, before holding a press conference in which Kim was referred to as a “habitual liar.” Democratic state senator Alessandra Biaggi has released text messages showing threats she’s received from the Cuomo administration.

    The behavior displayed by Governor Cuomo is appalling, but it’s nothing new. This is who he is, and who he has always been.

    More ethical lapses snipped.

    The obvious lies, the ham-fisted cover-ups, the corruption — we’ve seen it all time and time again from this governor. When there’s even a hint of an investigation into wrongdoing that implicates him or his cabal, Cuomo cuts his losses and scorches the earth. This is who he is: a mean-spirited bully with a flagrant disregard for the rule of law, ruthless in defense of his own venal interests and public image.

    The Cuomo administration has run the gamut of travesties and tragedies. Personal viciousness is the governor’s calling card, and criminal behavior his M.O. Even as they’re barraged with one scandal and outrageous revelation after another, he and his inner circle continue to operate as though it’s all business as usual. So why is Cuomo still the governor of New York? Democratic lawmakers — the very same ones who called on him to resign when the sexual-harassment claims first emerged — continue to stand with him and normalize his behavior more than seven months later, partially out of fear and partially out of a complete lack of interest in governing.

  • Even Biden has called on Cuomo to resign. For all the good that will do.
  • Meanwhile, Cuomo seems locked into the Ralph Northam strategy: Assume that the (D) after his name absolves him of all sins against Social Justice and just wait out the storm confident no one will dare hold him accountable for his actions. And don’t forget the media’s nonstop fluffing of Cuomo back in 2020:

    The Rolling Stone cover; Politico declaring him a “social media superstar”; Harry Enten of CNN declaring that, “The rise of Cuomo shows that times of tragedy can make very unlikely political heroes”; Carl Bernstein declaring that, “[It’s] real leadership of the kind the president of the United States should have provided to the American people throughout this crisis, but hasn’t”; Jesse McKinley and Shane Goldmacher of the New York Times declaring that, “Cuomo’s handling of the crisis has fostered a nationwide following; Mr. Biden called Mr. Cuomo’s briefings a ‘lesson in leadership,’ and others have described them as communal therapy sessions”; Ben Smith of the New York Times declaring that, “Cuomo has emerged as the executive best suited for the coronavirus crisis”; the New York Post (!) declaring that New York women were developing crushes on him; and Jen Rubin gushing: “Watching Andrew Cuomo is inspiring, uplifting, fascinating. He weaves details and humor and math and common sense all together. He is magnificent.” Even the Columbia Journalism Review started to worry that the adoring tone of the coverage was overlooking real problems with Cuomo’s decision-making.

    And this is all separate from his appearances on his brother’s CNN program. I suspect you remember or can find examples I didn’t list above. Oh, another classic example, from Rebecca Fishbein of Jezebel: “I swooned when he told a reporter he had his own workout routine. I have watched a clip of him and brother Chris Cuomo bickering about their mother at least 20 times. I think I have a crush?”

  • Don Surber says that Cuomo’s real sin is being an outsider:

    Democrats in Washington want Andrew Cuomo to resign to allow the Democrat lieutenant governor to run New York state. If a Republican were next in line for the job, Democrats would be falling on grenades for Cuomo. That is, after all, what happened in Virginia when Governor Black Face unleashed his oppo research on the Democrats in the line of succession.

    There are no criminal charges against Cuomo.

    Cuomo’s problem is not sexual harassment. His problem is Democrats see him as a threat if he chooses to run for president.

    Democrats in Washington want no part of playing second fiddle to an outsider. They had their fill of outsiders as presidents with Bill Clinton. Democrat senators want the White House all to themselves. In the 6 presidential elections since Clinton, Democrats have nominated a senator or former senator for president and vice president each time.

    Governors need not apply.

    (Hat tip: Instapundit.)

  • “Experts Warn Of New ‘Cuomo’ Variant That Is Dangerous To Young Women, Fatal To Elderly.”
  • Israel hits Lebanon with artillery and air strikes after rockets were fired from there.
  • Texas Governor Greg Abbott is calling a second special section starting August 7, the first one having accomplished Jack and Squat.
  • “Georgia Democrats Say ‘We’re F***ed’ With Voter ID Required, a ‘Turnout Catastrophe.'” Seems they can’t win if we don’t let them cheat…
  • National Review wants you to know that Huey Long was a bad role model. Or you could just, you know, watch All the King’s Men, which remains a timeless classic. It won the Oscar in back-to-back years with All About Eve, another timeless classic, both of which showed you what the old studio system could achieve when they were working at the top of their game.
  • Inside the fight against a ransomware attack against the Texas town of Borger (which is way the hell up north of Amarillo):

    In Borger, a city of fewer than 13,000, early indications were worrisome as the city raced to shut down its computers.

    Gibberish ransom demands spat out of printers and displayed on some computer screens. Government files were encrypted, with titles like “Budget Document” replaced by nonsensical combinations of letters and symbols, said current city manager Garrett Spradling.

    Vital records, like birth and death certificates, were offline. Payments couldn’t be processed, checks couldn’t be issued — though, blessedly for Borger, it was an off-week for payroll. Signs posted on a drive-up window outside City Hall told residents the city couldn’t process water bill payments but cutoffs would be delayed.

    One update shared with city officials soon after the attack described how every server was infected, as were about 60% of the 85 computers inspected by that point. A city government email told council members that agendas for a meeting would be in paper format, “since your tablets won’t be able to connect.” An official told a judge it was unclear if computer systems would be operational in time for trials two days away.

    Because the city had paid for offsite remote backup, Borger had the capability to reformat servers, reinstall the operating system and bring data back over. A newly purchased server that had yet to be installed came in handy. The police department, however, retained its data locally and the attack hampered officers’ access to previous incident reports, Spradling said.

    Rolling offsite backups are a Good Thing.

  • “Biden Admin Blames China for Microsoft Email Hack.”

    This is my shocked face.

    “The administration has so far declined to impose sanctions on China over the hack.”

    It being the summer rerun season, let me display that exact same shocked face all over again…

  • Ransomware gangs that disappear may just be changing names.
  • Top 30 security exploits. (Hat tip: Borepatch.)
  • APD officer Lewis “Andy” Traylor dead after a collision with an 18-wheeler.
  • Seventeen suspects arrested in Polk County, Florida child sex predator sting…including several Disney employees.
  • CNN goes an entire week without hitting 1 million viewers. CNN was already losing $10 million a year back in 2019, even with trump boosting their ratings. How much does it cost to run a network with an audience of less than 1 million mostly elderly viewers?
  • Speaking of CNN:

  • Expensive Ivy League college film degrees are a scam. “Recent graduates from the Columbia University film program have an average loan debt of six figures against a low-to-mid five-figure income. And given that the master’s program takes four years, Columbia alumni enter the competitive field at around age 30, a detrimentally late start. Graduates soon face the shocking realization that they not only crippled their future but also wasted their money and youth.”
  • Are electric vehicles more expensive to maintain than those with internal combustion engines?

    Automotive News published a report on Thursday of this week noting that EVs were 2.3 times more expensive to service than ICE vehicles after three months of ownership. Analytics firm We Predict compiled the data by looking at roughly 19 million vehicles between the 2016 and 2021 model years.

    That figure drops to just 1.6 times more expensive after one year, the report noted, as a result of a 77% drop in maintenance costs and a decline in repair costs. The data showed that service techs spend about twice as much time diagnosing problems with EVs as they do with regular gas vehicles. They spend about 1.5 times longer fixing them and the labor rate for repairs was about 1.3 times higher.

    Presumably some of this gap will drop as technicians become more familiar with them.

  • Classical music’s suicide pact:

    Classical music is under racial attack. Orchestras and opera companies are said to discriminate against black musicians and composers. The canonical repertoire—the product of a centuries-long tradition of musical expression—is allegedly a function of white supremacy.

    Not one leader in the field has defended Western art music against these charges. Their silence is emblematic. Other supposed guardians of Western civilization, whether museum directors, humanities professors, or scientists, have gone AWOL in the face of similar claims, lest they themselves be denounced as racist.

    Also this: “Orchestras should hire diversity consultants to develop ‘extra-musical evaluation’ criteria for orchestral positions, such as serving as an institutional spokesman.” Diversity consultants always demand hiring more diversity consultants. What are the odds?

  • The Offspring fire longtime drummer Pete Parada for refusing to get a Flu Manchu vaccine. “Given my personal medical history and the side-effect profile of these jabs, my doctor has advised me not to get a shot at this time.” If the other members are vaccinated, why the hell should they care? Stupider still: Parada already caught the virus last year, so he probably has more immunity than the vaccine provides…
  • Col. Dave Severance, who helped take Iwo Jima (and commanded the second flag-raising on Mt. Suribachi, the one in the famous photograph), dead at 102.
  • Where does this rank among disturbing YouTube videos? I give it a three.
  • “To Defeat Delta Variant, Experts Recommend Doing All The Things That Didn’t Work The First Time.”
  • Biden Quits Presidency To Focus On Mental Health.”
  • Game!

  • Texas Sale Tax Holiday This Weekend

    August 5th, 2021

    Texans can take advantage of another sales tax holiday this weekend, August 6-8, this one focused on clothing and school supplies. That includes:

  • Clothing and Footwear
  • Face Masks
  • Backpacks
  • School Supplies
  • It covers most items under $100, which leaves out my particular model of 5.11 backpack, but this one would be covered.

    The “Infrastructure” Bill: The Deeper You Get, The Worse It Gets

    August 4th, 2021

    The more conservatives look at the $1.2 trillion pork-filled “infrastructure” bill currently worming its way through the legislative intestines of capitol hill, the less they like it.

    Vance Ginn and E. J. Antoni of the Texas Public Policy Foundation: “It has just $110 billion, or less than 10%, for what’s historically been considered infrastructure—roads and bridges. The other 90% is to fund mass transit waste, green energy nonsense, and more items that the states or the private sector could do.”

    Speaking of green energy nonsense:

    Obscured in more than 2,700 pages of the U.S. Senate’s so-called bipartisan “infrastructure” bill is a plan for state-mandated carbon reduction programs….

    “A state, in consultation with any metropolitan planning organization designated within the state, shall develop a carbon reduction strategy,” according to the text, which is also in the officially released version of the bill.

    The federal government oversees metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), which are designated by agreement between the governor and local governments and represent localities in all urbanized areas (UZAs) with populations over 50,000, as determined by the U.S. Census, according to the Federal Transit Administration. There are at least 420 MPOs in the United States, the National Association of Regional Councils estimated.

    No later than two years after the bill’s enactment, states would have to present their carbon reduction programs for approval to the secretary of transportation. The proposed strategies must meet several requirements to be considered “green” enough.

    Requirements include but are not limited to:

  • Reducing traffic congestion by disincentivizing single-occupant vehicle trips and facilitating “the use of alternatives” like public transportation, shared or pooled vehicle trips, “pedestrian facilities,” and “bicycle facilities” within the state.
  • Facilitating the use of vehicles or modes of travel that result in “lower transportation emissions per person-mile traveled as compared to existing vehicles.”
  • Incentivizing the construction of vehicles that emit less carbon.
  • Mark Tapscott also notes that the bill tests a new federal tax on every mile Americans drive:

    Buried in the “Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act” in the U.S. Senate is approval for the Department of Transportation (DOT) to test a new federal tax on every mile driven by individual Americans.

    The bill directs Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg to establish a pilot program to demonstrate a national motor vehicle per-mile user fee designed “to restore and maintain the long-term solvency of the Highway Trust Fund.”

    The objectives of the pilot program include:

    To test the design, acceptance, implementation, and financial sustainability of a national motor vehicle per-mile user fee.

    To address the need for additional revenue for surface transportation infrastructure and a national motor vehicle per-mile user fee.

    To provide recommendations relating to the adoption and implementation of a national motor vehicle per-mile user fee.

    Although the new tax is described as a pilot program and would initially rely upon “volunteers” representing all 50 states, the infrastructure measure would also require the Treasury Department to establish a mechanism to collect motor vehicle per-mile user fees from the participants.

    This is a very bad camel to let get its nose into the tent.

    Plus it institutes racial quotas on broadband.

    Right now the bill is being slow-walked while the senate fights over amendments. Knowing the way Washington works, no amendments can fix this monstrosity, not least because it spends money we don’t have on garbage we don’t need to line the pockets of people who view taxpayers as pinatas. Republican senators should filibuster this budget-busting bill.