All Texas GOP Reps Voting Against School Choice Retire Or Draw Primary Opponents

December 13th, 2023

Over the last month, I’ve posted several times on the need to primary and defeat every one of the Dade Phelan toadies who voted to kill school choice. It looks like we’re off to a good start, as the close of the filing period saw every one of them retire or draw a primary challenger.

Every Republican who opposed school choice in the Texas House now finds themselves facing a challenger in the upcoming Republican primary.

Despite being a priority of the Republican Party of Texas and Gov. Greg Abbott, last month 21 Republicans joined Democrats in voting to remove a school choice program from a school spending proposal.

Now each of those 21 members are either leaving the legislature or facing intraparty opposition.

Retiring reps are:

  • Kyle Kacal
  • Andrew Murr
  • Four Price
  • John Raney
  • Ed Thompson
  • Reps who have drawn primary opponents, and the opponents they’ve drawn (plus the opponent’s campaign website, where known), are:

  • Steve Allison: Marc LaHood, Michael Champion
  • Ernest Bailes: Janis Holt, Stephen Missick
  • Keith Bell: Joshua Feuerstein
  • DeWayne Burns: Helen Kerwin, Lyndon Laird
  • Travis Clardy: Joanne Shofner
  • Drew Darby: Stormy Bradley
  • Jay Dean: Bonnie Walters, Joe McDaniel
  • Charlie Geren: Jack Reynolds
  • Justin Holland: Dennis London, Katrina Pierson
  • Ken King: Karen Post
  • John Kuempel: Greg Switzer, David Freimarck, Alan Schoolcraft
  • Stan Lambert: Charles Byrn, Liz Case
  • Glenn Rogers: Mike Olcott
  • Hugh Shine: Hillary Hickland, David Ford
  • Reggie Smith: Shelley Luther
  • Gary VanDeaver: Dale Huls, Chris Spencer
  • If you’re a Texas conservative in a position to donate to campaigns (a tough ask for some here in the Biden Recession), now would be a good time to check out these candidates and help defeat some of Dade’s toadies.

    Three Arrested In Young Thug Trial…And The Trial Hasn’t Even Started Yet

    December 12th, 2023

    Dwight occasionally sends me emails titled “The Most Dangerous Profession in America,” each containing links to news stories demonstrating that the rapper lifestyle is frequently not conducive to the “life” part. So I was happy to return the favor when this Nate the Lawyer video on the Young Thug trial popped up in my feed, since the stupidity on display there is off the hook.

  • “A juror was arrested and sent to jail. The judge slaps a potential juror with jail time. Her offense: shooting video of courtroom proceedings.”
  • “A defense attorney [Anastsios Mannettas] was arrested and sent to jail.”
  • “Even a court officer was arrested and sent to jail.”
  • “Fulton County Sheriff’s deputy [Akeiba Stanley] arrested earlier today and accused of trying to smuggle contraband to a defendant in the case.”
  • “We’re talking about Grammy award-winning rapper Young Thug in his Rico trial in Georgia. Now, he comes from a poor Atlanta neighborhood. He grew up in a housing project, and then made it to rap superstar, having the number one album in the country.”
  • May 2020: A Fulton County grand jury “handed down indictments to Young Thug and 26 other people under the state’s RICO statute.”
  • “Young Thug, whose real name is Jeffrey Lamar Williams, is one of 28 defendants charged in a sweeping 56 count indictment against the criminal street gang Young Slim Life, also known as YSL.”
  • “The charges [range] from conspiracy to violate the Georgia criminal racketing law, murder, armed robbery and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.”
  • “Also named: Sergio Kitchens, who performs under the name Gunna.”
  • Fulton County DA Fani Willis (she of trumped-up Trump charges) claims that gangs are responsible for 75-80% of violent crime in the area, which I rather doubt.
  • “According to the indictment, YSL is a criminal street gang. Started in late 2012 in the Cleveland Avenue area of Atlanta, prosecutors say Young Thug is a co-founder. He and his affiliates have played a role in some of the city’s most violent crimes.”
  • On RICO: “The only element that the prosecution would have to prove is that this gang is organized as a racketeering enterprise.”
  • “Now, after those indictments, people are looking at decades in prison, and the defendants start flipping like fish. Check this out:”
  • “Last week, Sergio Kitchens, better known as rapper Gunna, took the first plea deal, followed by Walter Murphy, an alleged YSL co-founder. Then Wunnie Lee (rapper Slimelife Shawty) and Martinez Arnold (rapper Lil Duke) cut deals. Now today Quantavious Grier (rapper Unfoonk) entered a guilty plea.” Grier is Young Thug’s brother.
  • “All five have been said sentenced between 9 and 10 years on probation. They will also have to testify at the YSL trial.”
  • Stanley: “Her arrest warrants detail her having an inappropriate relationship with an inmate: visiting his cell, communicating with an inmate through Instagram [Do prisoners in Georgia get access to Instagram? Is Internet access now a right? – LP] and trying to smuggle contraband to Christian Eppinger from one of his relatives. Eppinger is accused of shooting a veteran Atlanta police officer several times last year while he was being taken into custody.” Is Eppinger an aspiring rapper? Of course he is, under the moniker “Big Bhris.”

    If you remember this SNL commercial, you’re officially old.

  • “A defense attorney for Young Thug and his crew was arrested for possession of prescription drugs and attempting to toss a phone to allegedly another attorney but missing it, hitting a deputy upside the head so they charged him with assault.”
  • “One of the defendants was caught passing Young Thug drugs in court.”
  • “Young Thug’s fellow defendant Khalif Adams [real name: Jeffery Williams -LP] passed Percocet to Young Thug under the guise of a handshake right in front of the entire courtroom. Adams is serving a life sentence per murder.”
  • The juror caught filming got three days for contempt.
  • “Things are getting so petty that a lawyer for one of the defendants was ordered by the judge to buy lunch for everybody from a nearby strip club, and, and, and with given the penalty of writing a 17 page essay or spending 20 days in jail for the crime of being late to court a couple of times he’s got to write a paper on being professional in court. I am not joking. It’s literally 20 days in jail or write this paper.”
  • The judge specifies “Papaer is to be published quality, in APA format, and at least 10 primary and 10 secondary sources.”
  • I’m skipping over the question of using Young Thug’s rap lyrics in the trial.
  • Speaking of Dwight, he sent over a link that one of Young Thug’s co-defendants was stabbed in jail.

    One of the five co-defendants on trial with rapper Young Thug has been stabbed at the Fulton County Jail in Atlanta, delaying the proceedings for at least a day, authorities said.

    Shannon Stillwell was stabbed multiple times Sunday evening and was in stable condition, the county sheriff’s office said in a news release Monday.

    Is Stillwell an aspiring rapper? Of course he is, being known as “SB” or “Shannon Jackson.”

    Stillwell was stabbed by another inmate, Willie Brown, during a fight between the two men, who were housed in the same zone, the sheriff’s office said. The cause of the fight wasn’t known, the release said.

    Brown, who was arrested in July 202O and was being held without bond, was charged with aggravated assault and possession of prohibited items in relation to Stillwell’s stabbing.

    Good times, good times…

    Occidental Makes $12 Billion Bet On Shale (Plus Texas Conservative Political Implications)

    December 11th, 2023

    Here’s some Texas oil industry news that also has some political implications.

    The most well-known political donor in Texas GOP politics, Midland’s Tim Dunn, just became substantially wealthier as his shale company CrownRock LP was purchased by Houston’s Occidental for a deal worth roughly $12 billion.

    That total is broken down into three tranches: $9.1 billion in new debt financed through loans with Bank of America, $1.7 billion in new-issued stock, and $1.2 billion in assumed CrownRock debt. The deal will go through by the end of 2024’s first quarter.

    “We believe the acquisition of CrownRock’s assets adds to the strongest and most differentiated portfolio that Occidental has ever had,” Vicki Hollub, CEO of Occidental, said in a release.

    “We found CrownRock to be a strategic fit, giving us the opportunity to build scale in the Midland Basin and positioning us to drive value creation for our shareholders with immediate free cash flow accretion.”

    The deal is a massive one in the petrochemical business, moving CrownRock’s 170,000 barrels-per-day production to the 10th-largest petroleum company in the U.S.

    Not so long ago, some pundits were predicting that Saudi Arabia could just lower the cost of oil until they drove all the American shale players out of business. That turned out not to be the case. American shale companies improved their technology and got smarter and leaner, managing to survive and thrive even at lower oil prices.

    The purchase may also have a significant impact on the Texas political landscape.

    But the larger impact could come on the political side, supplementing Dunn’s already large war chest even further. Dunn has contributed nearly $14 million to candidates and political action committees (PAC) on the state level in the last three years, $9.6 million of which went to the now-embattled conservative group Defend Texas Liberty (DTL).

    DTL has been mired in scandal since its then-president, former state Rep. Jonathan Stickland (R-Bedford), hosted right-wing gadfly and antisemitic commentator Nick Fuentes at the office of his Fort Worth consulting firm Pale Horse Strategies back in October. Fuentes was photographed entering the office building and leaving it over six hours later. The meeting has sent a ripple effect throughout Texas politics, most notably in Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick’s use of his $3 million donation and loan from DTL to purchase Israeli government bonds.

    I never reported on the whole Nick Fuentes thing because I thought it was a clown-show distraction from real news, and because I never felt Defend Texas Liberty had much of an impact. They back Dan Patrick and Tony Tinderholt, but both were well-established before they got DTL money.

    Stickland was removed from his position as president — replaced by Luke Macias — but could still preside over Pale Horse according to business filings, the overarching consulting firm that directs the various organizations underneath its umbrella.

    It’s also caused turmoil within the Republican Party of Texas (RPT) — to which Dunn has given $130,000 since 2021 — culminating in a heated debate over the adoption of language forbidding association with espousers or tolerators of antisemitic views.

    The scandal drew a tacit response from Dunn when he posted back in October, “I am proud to have been named as a top 50 Christian ally of Israel by the Israel Allies Foundation, and call on all people to stand with Israel at this time of need. Israel must defeat Hamas, who was put on a suicide mission against them by Iran.”

    Dunn is the chairman of the Christian Advisory Board within the Israel Allies Foundation — a group that organizes trips to the Jewish state for political leaders and business figures with the goal of fostering partnerships.

    If Dunn needs a good cause for his billions, maybe he could consider backing primary challenges to every Republican state rep who opposed school choice. The filing deadline for 2024 races expired just as I was typing this up…

    Gun-Banning NM Governor Smacked Down Again

    December 10th, 2023

    You may remember New Mexico Democratic Governor Lujan Grisham from such previous hits as I can unilaterally suspend parts of the Constitution I don’t like by decree. She made the foolish decision to try to extend her illegal decree, and was smacked down yet again by the courts. Here’s William Kirk of Washington Gun Law on the case:

  • “The case we’re talking about today is Springer v Grisham. This is one of many many challenges to Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham’s gubernatorial order, where she sua sponte suspended the Second Amendment rights of everybody in the city of Albuquerque as well as the surrounding county.”
  • “There was certain parts of that order that were stripped down right away by the courts, but there are other parts that kept going.”
  • “A gubernatorial order on a public health emergency. Where have we ever seen that before?”
  • “In the the People’s Republic of Washington, we had a public health emergency a few years ago, where our governor promised us 15 days to flatten the curve and he shut down the whole state…after almost 900 days, 900 days, the governor finally released most of his emergency power.”
  • Grisham keeps extending the emergency gun order.
  • “The two issues that were challenged here in Springer were governor Grisham’s prohibition on firearms in parks and in playgrounds, and this ended up before the United States district court for the District of New Mexico and the judge here has enjoined the order on parks.”
  • “The restrictions on the playgrounds still remain in effect.” Per the decision: “The government has demonstrated that playgrounds are analogous to sensitive places where there is a longstanding history of firearm regulations.” Responsible gun owners may argue against this on a the basis of logic (lawfully armed citizens prevent unlawful behavior), but at least the court is now applying the Bruen decision.
  • Indeed, the decision itself states “defendants have not satisfied the test set forth in Bruen at this stage, as they have not demonstrated a historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of firearms in public parks. The Court therefore enters a preliminary injunction enjoining the public health order to the extent it prohibits carrying firearms in public parks in Bernalillo County and Albuquerque, New Mexico.” Just the fact that district courts are now citing Bruen in the first pages of their decisions is a huge win.
  • WK: “There is a litany of case law out there that says ‘Listen, if you’re violating a constitutional right in general, then we will presume that to be irreparable harm. So we’re talking about the violation of one’s Second Amendment rights, this activity is clearly covered by the plain text of the Second Amendment. So the Court’s willingness to enjoin this law is incredibly positive, because it also shows the court believe that the plaintiffs are likely to prevail.”
  • New Mexico relied heavily on the case Maryland Shall Issue Inc. vs. Montgomery County, but the decision pointed out that was decided pre-Bruen.
  • By actually applying the Bruen test, and using it to strike down half of the remaining decree, the courts have giving gun owners at east three-fourths of a loaf here.

    Bret Weinstein Talks Elon Musk On Dave Rubin: Fighting Censorship And The Lone Wolf Problem

    December 9th, 2023

    This is a very interesting clip of Dave Rubin interviewing the always-interesting Bret Weinstein on a variety of intertwined topics.

    The main focus of this segment is a mystery: Why did Musk block Weinstein on Twitter right after spending a fair amount of time agreeing with him on the need to fight censorship, but they touch on a whole lot of interesting ideas in the process.

  • DR:

    That’s why I talk about Elon as much as I do on the show. Because I don’t I think if you would have said to Elon 10 years ago: “You’d own Twitter, you’d be in this free speech fight, you’d have, you know, the ADL calling you an anti-semite,” like the list of craziness that everyone now knows. I think he’d say “What are you talking about? That’s completely insane. I’m trying to get us to Mars. I’m building this cool car, blah blah blah.” But he, I think, is sort of the avatar for what you’re talking about there, the brave person that doesn’t know exactly what they’re going towards, something like that. But then he’s like “I better buy this freaking Twitter thing because I see all the danger.”

  • BW:

    I think you’re right about Elon. I don’t know for sure that you are, but I think you’re right about what he’s trying to do, and how he ended up there, and how it would surprise him. I had a meeting with him. I flew to San Francisco, and I had a meeting with him, and he said it had been a very good meeting, and he wanted to meet again. A series of events unfolded over the course of the next 24 hours. My Twitter account got commandeered. Maybe that was organic, maybe it wasn’t. I don’t think—I know Elon had nothing to do with it. But anyway, I reached out to him, and tried to alert him to this, because I was concerned that he and I had private communications, and he didn’t, want you know… I don’t think there was anything compromising in them, but he didn’t want them in the world, and he needed to know that this…and he ended up, uh, blocking me after having this meeting, and I remain blocked.


  • BW:

    Now, the reason I raise it is because there’s a defect in all of those players that I mentioned who have all been shoved onto the same team, right? They have some incredible strengths, and I have to tell you um there’s been a lot of pain inflicted on us for standing up. But the camaraderie, the discovery of people, people who were up to the challenge, their coming together as a coalition, has been extremely rewarding and dwarfs any suffering that might have come along with this.

  • DR: “Yeah, it sounds kind of corny, but I mean that those three days or whatever it was we had at ARC [Alliance for Responsible Citizenship] to see everybody together again, and all be, like, we’re still alive we’re still here it’s powerful.”
  • BW: “The problem is, that all of those people who have the characteristics that I listed, that are courageous, that are insightful, and that have integrity, they tend they have a lot of Lone wolfess in them. Which means that they have a defect they’re terrible at confederating.”
  • BW: “I see him as very strategically clever, but I don’t think he’s any good at confederating, either. And my little story where he blocked me, it’s like, look, hey Elon, there aren’t that many people out here trying to advance the ball who have something um meaningful to contribute to the team. We have to stop tripping over each other.”
  • BW: “What happened was…I believe that Dark Horse [podcast] that [wife] Heather [Heying] and I [do] have faced a whole bunch of suppression that that has not yet shown up anywhere.”
  • BW: “We are demonetized to this day. YouTube demonetized us. I believe they were going to throw us off. Joe Rogan held an emergency podcast, and you know YouTube hasn’t messed with us since. But they didn’t remonetize. More than half our income in a one fell swoop. And we know that decision happened in the C-suite at Google.”
  • Weinstein believes that the real push to demonetize and silence him came when he started to examine alternatives to the consensus Flu Manchu narrative.

    When we started to take it out of the realm of “Here’s a bunch of stuff you can’t understand and leave it to the virologists and the epidemiologists and the public health authorities” and the answer was “No, actually you can understand it and some of what you’re being told isn’t right.” Right when we started to do that and then we started to interact with people like Robert Malone and Peter McCullough, Pierre Kory, and then those people went on to affect a huge audience, largely on Joe Rogan’s program. That changed the narrative, and so I think something has meddled with us in a particular, in a unique way, because frankly there weren’t that many people who could bridge the scientific to public.

  • Rubin brings the subject back to Musk. BW: “You talked to Elon about the things he was discovering inside of the crime scene that he bought. And one of the things that he discovered was that there were lots of mechanisms that caused things to be deboosted that weren’t labeled as such. And so he kept finding more and more levels and I was trying to convey to him, ‘Look, I think you will find something special when you figure out what happened to us.'”
  • When Musk blocked him over these, he said “Stop spamming me!”
  • DR: “What you’re really saying, in essence, is that you were a little too ahead of something in the game at which the speed is played that he may not want to be involved in that just yet.”
  • BW: “On Dark Horse we have the phrase ‘Zero is a special number.’ What that means is if you can turn a single social media platform, a single newspaper, or a single university so that it functions towards its stated goal, you actually stand a chance of fixing the, system because if there’s one social media platform on which you’re treated like an adult and you can exchange ideas freely and discuss them back and forth, nobody’s going to want to be on the ones in which you’re treated like a child.” I would like to think he’s right here, but I see an awful lot of people on the left acting as though the only good thing about the pre-Musk Twitter was the ability to banish users for WrongThink.
  • It’s an interesting conversation with a lot to chew on. Just why is their such a strong nexus between Social Justice and wanting to force conformity on Coronavirus?

    But I also wonder: Just how much of a remnant is there on the left in favor of free speech? Are are any significant advocates for it under the age of, say, 50?

    LinkSwarm for December 8, 2023

    December 8th, 2023

    Biden family corruption tops this week’s LinkSwarm (with a lot of links to go through), Juicy heads back to jail, and the Houthi’s tug on Superman’s cape.

  • Despite years of claiming that Hunter’s business was completely separate from that of Joe Biden, bank records show direct monthly payments from Hunter Biden’s corporation to Joe Biden.

    A corporation owned and controlled by Hunter Biden made several direct monthly payments to President Biden beginning in 2018, according to bank records released by the House Oversight Committee on Monday.

    The subpoenaed bank records obtained by National Review reveal Owasco PC established a monthly payment of $1,380 to President Biden beginning in September 2018. The committee says the payments establish a direct benefit Biden received from his family’s foreign business dealings, despite Biden’s claims that he has never benefitted from or been involved in his son’s ventures.

    “This wasn’t a payment from Hunter Biden’s personal account but an account for his corporation that received payments from China and other shady corners of the world,” House Oversight chairman James Comer says in a new video detailing the findings. “At this moment, Hunter Biden is under an investigation by the Department of Justice for using Owasco PC for tax evasion and other serious crimes.”

    Comer says the payments “are part of a pattern revealing Joe Biden knew about, participated in, and benefited from his family’s influence peddling schemes.”

    “As the Bidens received millions from foreign nationals and companies in China, Russia, Ukraine, Romania, and Kazakhstan, Joe Biden dined with his family’s foreign associates, spoke to them by speakerphone, had coffee, attended meetings, and ultimately received payments that were funded by his family’s business dealings,” the committee added in a press release.

    It was unclear based on the bank records how many monthly payments were made, but a source familiar with the committee’s probe said investigators had discovered at least three payments.

    Last week, the committee released an email from a bank money-laundering investigator who expressed serious concerns about a transfer of funds from China that ultimately trickled down to President Biden in the form of a $40,000 check from his brother, James Biden.

    Biden received a $40,000 personal check from an account shared by his brother, James Biden, and sister-in-law, Sara Biden, in September 2017 — money that was marked as a “loan repayment.” The alleged repayment was sent after funds were filtered from Northern International Capital, a Chinese company affiliated with the Chinese energy firm CEFC, through several accounts related to Hunter Biden and eventually down to the personal account shared by James and Sara Biden.

    Northern International Capital sent $5 million to Hudson West III, a joint venture established by Hunter Biden and CEFC associate Gongwen Dong on August 8.

    On the same day, Hudson West III then sent $400,000 to Owasco, P.C., an entity owned and controlled by Hunter Biden. Six days later, Hunter Biden wired $150,000 to Lion Hall Group, a company owned by James and Sara Biden. Sara Biden withdrew $50,000 in cash from Lion Hall Group on August 28 and then deposited the funds into her and her husband’s personal checking account later that day.

    On September 3, 2017, Sara Biden wrote a check to Joe Biden for $40,000.

    An unidentified bank investigator sent an email on June 26, 2018 to colleagues raising concerns about money sent from Hudson West III to Owasco P.C. The email said the $5 million in funds sent from Northern International Capital to Hudson West III were primarily used to fund 16 wire transfers totaling more than $2.9 million to Owasco PC. The wires were labeled as management fees and reimbursements.

  • Also, Joe Biden used aliases to exchange hundreds of emails with Hunter’s business partner.

    Joe Biden used several email aliases to regularly correspond with Hunter Biden’s business partner in recent years, including while he was serving as vice president, a GOP-controlled House committee leading the Republican impeachment inquiry revealed Tuesday.

    IRS whistleblowers Joseph Ziegler and Gary Shapley provided the eleven-page log of emails ahead of a closed-door hearing before the House Ways and Means Committee on Tuesday. The document includes metadata associated with emails sent to and from Joe Biden’s alias email addresses from 2010 to 2019, though it does not include the content of those emails.

    In total, Joe Biden exchanged 327 emails with Hunter Biden’s business partner, Eric Schwerin, the founding partner and managing director of Hunter’s defunct Rosemont Seneca Partners investment firm. Fifty-four of those emails were sent directly to Schwerin, while the rest included other parties. Out of the 327 emails logged in the document, 291 were sent during Joe Biden’s Vice Presidency. Joe Biden’s email aliases included “robinware456,” “JRBware” and “RobertLPeters.”

    “Through months of testifying for hours and producing hundreds of pages of documentation, and just as many months of baseless attacks against them, their story has remained the same and their credibility intact. The same cannot be said for President Biden,” committee chairman Jason Smith (R., Mo.) said in a statement.

    “So far, our witnesses have produced over eleven-hundred pages of evidence, sat for 14 hours of closed-door testimony with counsel from the majority and minority on this committee, testified publicly before the Oversight Committee, and today, have provided us with new evidence.”

    Smith also emphasized that much of the email correspondence between Joe Biden and Schwerin occurred around the then-vice president’s June 2014 trip to Ukraine.

  • An IRS whistleblower says that Hunter Biden got $4.9 million from ‘sugar brother’ Kevin Morris.

    Hunter Biden received a whopping $4.9 million from Hollywood lawyer Kevin Morris in a three-year period, according to an IRS agent who investigated the president’s son for alleged tax evasion.

    The revelation signifies a substantial increase in the known amount that Hunter, 53, got from his so-called “sugar brother” after the men reportedly met for the first time at a December 2019 campaign fundraiser.

    IRS agent Joseph Ziegler shared the jaw-dropping figure and additional documentation Tuesday with the House Ways and Means Committee in a follow-up appearance as House Republicans near an expected vote to authorize an impeachment inquiry into President Biden for his alleged role in his family’s foreign dealings.

    Prior reporting indicated Morris paid about $2 million in tax debts for Hunter and purchased some of his novice artworks.

    Morris’ motives for helping the first son financially and the authenticity of their friendship have been debated by Republicans.

    As part of his Tuesday testimony, Ziegler provided legislators an email showing that as early as Feb. 7, 2020 — two months after they met — Morris was contacting accountants on Hunter’s behalf and warning them to work quickly to avoid “considerable risk personally and politically.”

    Ziegler, who investigated Hunter’s taxes for five years before he was removed from the case this year, said the first son’s income from Morris — at least some of it deemed loans — resembled Hunter’s practice of trying to avoid paying taxes on other income by describing it as loans.

    (Hat tip: Sarah Hoyt at Instapundit.)

  • And after the hundreds of stories of Hunter Biden’s corruption, and his key role in funneling foreign money into his father’s hands, Hunter has finally been indicted on nine criminal counts.
  • But the Department of Justice is blocking whistleblowers from testifying in the Hunter Biden probe, because of course they are.
  • Iran’s Houthi proxies in Yemen just can’t resist tugging on Superman’s cape.

    An American warship and several commercial ships faced attacks in the Red Sea on Sunday, the Pentagon said.

    “We’re aware of reports regarding attacks on the USS Carney and commercial vessels in the Red Sea and will provide information as it becomes available,” the Pentagon said.

    A U.S. official told the Associated Press the attack began around 10 a.m. in Sanaa, Yemen, and lasted five hours.

    Officials did not say where the attacks may have come from.

    Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthi rebels have launched several attacks in the Red Sea in recent weeks and has launched drones and missiles toward Israel since the start of the Israel-Hamas war in October.

  • You might have seen video of that house that exploded in Arlington, Virginia. The guy who owned it turned out to be a far left Chomsky-following whackadoodle.

  • Texas is suing the Biden Administration yet again, this time over imposing censorship.

    The Texas Office of the Attorney General (OAG) filed a joint lawsuit, along with co-plaintiff media outlets The Daily Wire and The Federalist, against the U.S. Department of State, alleging the federal government both directly and indirectly violated the First Amendment rights of certain online news outlets by placing them on a censorship “blacklist.”

    According to the OAG, the lawsuit, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, alleges an office within the state department known as the Global Engagement Center (GEC) was used to “limit the reach and business viability of domestic news organizations by funding censorship technology and private censorship enterprises.”

    The stated purpose of the GEC is to lead the federal government’s effort to “counter foreign state and non-state propaganda” and disinformation efforts that pose a risk to the United States or influence the government’s policies.

    However, the plaintiffs argue the GEC was weaponized to “violate the First Amendment and suppress Americans’ constitutionally-protected speech.”

    In short, the lawsuit describes how the government created multiple censorship programs that worked to de-platform, shadowban, discredit, and demonize certain American media outlets.

    It argues that some of these mechanisms were not just surveillance tools for the government to monitor and identify potential propaganda and disinformation, but rather characterized the technology that had been developed as “tools of warfare” used to shape opinions and perceptions that had been “misappropriated and misdirected to be used at home against domestic political opponents and members of the American press with viewpoints conflicting with federal officials.”

    “Media Plaintiffs each face blacklisting, reduced advertising revenue, reduced potential growth, reputational damage, economic cancellation, reduced circulation of reporting and speech, and social media censorship — all as a direct result of Defendants’ unlawful conduct,” the lawsuit states.

    “I am proud to lead the fight to save Americans’ precious constitutional rights from Joe Biden’s tyrannical federal government,” Attorney General Ken Paxton said in a news release announcing the lawsuit.

    “The State Department’s mission to obliterate the First Amendment is completely un-American. This agency will not get away with their illegal campaign to silence citizens and publications they disagree with.”

    “Those government-funded, government-promoted censorship technologies and enterprises targeted conservative media outlets, including The Daily Wire,” Ben Shapiro said in a video statement released regarding the lawsuit. Shapiro is the editor emeritus of The Daily Wire.

    “Their goal is to paint us as unreliable and therefore to push advertisers away from advertising on programs like this one, websites like The Daily Wire, websites like The Federalist, that is an ongoing problem that is being pushed by the state department,” he said.

  • California’s budget deficit swells to record $68 billion as tax revenues fall. And Gavin Newsom is the choice Democratic Party powerbrokers want to replace Biden with in 2024. (Hat tip: Stephen Green at Instapundit.)
  • Speaking of California, San Francisco is back to being a drug addict infested shithole after Xi Jinping’s visit.
  • Back to jail for Juicy. Nate the Lawyer offers a good overview of the twists and turns of the case. I had forgotten that he had paid his “attackers” with a personal check…
  • The F-117 Nighthawk was retired in 2008. Or was it?
  • Belarus kicked out of the Red Cross for all sorts of misconduct by its head.

    the Belarus Red Cross Society is suspended from the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).

    The suspension is the result of noncompliance by the Belarus Red Cross with the request for the dismissal of Mr. Dimitry Shevtsov, Secretary General of the National Society. This follows the decision of the IFRC’s Governing Board of 3 October 2023 relating to the investigation into the allegations against Belarus Red Cross Secretary General for his statements, including on nuclear weapons and on the movement of children to Belarus, and his visit to Luhansk and Donetsk.

    The suspension means that the Belarus Red Cross loses its rights as a member of the IFRC. Any new funding to the Belarus Red Cross will also be suspended.

  • More than two hundred Italian mafia members sentenced to over 2,000 years in prison. Evidently all of them weren’t killed by Denzel Washington…
  • “Governor Greg Abbott is keeping the endorsements rolling, announcing his support for Marc LaHood for Texas House. LaHood, an attorney from San Antonio, is challenging State Rep. Steve Allison (R–San Antonio), who was elected to the House in 2018 to replace retiring House Speaker Joe Straus. Since then, Allison has consistently had one of the most liberal voting records among his Republican colleagues.”
  • North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum drops his longshot bid for the Republican Presidential nomination.
  • In Germany, being an illegal alien is evidently a get out of rape charges free card. (Hat tip: 357 Magnum.)
  • Colorado would like. To feed your fingertips. To the wolverines.

    No, not those Wolverines.

  • Brisbane Lord Mayor quits 2032 Olympic Games committee, including his rejection of $137 million for a temporary stadium.
  • “Florida Government Reveals Massive Disney Corruption Scheme.”

    The Walt Disney Co. effectively controlled the local government around the site of Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida, for decades in what an extensive review by the state government calls “the most egregious exhibition of corporate cronyism in modern American history.”

    After Disney bought the land that would become its massive amusement park and resort, it received permission from the Florida Legislature and governor in 1967 to create a local government, the Reedy Creek Improvement District.

    From that time until Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill Feb. 27 abolishing the Reedy Creek district, Disney heavily influenced the local government to its advantage, according to a new report Monday from the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District.

    The legislation signed into law by DeSantis, a Republican, transformed the Reedy Creek district into the Central Florida Tourism Oversight District, which aims to root out what critics see as Disney’s corrupt hold over the local government.

    In the report, a copy of which was provided early to The Daily Signal, the new Central Florida Tourism Oversight District claims that “Disney not just controlled the Reedy Creek Improvement District, but did so by effectively purchasing loyalty.”

    Although the Reedy Creek district was a separate entity from the Walt Disney Co., the district treated its employees as if they were Disney employees, sometimes referred to as “cast members,” and awarded them lavish perks unavailable to the general public.

    The new Florida government report used the expertise of George Mason University Professor Donald J. Kochan in governance; William Jennings at Delta Consulting Group in accounting; the consulting firm Kimley-Horn for engineering; and Public Resources Advisory Group Managing Director Wendell Gaertner for public finance.

    The report notes: “Disney effectively bribed RCID employees (and retirees, members of the [RCID] Board of Supervisors, and vendor VIPs) by showering them with company benefits and perks: millions of dollars’ worth of annual passes to theme parks worldwide, 40% discounts on cruises, free transferable single-use tickets during the holiday season, steep discount on merchandise, marked discounts on food and beverage, and access to non-public shopping reserved for Disney cast members (where merchandise was greatly discounted and items were made available that were otherwise not available for public purchase).”

  • A detailed look at the decline of The Disney Channel.
  • Alberto Fujimori leaves prison. Fujimori is both a corrupt felon and arguably Peru’s most successful and competent leader of the last 80 years…
  • Texas is in the college football playoff, along with Michigan, Washington and Alabama.
  • Jacksonville Jaguars employee embezzled $22 million over four years. That’s just over $1 million a win…
  • A look inside a car disassembly factory.
  • Roll on, roll off ships are both interesting and freaking huge.
  • “I Don’t Want My Skull Fractured By A Man,’ Says Bigoted Female Athlete.”
  • Hit the tip jar if you’re so inclined.

    Suspect In Six Murders Out On Bail Thanks To Soros-Backed Group

    December 7th, 2023

    When news dropped about the six-body Austin-San Antonio murder spree, I thought “Should I do a post on that?”, but didn’t see any political angle. But now one has come to light: The accused spree killer was previously out on bail thanks to yet another George Soros-funded “criminal reform” group.

    The 34-year-old male accused of capital murder in the deaths of six people in Travis and Bexar counties on December 5 was previously released on a bond paid by an interest group that favors more lax bond policies, reported San Antonio media outlet KSAT.

    The outlet reported that it acquired court documents from Bexar County indicating that the Texas Organizing Project bailed Shane James out of jail in 2022 after he was arrested on misdemeanor family violence charges.

    Bexar County Sheriff Javier Salazar told the public during a news conference on Wednesday afternoon that the Bexar County District Attorney’s Office is working to create the “best case possible before we go to the magistrate” to make sure Shane is not released on bond again.

    Salazar provided a timeline of events beginning with James’ arrest in January 2022 on misdemeanor family violence charges. The sheriff explained that James was released from jail on March 7, 2022 and cut off his ankle monitor. Salazar noted that cutting off one’s ankle monitor was not a criminal offense at the time.

    Texas lawmakers enacted a law earlier this year making it a felony to cut off an ankle monitor.

    Salazar described an encounter with James via a mental health call in which they discovered that he had active warrants on the misdemeanor charges due to removing his ankle monitor. However, the sheriff explained that their options were limited due to the fact that police can take fewer actions on misdemeanor warrants as opposed to felonies.

    Want to guess who helped fund the Texas Organizing Project?

    A nonprofit bankrolled by liberal billionaire George Soros provided over $1.2 million to the left-wing group that previously bailed out the individual charged with killing several people in Texas, including his parents.

    Shane James, 34, is accused of killing six people and injuring others in Bexar County and Austin. James served as a U.S. Army Infantry officer from February 2013 to August 2015 and has been charged with several counts of capital murder.

    In January 2022, James was charged with aggravated assault against his mother, father and sister, Fox San Antonio reported. Bail records showed he was bonded out by the Texas Organizing Project, a nonprofit focused on progressive issues that helped elect Bexar County District Attorney Joe Gonzales and county Sheriff Javier Salazar.

    Meanwhile, the Texas Organizing Project received hefty donations from Soros’ nonprofit before bailing out James.

    “The Texas Organizing Project, like its major donor, Mr. Soros, thinks that our justice system is an arbitrary social construct that can be torn down and reshaped however they see fit with no consequences,” the Capital Research Center’s Parker Thayer told Fox News Digital. “There are always consequences, and this time, six people lost their lives because a billionaire wanted to feel morally superior by funding activists with too many college degrees and not enough common sense.”

    The Open Society Policy Center, the advocacy nonprofit in the Soros-funded Open Society Foundations network, provided $700,000 to the Texas Organizing Project in 2019 for organizational support.

    Later, in 2021, the policy center gave the group $565,000 to “support policy advocacy on democracy reform and government accountability in Texas,” according to its grant database.

    Soros’ cash accounted for a sizable chunk of the group’s reported money in both of those years. According to the Texas Organizing Project’s tax forms, the group pulled in $2.3 million in donations in 2019, meaning the $700,000 from the Soros nonprofit accounted for roughly 30% of its cash that year. And in 2021, the Texas Organizing Project received $2.4 million, with the Soros contribution making up nearly a quarter of its contributions.

    You may remember Texas Organizing Project because they were one of the Democratic-interest groups that Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo was funneling money to.

    More on Shane James:

    James was arrested in January 2022 for three misdemeanor assault charges. The victims were believed to be his parents and a sibling.

    “The family said he doesn’t belong in jail; he has mental health issues,” said Sheriff Salazar.

    According to Sheriff Salazar and Bexar County booking records, James was bonded out by the Texas Organizing Project on March 7, 2022.

    On March 8, 2022, he cut off his ankle monitor.

    The last altercation he had with law enforcement was in August 2023 when deputies received a call for a mental health episode at a home on Port Royal in San Antonio where it’s believed James lived with his parents.

    It’s the same home where two people were found dead Tuesday night, “tentatively identified” as James’ parents, Phyllis James and Shane Matthew James, Sr.

    When Soros prosecutors undercharge and let criminals and lunatics (James appears to be both) walk the streets, innocent citizens are the ones who bear the brunt of their misguided “reform.” In part thanks to Soros money, six people are dead because a psychopath was bailed out rather than kept in custody.

    Lt. Gov. Patrick: Dade Phelan Is “Impossible To Work With”

    December 6th, 2023

    Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick has long been critical of House Speaker Dade Phelan, but this week he stepped up his criticism, saying that Phelan was “impossible to work with.”

    The Texas Legislature has ended the Fourth Special Session, with the Texas House once again leaving school choice undone.

    At a press conference held this afternoon, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick laid the blame at House Speaker Dade Phelan’s feet.

    Gov. Greg Abbott tasked lawmakers with border security and education issues during this most recent special session.

    While they made quick work of border security measures, the two chambers and the governor remain at an impasse regarding education.

    Abbott’s call specifically mentions increased funding for government schools as well as a school choice program. While both chambers appeared to agree in the abstract on increased teacher pay and school safety funding, school choice remained the sticking point.

    The plan pushed by Abbott and passed by the Senate would create Education Savings Accounts, by which students enrolled in the program would receive money that they could use to pay for tuition at a private school.

    But while the Senate passed that legislation numerous times, the House voted to strip the school choice provision out of their omnibus school spending bill last month.

    Since that vote, the House has not considered any additional legislation, leaving the school safety and teacher pay raise proposals to perish.

    On Tuesday, the House adjourned sine die, one day earlier than the 30 days allotted for the special session, leaving senate bills on school safety and teacher pay raises unaddressed. The Senate followed shortly after, with Patrick calling a press conference for the afternoon.

    Over the summer, Patrick had ramped up his criticism of Phelan, eventually calling on him to resign. While he says he will not get involved in House races, he did say he would personally be making the speaker selection an issue as a voter.

    “Republican voters need to ask their House members if they’re going to support Speaker Phelan for speaker, and if they do, there’s a good chance they lose their race,” said Patrick.

    He noted that, while he had disagreements with past speakers Joe Straus and Dennis Bonnen, he could have conversations with them. Phelan, meanwhile, has not communicated with him.

    “This guy’s just flat out impossible to work with,” he added, saying that if Phelan is speaker of the House next session, school choice and other issues, such as a taxpayer-funded lobbying ban, will die again.

    Time after time, Patrick has marshaled the Republican majorities in the senate to pass conservative legislation in a timely manner, only to have it die in Phelan’s house.

    Patrick should reconsider his policy of not getting involved in house races, so that he, Ted Cruz and Greg Abbott can present a unified front for defeating not only Phelan, but everyone who voted to kill school choice.

    Explaining The Sam Altman/OpenAI Thing

    December 5th, 2023

    Hey, remember that whole “Sam Altman fired as CEO/reinstated as CEO of OpenAI” thing a couple of weeks ago? Here’s the archive story.

    Sam Altman was reinstated late Tuesday as OpenAI’s chief executive, successfully reversing his ouster by the company’s board last week after a campaign waged by his allies, employees and investors, the company said.

    The board would be remade without several members who had opposed Mr. Altman.

    “We have reached an agreement in principle for Sam to return to OpenAI as CEO with a new initial board of Bret Taylor (Chair), Larry Summers, and Adam D’Angelo,” OpenAI said in a post to X, formerly known as Twitter. “We are collaborating to figure out the details. Thank you so much for your patience through this.”

    The return of Mr. Altmanand the potential remaking of the board, capped a frenetic five days that upended OpenAI, the maker of the ChatGPT chatbot and one of the world’s highest-profile artificial intelligence companies.

    “i love openai, and everything i’ve done over the past few days has been in service of keeping this team and its mission together,” Mr. Altman said in a post to X. “with the new board and w satya’s support, i’m looking forward to returning to openai, and building on our strong partnership with msft.”

    OpenAI’s board surprised Mr. Altman and the company’s employees on Friday afternoon when it told him he was being pushed out. Greg Brockman, the company’s president who co-founded the company with Mr. Altman and others, resigned in protest.

    The ouster kicked off efforts by Mr. Altman, 38, his allies in the tech industry and OpenAI’s employees to force the company’s board to bring him back. On Sunday evening, after a weekend of negotiations, the board said it was going to stick with its decision.

    But in a head-spinning development just hours later, Microsoft, OpenAI’s largest investor, said that Mr. Altman, Mr. Brockman and others would be joining the company to start a new advanced artificial intelligence lab.

    Nearly all of OpenAI’s more than 700 employees signed a letter telling the board they would walk out and follow Mr. Altman to Microsoft if he wasn’t reinstated, throwing the future of the start-up into jeopardy.

    Four board members — Ilya Sutskever, an OpenAI founder; Adam D’Angelo, the chief executive of Quora; Helen Toner, a director of strategy at Georgetown’s Center for Security and Emerging Technology; and Tasha McCauley, an entrepreneur and computer scientist — had initially decided to push Mr. Altman out.

    Well, here’s Patrick Boyle to provide some context:

    A few takeaways:

  • There are two OpenAIs: “The non-profit OpenAI, Inc. registered in Delaware, and its for-profit subsidiary OpenAI Global, LLC.”
  • Musk was an early, and big, investor in the non-profit. “The founders pledged over one billion dollars to the venture, but actually only contributed around $130 million dollars- the majority of which came from Elon Musk.”
  • When he felt OpenAI was falling behind in 2018, he wanted to take over OpenAI himself. When the board rejected that, he resigned and took future pledged money with him, which blew a huge hole in their budget. (Whatever you think of Musk, I don’t think not being busy enough is his problem.)
  • Then came the for-profit doppelganger.
  • “The profits being capped at 100 times any investment.”
  • “The company explained this decision saying, ‘We need to invest billions of dollars in the coming years into large-scale cloud compute, attracting and retaining talented people, and building AI supercomputers.’ This transition from nonprofit to for-profit required OpenAI to balance its desire to make money with its stated commitment to ethical AI development.”
  • “This unconventional structure meant that Open AI had a board of directors, which in theory controls the entire corporate structure (which includes the charity and the capped profit company) – but which unlike other boards is not accountable to shareholders. The directors are in fact not allowed to own any stock to prevent a conflict of interest, because they are specifically not supposed to be aligned with shareholders.”
  • “The companies operating agreement – to investors – says – in writing: ‘It would be wise to view any investment in OpenAI in the spirit of a donation, with the understanding that it may be difficult to know what role money will play in a post-AGI world.’ Documents like this – that were written by an actual lawyer – highlight the problems we are starting to see from the combined popularity of science fiction in Silicon Valley and widespread microdosing of hallucinogens.”
  • “In the real world, where the role of money is reasonably well defined, Open AI is an unprofitable company and is expected to need to raise a lot more money over time from investors like Microsoft, to keep up with the high costs of building more sophisticated chatbots.”
  • “Despite this lack of profitability, the company is valued by investors at 86 billion dollars, and Bloomberg reported last weekend that ‘some investors were considering writing down the entire value of their OpenAI holdings to zero.'”
  • “Former colleagues would have an open door to follow and join a new AI unit, according to Microsoft chief Satya Nadella. As much of a win as this might have appeared for Microsoft (people were saying that they had managed to buy the hottest AI firm for zero), this might not have been the optimal outcome for them, as they would likely have had to deal with antitrust regulators and lawsuits from other Open AI investors.”
  • “The majority of Open AI’s 700 or so employees signed an open letter to the board demanding that the board resign and that they rehire Altman. The letter stated that the board had told the employee leadership team that allowing the company to be destroyed ‘would be consistent with the mission.’ The employees said that unless their demands were met, they would resign from Open AI and join the new subsidiary of Microsoft being headed up by Altman and Brockman.”
  • “You have to wonder what the employee contracts at Open AI look like that the entire staff could leave to work for a major investor in the company leaving Open Ai as an empty shell.”
  • “Typically, executives like Altman would have contracts that prevent them from hiring away key staff once they are no longer at the firm, and staff would have signed NDA’s preventing them from taking any technology with them.”
  • “The OpenAI story is a bit of a crazy one, where Microsoft and a number of other sophisticated investors agreed to put billions of dollars in, and employees got stock grants, all at an $86 billion valuation, without the contractual or fiduciary rights that investors might normally expect.”
  • Rival Anthropic has a similar structure.
  • “Bad corporate governance has been a growing issue particularly in Silicon Valley where companies like Google, Facebook and Snap structured their IPO’s such that founders were left with unchallenged power to do almost anything that they want.” Google and Facebook are garbage companies, but there are some scenarios where only founders can keep the company on a long-term vision rather than goosing quarterly profits (Jobs at Apple comes to mind).
  • Warren Buffet has a similar mechanism (A shares of stock only he controls) to keep control of Berkshire Hatheway.
  • “Since you are buying shares of companies in perpetuity, leadership who are not accountable to shareholders can take value destructive paths without answering to anyone. Meta’s Reality Labs division, which houses its efforts to build the metaverse, has lost around $46.5 billion dollars since 2019. Would Mark Zuckerberg have been able to waste this much money if he was accountable to investors?” I have a fairly strong suspicion that division is being used to hide all sorts of shenanigans.
  • Boyle is deeply suspicious of “stakeholder capitalism” as opposed to the old-fashioned, profit-maximizing kind.”
  • The thing missing from this summary, and all the coverage of the story I’ve seen, is why Altman was originally let go, and none of the principals involved seem to be talking about it…

    Cruz Campaigning Against Phelan Stooges

    December 4th, 2023

    Ted Cruz has announced he will campaign for the primary opponents of Republican state house incumbents who voted to kill school choice.

    U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz says he will endorse against the 21 Republicans who voted with Democrats against school choice in the Texas House.

    Cruz made the comments during an interview on the Chris Salcedo Show, where he acknowledged that getting involved in state-level races is abnormal for U.S. senators.

    “There are 100 senators. To the best of my knowledge, 99 of them do not get involved in state legislative races. And the reason is getting involved in state legislative races in primaries in your state is stupid, it hurts you politically,” said Cruz. “To the best of my knowledge, I am the only one who not only gets involved, but I make a regular practice of it.”

    The main factor in Cruz’s endorsements this cycle? Their support for school choice.

    “My basic rule is, if you have supported school choice and you are otherwise relatively conservative, you’re quite likely to get my support. If on the other hand, you voted against choice, the odds of getting my support are zero. And I am very likely to endorse your primary opponent. When I do so I don’t do so gently. I cut TV ads and radio ads and I come in and we beat you,” said Cruz.

    Earlier this month, 21 Republicans in the Texas House sided with Democrats in killing a school choice proposal. While some of those members have already announced their retirement, Cruz says he is prepared to replace them with more conservative members.

    “l’ll tell you this, the 21 Republicans that voted this last session to kill school choice, every one of those 21 I want to make an invitation to their primary opponent: run against them and I will back you.”

    “I’m going to do everything I can to beat those 21 Republicans,” he added.

    This is not the first time Cruz has endorsed candidates based on their support for school choice. In the 2022 primary, Cruz said it was a “critical factor” in earning his support.

    Attorney General Ken Paxton has been endorsing primary opponents of those Republican state reps who voted for his impeachment, a group that includes a lot of overlap with those opposing school choice. Governor Greg Abbott has also started endorsing the primary opponents of GOP reps who voted to kill school choice, but hasn’t announced a blanket policy of opposing them yet.

    For years the powers behind Joe Straus, Dennis Bonnen and Dade Phelan have constantly thwarted conservative priorities in the House thanks to a small cadre of squishy Republicans willing to buck the party on central priorities. The combination of the Paxton impeachment farce and killing school choice may finally have prodded key Republicans into replacing those squishes with actual conservatives.