Cuomo Leaves His Dog Behind

August 23rd, 2021

As if we needed even the slightest bit more evidence that Andrew Cuomo was a scumbag, he left his dog behind when he left the governor’s mansion:

Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, who has been staying with one of his sisters in Westchester County in the final days of his third term, recently has asked staff members at the Executive Mansion if anyone would like to keep his dog, Captain, who has remained at the state-owned residence after the governor moved out last week.

Two State Police sources told the Times Union on Saturday that the governor had recently asked mansion staff members if anyone would be interested in caring for the dog. Captain — a high-strung mix of shepherd, Siberian and malamute — has nipped a few people since Cuomo adopted him in 2018, the sources said, and a mansion staffer recently took the dog home for a few days but decided he was too much.

Cuomo mouthpiece Richard Azzopardi swears up and down that the soon-to-be Ex-Governor (he leaves office just before noon today) just wants to have someone look after it while he’s on vacation, but others say he’s tried to give the dog away. And really, who believes Andrew Freaking Cuomo, he of the $5 million book deal, can’t afford a dog sitter for two weeks?

Cuomo abandoning his dog is just the last brick in the narcissistic scumbag wall.

(Hat tip: Neontaster.)

One Rule For Them, Another For You

August 22nd, 2021

One thing Flu Manchu had made even more abundantly clear is that our leftwing political elite feel free to impose on ordinary people laws that they themselves feel under no obligation to obey. Like 1970s Hollywood convincing themselves that they deserved cocaine because they just worked so darn hard, our “betters” believe rules are for the little people.

Of course, that was obvious from the very beginning, when the UK’s head coronavirus advisor broke his own coronavirus lockdown rules to mingle with his married mistress.

Some data points:

  • Obama had a giant blowout party on Martha’s Vineyard where nobody was masked at the same time the new Democratic Administration figureheaded by his former VP was telling everyone to stay masked even if they had been vaccinated.
  • Matt Taibbi on the same subject:

    “Even Scaled Back,” wrote Vanity Fair, “Barack Obama’s Birthday Bash Is the Event of the Season.” Not even the famed glossy Bible of the unapologetic rich seemed sure of whether to write Obama’s Birthday bash straight or as an Onion headline: what did the “Event of the Season” mean during a pandemic?

    A former president flying half the world’s celebrities to spend three days in a maskless ring-kissing romp at a $12 million Martha’s Vineyard mansion, at a moment when only a federal eviction ban prevented the outbreak of a national homelessness crisis, was already an all-time “Fuck the Optics” news event, and that was before the curveball.


    This Covid bash was Barack Obama’s “Fuck it!” moment.

    He extended middle fingers in all directions: to his Vineyard neighbors, the rest of America, Biden, the hanger-on ex-staffers who’d stacked years of hundred-hour work weeks to build his ballyhooed career, the not quite A-listers bounced at the last minute for being not famous enough (sorry, Larry David and Conan O’Brien!), and so on. It’d be hard not to laugh imagining Axelrod reading that even “Real Housewife of Atlanta” Kim Fields got on the party list over him, except that Obama giving the shove-off to his most devoted (if also scummy and greedy) aides is also such a perfect metaphor for the way he slammed the door in the faces of the millions of ordinary voters who once so desperately believed in him.

  • Being a member of the globetrotting international elite means not having to live with the same rules as the peasants. “UN Globalists Arriving In UK For Climate Summit Won’t Face COVID Restrictions Imposed On British Citizens.”
  • Somehow, events that our elites approve of (like #BlackLivesMatter riots, Obama parties and Lolapalooza) are never “superspreader events,” but events they don’t, like Trump rallies and the biker rally in Sturgis, are.
  • We all know that Nancy Pelosi feels free to break the mask mandates she wants to impose on others, be it to cut her hair, or to mingle with the people who write fat checks to Democrats:

  • And more of the same from DC Mayor Muriel Bowser and AOC. “It’s 2021, people. If you want to go out for dinner with family and friends, or take your kids to the zoo, or do any of the other things that were once commonplace, first you need to ask yourself one crucial question: ‘Am I a prominent Democrat politician?'”
  • And this only skims the surface. From dressing up as a Klansman, to being an actual Klansman, there seems to be no sin that a (D) after your name won’t absolve you off, as long as you’re important enough. Just ask Hunter Biden.
  • America was founded on the proposition that all men are created equal. Our political elites obviously don’t believe that’s the case…

    The Woke Zone

    August 21st, 2021

    Enjoy this Babylon Bee takeoff on the “Talking Tina” doll episode of The Twilight Zone:

    I wonder at what point references to classic Twilight Zone episodes falls out of common cultural memory. Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror seem to have longer staying power that, say, period sitcoms. Teenagers today might have caught Twilight Zone episodes on MeTV or one of those endless series of free streaming services, whereas I doubt most have ever seen an episode of Hazel or The Real McCoys.

    LinkSwarm for August 20, 2021

    August 20th, 2021

    Greetings, and welcome to another Friday LinkSwarm! I sort of want to put all the horrible news out of Afghanistan in one blog post, but it will probably have to wait until next week.

  • Democrat voting fraud straight outa Compton. ”[Compton city councilman] Isaac Galvan, 34, was one of six people charged Friday with conspiracy to commit election fraud, according to a criminal complaint filed by the Los Angeles County district attorney’s office.”
  • One in ten Democrats regret voting for Biden over Trump.
  • Related:

  • Just as in Austin, the homeless drug addicts Democratic politicians love in Seattle are killing innocent, law-abiding Americans:

  • Mathias Dopfner, CEO of German Axel Springer, flies Israeli flag for a week after antisemitic attacks. Leftwing employees: “Triggered!” Dopfner: “Then quit.” Bonus: He might buy Politico. (Hat tip: Mark Tapscott at Instapundit.)
  • Kennedy bashes Cuomo (not the one he was married to):

  • Instapundit: “Mask bullies don’t want to persuade you — but to humiliate and rule you….This sort of thing isn’t aimed at convincing those who disagree, but rather at garnering high-fives from people who agree and, ultimately, creating an ideological veneer for unquestioned elite rule.”
  • Honolulu Immediately Folds in Face of Gun-Rights Lawsuit…Federal District Judge J. Michael Seabright, a Bush appointee, ruled the state’s requirement that pistol purchasers present their guns to police for inspection and its 10-day expiration for purchase permits were unconstitutional.”
  • Thanks to Travis County DA Jose Garza, two accused child murderers are out on bail.

    APD says that officers responded to a urgent check welfare call on March 7 just after 8 p.m. at the First Choice Emergency Room Center on E. Riverside Drive. The caller had reported to 911 that someone had brought an unresponsive child to the ER and that they were getting mixed information as to why the child was unresponsive. CPR was in progress.

    ATCEMS then transported the child, identified as six-year-old Stavian Driver, to the emergency room at Dell Children’s Medical Center. Stavian succumbed to his injuries and was pronounced dead just before 9 p.m.

    APD says that over the next several days, homicide detectives interviewed Stavian’s mother, 27-year-old Staleigh Coleman and her boyfriend, 27-year-old Blake Jones, who were both at their home on Cromwell Circle when the incident occurred. A search warrant was also executed at the home.

    Pictured are the mugshots of Staleigh B. Coleman (left) and Blake Howard Jones (right). (Austin Police Department)

    Due to serious inconsistencies as to how Stavian received scalding burns over 40% of his upper body, arrest warrants were issued for both Coleman and Jones for injury to a child by omission, says APD. Their bonds were set at $100,000 dollars.

    Coleman and Jones were arrested on March 10 and were transported and booked into the Travis County Jail. APD says both are currently out of jail on bond.

  • Ted Cruz saved America at 3:30 AM on Wednesday morning.” By objecting to passage of the $3.5 trillion Democratic Party wish list budget.
  • Air Force cadets forced to watch #BlackLivesMatter videos.
  • Critical Race Theory has even spread to Oklahoma: “‘Only white people can be racist’: Union officials call for purge of teacher workforce.”
  • Also forced to take Critical Race Theory classes: Bank of America. (Hat tip: Director Blue.)
  • Madison Ave is 39% empty; Manhattan landlords, can you lower the prices now?” Also this: “$1,000 a square foot is not sustainable!” And more on the problems engendered by mortgage-backed securities.
  • A rerun: “California Legislature Unveils Plan To Raise Taxes On Wildfires Until They Move Out Of State.”
  • “Dominion Voting Machine Really Starting To Regret Its 50,000 Votes For Biden.”
  • My books wanted list. If you have a lot of rare science fiction first editions just lying around, I could be persuaded to take those off your hands…
  • A feelgood dog link to brighten up your day.
  • A number of deadlines conspired to converge on this week. I’m hoping next week will be less insanely busy…

    Video Shows Women Stealing California Recall Ballots

    August 19th, 2021

    Here’s more of that election fraud Democrats swear up and down doesn’t exist.

    And this is why Democrats are desperate to to stop election reform, including banning ballot harvesting.

    Followup on Dr. Dan Stock’s Virus Comments

    August 18th, 2021

    In a follow-up to this story, I emailed Dr. Dan Stock to ask him if he had references to the studies he mentioned in that video.

    Today he replied and pointed me to this set of links up on his PureHealthMD website. And now I’m pointing them out to you.

    Thus far I have only dipped my toe into them. I browsed the “N95 Respirators vs Medical Masks for Preventing Influenza Among Health Care Personnel.” The disappointing conclusion was “Among outpatient HCP, N95 respirators vs medical masks as worn by participants in this trial resulted in no significant difference in the incidence of laboratory-confirmed influenza.” So only do regular masks not work, even significantly better N95 masks don’t work…

    Blue Alert In Texas

    August 17th, 2021

    Another blue alert for a cop-shooter, this one up near Wichita Falls:

    The Blue Alert sent to Texans’ cell phones late Monday night after 11 p.m. is for a man accused of shooting a Clay County Sheriff’s Office deputy. The shooting happened near Wichita Falls.

    Investigators are looking for a man with a thin build. He was last seen wearing a dark flat-billed cap and driving a white four-door Cadillac.

    The sheriff’s office says Deputy Breanton Chitwood attempted to pull the man over around 7:30 p.m. Monday at the Jolly Truck Stop.

    Jolly is a small town between Wichita Falls and Henrietta.

    When Chitwood walked up, he was shot and returned fire, the sheriff’s office said. According to Clay County Sheriff Jeffrey Lyde, Chitwood was shot in his bulletproof vest and is expected to be okay.

    Lyde said the license plate number of the vehicle is FXJ-1334, and the plates are stolen.

    Crime Stoppers is offering a $5,000 award for any information leading to the arrest.

    Good thing the officer is fine. Here’s a pic of the vehicle:

    If you see that car, now with added bullet holes, call 911.

    I’m Too Pissed Off To Post About Afghanistan Today

    August 16th, 2021

    Instead have some random tweets on the subject:

    The situation on the ground:

    Our media in a nutshell:

    The UN in a nutshell:

    Afghanistan: The Inevitable Disaster, More Disastrous Than Necessary

    August 15th, 2021

    The current debacle unfolding in Afghanistan is a bipartisan disaster at least two decades in the making made much worse by the feckless incompetence of the Biden Administration.

    Defeat has long been baked into the Afghan pie by the failure of every Administration since Bush43 to grapple with the fact that Taliban has been armed and run by the Pakistani ISI essentially since their inception:

    The Pakistan government has repeatedly denied that it provides any military support to the Taliban in its diplomacy regarding its extensive operations in Afghanistan. Of all the foreign powers involved in efforts to sustain and manipulate the ongoing fighting, Pakistan is distinguished both by the sweep of its objectives and the scale of its efforts, which include soliciting funding for the Taliban, bankrolling Taliban operations, providing diplomatic support as the Taliban’s virtual emissaries abroad, arranging training for Taliban fighters, recruiting skilled and unskilled manpower to serve in Taliban armies, planning and directing offensives, providing and facilitating shipments of ammunition and fuel, and on several occasions apparently directly providing combat support. In April and May 2001 Human Rights Watch sources reported that as many as thirty trucks a day were crossing the Pakistan border; sources inside Afghanistan reported that some of these convoys were carrying artillery shells, tank rounds, and rocket-propelled grenades. Such deliveries are in direct violation of U.N. sanctions. Pakistani landmines have been found in Afghanistan; they include both antipersonnel and antivehicle mines. Pakistan’s army and intelligence services, principally the Inter-Services Intelligence Directorate (ISI), contribute to making the Taliban a highly effective military force. While these Pakistani agencies do not direct the policies of the IEA, senior Pakistani military and intelligence officers help plan and execute major military operations. In addition, private-sector actors in Pakistan provide financial assistance to the Taliban.

    As if Osama Bin Laden being caught in Abbottabad and in regular contact with the ISI and Pakistani military officials just weren’t enough of a hint. In addition to jihadist sympathies by the Muslim government, Pakistans deep state regards Afghanistan as “strategic depth” against India. But for 20 years Washington has looked the other way while Pakistan continued that support and killed our troops because we let them obtain nuclear weapons (another spectacular failure from our craptacular CIA), and confronting them would be “inconvenient.”

    The United States could have declared victory and gone home after routing the Taliban in 2001, or after the first Presidential election in 2004, or the first parliamentary election in 2005. But our political elites deluded themselves into thinking that “nation building” could be accomplished in the land known as “The Grave of Empires,” that we could succeed where The British Empire, the Russian Empire, and the Soviet Union all failed. Thus a great deal of lives and treasure were lost propping up various weak leaders to govern a nation that’s historically ungovernable.

    This was a bipartisan disaster, and another black eye for national security agencies that made mistake after mistake in the region, from backing jihadist idiots like Gulbuddin Hekmatyar over Ahmad Shah Massoud, to missing Pakistan’s nuclear program, to being unable to figure out how Pakistan is backing the Taliban despite over 20 years of evidence. One has to wonder if it’s mere incompetence, or if the ISI has one or more moles in the CIA. (It also wouldn’t surprise me if China has been financially backing the Taliban as well.),

    Like Vietnam, training native armies to fight for themselves (“Vietnamization”) has been a tremendous failure, and like Vietnam, the best and the brightest among our chattering elites fought the war in a way to make us stay in and lose. The result has been the headlong rout of the Afghan national army because evidently 20 years of time, blood and money isn’t enough to mold non-Jihadist Afghans into an effective fighting force.

    Yet all that said, the Biden Administration has made things immeasurably worse.

    Instead of a quiet orderly withdrawal behind the scenes, Biden precipitously announced a September 11 withdrawal, presumably as an giant “Fuck You” to everyone with an American flag on their pickup truck.

    Now the ostensible Afghan army is melting before the Taliban advance and leaving possibly billions of dollars of modern U.S. military equipment behind. And just as in Vietnam, we’ve had to rush to evacuate the U.S. embassy, burn secret documents and leave American allies to the tender mercies of our enemies. It’s almost as though ex-Obama Administration official wanted to see American prestige abjectly humiliated on the world stage as punishment for Americans who dared vote against them.

    The fact that we’ve achieved something like successful nation building in Iraq is a topic for another time. But in Iraq and Syria, President Trump announced we were going to be withdrawing U.S. troops, and then proceeded to bomb the snot out of Jihadist enemies and whacked Qassem Suleimani. And whoever was in charge of turning the Kurds into an effective fighting forces succeeded where those training the Afghans abjectly failed.

    If there’s any grim consolation in all this is the fact that the Taliban will likely have little better success in ruling Afghanistan’s various tribal factions than America has had. Funding functioning guerrilla armies is relatively easy, but turning Afghanistan into a functional country is probably impossible, and now the Taliban and their masters in Pakistani are stuck with that tar-baby.

    Thomas Sowell on Uncomfortable Truths About the Slave Trade

    August 14th, 2021

    Social Justice/Critical Race Theory exists in perpetual Year Zero in which no history exists except that of America as a great oppressor. In fact, slavery existed long before there was a transatlantic slave trade, and despite Roots, the people who captured slaves were other black tribes, not Europeans, who then sold them on the coasts.