This Day Eaten By Bluehost

October 2nd, 2023

Content should resume tomorrow, assuming I’m not suffering from the same endless unavailability and timeout errors…

Scenes From San Francisco’s Decline

October 1st, 2023

Two videos documenting San Francisco’s decline today. First up: What happens when lawbreakers neither fear nor respect a police force that’s been made helpless by political leadership.

  • Bike gangs take over entire streets, or even the Golden Gate Bridge, and police are nowhere to be found.
  • “He went to SFPD’s Richmond station and officers told them there was nothing they could do, because if they chase them then it could get worse, and they’re trying to avoid the confrontation.” Imagine that: Police avoiding confronting criminal who are breaking the law.
  • “I don’t blame them. How many times do we see stories like this in DC where the police try to enforce a law, the criminal gets hurt, and then coppers like this face life in prison. So in a deep blue city like San Francisco, when it comes to safety, I think you’re pretty much on your own.”
  • Mobs take over a local mall.
  • Thieves break into vehicles in broad daylight, even when they’re occupied.
  • In a second video from CBN (age-restricted, so no embedding), leftwing attorney and former San Francisco Board of Supervisors member Angela Alioto admits that everything she did back in office was wrong and has made things much, much worse. “We made bad decisions. We made bad policy. Undo it.”

    She supported being a sanctuary city and needle exchange program, but now believe both are wrong and corrupt.

    She’s come to realize the truth of the Homeless Industrial Complex: “His is a $14 billion budget. When I ran for mayor in 2018, it was $5 billion. $2 billion is going for homelessness and homelessness-related issues. How is that not corrupt? How is 60% of that money not going into someone’s pockets?” She doesn’t seem to realize that the programs were designed to line the pockets of leftwing activists and politicians.

    Last year, the city gave $1.4 billion to non-profits theoretically working to solve homelessness. What they got was more homeless. Alioto: “We have way too many nonprofits…I’ll go so far as to say that some of them are not trying to help. Some of them have perpetuated a homeless industry that is killing us.” I’d say most of them.

    Crime is another issue. Proposition 47, which decriminalized theft under $1,000, has made things much worse as well. “It’s ridiculous. It gives people a license to steal.”

    Just like Republicans said it would.

    What Angela Alioto doesn’t know or can’t say is that all this Homeless Industrial Complex graft is almost certainly sanction by the local, state, and national Democratic Party leadership, and I have a fairly strong suspicion that a lot of that graft gets directly recycled into campaign contributions to Democrats across the country.

    Alioto was appointed to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors by Gavin Newsom in 2004. My suspicion is that Newsom not only knows about the graft, but is one of (if not the) primary controllers of it. Remember the recall effort against Newsom? Scott Adams called the Democratic Party’s fight against that effort as “the top process in the system.”

    But the entire Democratic Party is complicit in the decline of San Francisco to the crime-ridden hellhole it’s become, and they’re looking to roll out their graft-and-decline agenda nationwide.

    Texas Speed Trap City Dissolves Police Force

    September 30th, 2023

    Sometimes a ratio is so out of whack that you know something is seriously screwy, such as Hillary Clinton’s 100x return on cattle futures. Such is the case with Coffee City, Texas, which had 50 police officers for a town of 250.

    After raking in enough cash from traffic citations to pay a king’s ransom, Coffee City in Henderson County shuttered its police department last week after the mayor criticized the management of the small town’s law enforcement.

    Coffee City is a small town on the shores of Lake Palestine on State 155 between Palestine and Tyler. It’s about 110 miles southeast of Dallas.

    Mayor Jeff Blackstone published a news release on the city’s website on September 1 explaining the city council’s decision to suspend Chief JohnJay Portillo amid questions about his management of the police force.

    “After being informed of the recent allegations against our Chief of Police and the city’s reserve officer programs, the city council and myself felt it necessary for us to place Chief Portillo on a thirty-day suspension,” Blackstone said.

    “During this time, we will be investigating this matter internally as well as seeking counsel from an independent investigation firm to validate our findings. Thank you for your patience while we work to resolve this issue.”

    The investigation did not last long. Allegations of poor hiring practices by Portillo and numerous concerns about misconduct by officers in the Coffee City Police Department meant the council’s simplest option was to shut it down.

    The department had 50 officers for a town of only about 250 people, an extraordinary ratio of one officer for every five residents.

    CBS affiliate KHOU reported in late August that the city received more than $1 million in a single year from approximately 5,100 traffic citations, more than any other city of that size.

    Speaking of KHOU, here’s their roundup report on Coffee City, where they talk about how a lot of Coffee City officers had problems on other police jobs:

  • “More than half of Coffee City officers had been suspended, demoted, terminated or dishonorably discharged from their previous jobs.”
  • “Their prior discipline ranges from excessive force to public drunkenness, untruthfulness, and association with known criminals. Criminal charges include DWI, theft, aggravated assault, family violence and endangering a child.”
  • Many Coffee City officers worked extra jobs…including the police chief. “Portillo was working security for a Southeast Houston apartment complex. Nearly 200 miles away from Coffee City.” And he demanded that Harris County Constables file charges on people. Indeed, Coffee City officers demanding Harris County constables file charges became a drain on resources.
  • When Portillo applied for the Coffee City job, he failed to mention that he had active warrants in Florida for DWI and failure to appear.
  • “Turns out there are a half dozen full time Coffee City police officers who don’t even work in Coffee City, Texas. Instead they work from home more than three hours and nearly 200 miles away in Houston.” There are some police administrative jobs that can be worked from home, but I can’t imagine a town Coffee City’s size having more than one or two. But that’s because it’s for the warrant division from the speed trap operation. And they’re being paid on “performance based” commission revenue of $150 for each warrant cleared.
  • Are speed trap legal in Texas? Yes, but they’re discouraged, as municipalities and counties are required to remit traffic ticket revenues exceeding 30% of the previous year’s total revenue to the state. It’s unclear whether this was done in the case of Coffee City.

    Kowloon City as Rhizome

    September 28th, 2023

    The now-torn down Kowloon Walled City was a megastructure/hyperslum/gangster paradise situated just outside Hong Kong proper.

    Kowloon City was an acknowledged influence on William Gibson’s urban dystopian cyberpunk: A hyper-dense, interconnected, lawless locale whose buildings and infrastructure grew organically without rhyme, reason, planning or building codes. It was one inspiration for the phrase “Temporary Autonomous Zone” briefly popular among anarchists and Libertarians in the 1980s and 90s.

    In this video, YouTuber Dami Lee argues that Kowloon City is best understood as a rhizome, a kind of horizontal-growing root that intertwines with everything.

  • “When we first started looking into the Kowloon Walled City, also known as the densest city in the world, we thought for a place that’s essentially a slum full of crime and drugs, with subhuman living conditions, there sure is a lot of romanticization about this place.”
  • “The city looks like it came straight out of a dystopian sci-fi novel.”
  • “It’s a giant megastructure part architecture, part living organism, and it’s actually something architects have been dreaming about for years. One continuous structure where you could access all the necessities of daily life but evolves and grows with time.”
  • New York City has a population density of 11,000 per square kilometer. Kowloon City had a population density of 1,255,000 per square kilometer.
  • “Kowloon Walled City was a city within Hong Kong that was technically a part of China.” It started as a fort, but after being abandoned Chinese refugees flooded there after World War II.
  • “It was known as the only Chinese enclave that the Hong Kong government couldn’t touch. But after that, it included anyone and everyone from gangs, criminals to doctors to entrepreneurs, people trying to escape poverty or people trying to capitalize on this unregulated haven.”
  • “Crime naturally flourished there with gangs, drugs, brothels. If you had an industrial business, you could ignore the fire codes, the labor codes or safety codes So you could produce goods at a fraction of the cost. You could also sell things that were banned anywhere else, like dog meat.”
  • “With unbeatable prices, industry kind of thrived here and lots of things made in Kowloon Walled City made their way back to China, Hong Kong, and sometimes even overseas. They were known especially for their fish balls and dumplings.”
  • “in Kowloon, buildings will get built, leaving these small gaps for air and light. But very quickly they get filled in with stairways, which sometimes connect it to three or four buildings. The city of Kowloon had around 350 buildings, but eventually the all merge into this one giant megastructure. The rooftops would connect, forming one giant rooftop, and even the residential units were connected to each other. And since not all the units had electricity or other resources, it allowed them to share things like power out of a single source.”
  • “It especially allowed businesses to expand strategically and organically.” Such as a strip club that lured people in to make real money in the gambling den a floor down.
  • “New buildings could attach and be integrated to existing structures. And with every new building, new circulation paths and collection points are formed which evolve and expand with the growth of the city. And at the intersection of these connections or stairs or alleys, nodes would organically merge.”
  • “Chinese doctors and dentists who couldn’t afford to get relicensed in Hong Kong, set up shop here and offer services for bargain prices, which attracted customers from outside the city.”
  • Factories gravitated to ground floors with vehicle and water access, while residential went to higher floors. “But most of the residents actually moved through the hundreds of alleys and secret paths, which all twisted and turned and stepped up and down and cut through multiple buildings. So unlike a typical city where you have one point of connection, you had multiple points of connection vertically and horizontally between multiple spaces.”
  • The hard limits of the city forced it to expand upward and inward.
  • “Even though they didn’t have a government, the residents self-organized to fix problems as they came up to deal with crime. They formed groups of volunteers to escort single women. And when the Hong Kong government released plans to demolish the city, they organized the Kowloon City Anti Demolition Committee that fought against the plan for years. Even the five Triad gangs organized garbage cleaning teams and helped settle disputes between businesses.”
  • Kowloon City was demolished in 1994.
  • At it’s height, Kowloon City was an an example of “spontaneous order” that can arise from the intersection of capitalism and low- or no-regulation environments. But much of its success was based on a rare combination of things, namely its proximity to a huge, thriving, international city, private ownership of land, ethnic homogeneity, and a ready populace of low-wage workers, many of whom had fled communism.

    By contrast, Seattle’s antifa “Autonomous Zone” thugocracy had none of these things going for it, and the only industry they brought to the area was shaking down existing businesses for protection money ‘donations.”

    I can imagine it both as a place of tremendous economic dynamism as well as someplace I personally would never want to live. Just imagine if you had a factory using deadly chemicals right below you. And I imagine the illegal activity providing a significant portion of Kowloon City’s income.

    It was an interesting, unintentional experiment, and I’m sure the vast majority of residents there fared better than they would have under the Great Leap Forward…

    Meta Rips Off The Author And Passes The Savings On To Skynet

    September 27th, 2023

    It turns out that Meta, AKA Facebook, used a giant database of pirated books known as “book3” for their AI generative training efforts.

    Indeed, you can now search an index to see who was ripped off.

    Did they rip me off? Not by name, as I have no published novels, but they did rip off Mike Ashley’s The Mammoth Book of Extreme Science Fiction, which has my story “Crucifixion Variations” in it, so yeah.

    They ripped off Howard Waldrop:

  • Dream Factories and Radio Pictures
  • Going Home Again: Stories
  • Horse of a Different Color
  • Other Worlds, Better Lives
  • Things Will Never Be the Same
  • They ripped off a whole lot of Joe R. Lansdale.

    They ripped off a whole lot of George R. R. Martin (in multiple languages).

    There’s already been a lawsuit filed against Meta by Richard Kadrey, Sarah Silverman and Christopher Golden over using their material for training AIs, but there seems to be no mention of pirated books or book3.

    The fact that Meta is not only training AI on author’s works without their permission, but using pirated copies to do so adds insult to injury.

    And probably additional monetary damages from the resulting lawsuits.

    I expect the latest piracy revelations to lead to whole host of new lawsuits…

    Defund The Police + Decriminalize Shoplifting = “Food Deserts”

    September 26th, 2023

    Chicago was one of the first cities to embrace decriminalizing shoplifting and defunding the police, and now they’re reaping the consequences of their actions, good and hard.

  • “Crime has become so crazy in Chicago that the city now has to take over supermarkets.”
  • Organized gangs of looters now strip shelves while store employees watch helplessly. The video shows a crew of 14 stripping a Louis Vuitton store bare.
  • One clothing shop: “There have been knives, there has been girls spitting on us, there has been men throwing drinks at us, taking my female sales associates and throwing them into tables. She’s recorded 28 incidents in just the past 60 days.”
  • One shoplifting ring stole over $7 million worth of goods, much of it over-the-counter medicine stolen from the likes of Target, Walgreens
    and CVS and then shipped off to California and New York to be sold.

  • No wonder major retailers are fleeing Chicago.
  • Four Wal-Marts closed because the thefts made them no longer profitable, losing tens of millions of dollars.
  • Whole Foods closed six stores.
  • Needless to say, Chicago’s Democratic mayor Brandon Johnson was a big fan of defunding the police back in 2020.
  • “Thus the very people allegedly helped by the progressive policies get hurt the worst: The poor black and brown communities in Chicago are now food deserts. There’s nowhere to buy groceries.”
  • “Private retailers couldn’t afford to keep stores open and let people just steal their merchandise for free. So the mayor plans to open, quote, city-run supermarkets. This is to fill the void left by the Walmarts and the Whole Foods who obviously were losing millions of dollars trying to stay open.”
  • I imagine putting the Democratic Party in charge of a supermarket will probably work just as well as letting the mob run your restaurant.

    “We’re talking about state and federal tax dollars being used to essentially run state-run supermarkets. That’s socialism 101. That’s what happened in Venezuela. That would happen in the Soviet Union: The state ran the supermarkets.”

    Democrats make a food desert and call it social justice.

    Who Had “Rick Perry, Psychedelic Warrior” on Their 2023 Bingo Card?

    September 25th, 2023

    To the surprise of many, Rick Perry has come out for legalization of psychedelic drugs to treat PTSD.

    Republican Rick Perry served as governor of Texas from 2000 to 2015 and then did a stint as secretary of energy from 2017 to 2019. He describes himself as a small-government conservative. He’s not in favor of legalizing all drugs, but in the last five years he has warmed up to the idea that psychedelics could be a valuable and legitimate treatment for trauma.

    Reason’s Nick Gillespie sat down with Rick Perry in June at the Psychedelic Science 2023 conference to discuss how poorly the U.S. deals with those suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and how he believes that psychedelic-assisted therapy can help.

    Q: How have you changed your mind about psychedelics?

    A: When I got introduced to this approximately five years ago, it was through a young man [Morgan Luttrell] who worked with me at the Department of Energy.

    I was the secretary of energy and he was seeing some of his colleagues in the special operations world—this is a former Navy SEAL, who, interestingly enough, today is a United States congressman. He’s the one that started getting me comfortable with “Rick Perry” and “psychedelics” in the same sentence. His twin brother, Marcus Luttrell, lived with us at the governor’s mansion as my wife and I were learning about post-traumatic stress disorder and how poorly our government was dealing with this. And we were trying to find solutions to help heal this young man.

    Q: Can psychedelics help individuals struggling with PTSD?

    A: I’ve educated myself about the history of this and why psychedelics got taken away from the research world, from the citizens at large. These are medicines that were taken away for political purposes back in the early ’70s that we need to reintegrate. The potential here is stunningly positive.

    I’ll give you one example: Rachel Yehuda, Ph.D., who’s working at [Veterans Affairs] in New York. She has two studies in phase three that are showing just amazing results. They have classic symptoms—anxiety, depression, sleeplessness, suicidal thoughts, one or all of those. Seventy-five percent of those individuals who are treated have zero symptoms after six months. Those are stunning numbers.

    Q: Do you think people in your political tribe will be able to grasp this message about psychedelics treating trauma?

    A: This is an education process and the short answer is yes, I do. Because I’m not for legalization of all drugs. We need to go a little more pedestrian here. Government has fouled this up substantially in the past. Let’s not give them a reason to mess this up, again. Let’s go thoughtfully at an appropriate pace as fast as we can.

    Government needs to be limited. It needs to be restrained at almost every opportunity that you can. We haven’t been very successful with that in our country.

    This isn’t the first time “Rick Perry” and “drugs” have appeared in a post here, as there was a significant possibility that Perry was hopped up on goofballs following back surgery in his 2012 presidential run flameout. But Perry is very far indeed from a liberal squish. Maybe the time has arrived for Republicans to give serious thought to rethinking current drug policy.

    The United States Constitution is silent on the issue of drug regulation, which, under the 10th Amendment, should make drug policy the provenance of the states for anything not involving interstate commerce. Federal marijuana prohibition rests on the deeply un-conservative New Deal expansion of federal powers enshrined in Wickard vs. Filburn, which allowed the federal government to regulate what people grow on their own land for their own consumption. And our current drug prohibition policies aren’t keeping illegal drugs flowing into the country from Mexico and China.

    On the flip side of that coin, deep blue locales like San Francisco and Seattle have amply demonstrated how not to legalize drugs, refusing to enforce basic law and order and letting mentally ill transients shoplift at will and shit in the streets, destroying the quality of life for law-abiding citizens. Clearly de facto legalization doesn’t work if government refuses their fundamental duty of ensuring ordered liberty.

    There’s a vast range of policy options between “throwing teenagers into prison for years for smoking a joint” and “let drug addicted transients shit in the streets.” San Francisco and Seattle show how Democrats run things if left to act on their instincts of hating the police and farming homeless populations for graft. That means Republicans will have to come up with policy options for slow, careful, phased drug legalization policies on their own.

    State legalization of marijuana has been a very mixed bag, with vast illegal grow operations popping up in states with even partial/medical legalization, and it hasn’t been nearly the economic boon that the legal pot lobby had forecast. More careful experimentation and data gathering is required.

    For psychedelics, the literature seems to indicate that addiction rates are very low, but there are obviously people who have seriously damaged their mind by tripping too much.

    But ultimately, the purpose of government is not to protect citizens from themselves. Drug prohibition cuts against fundamental American principles. A lot of modern drug addiction has it roots in the culture of despair, lawlessness, family breakup, social decline and general failure Democrat-run cities have cultivated in their poorest citizens. Starting to fix those problems would do far more to fix the problems of addiction than current drug prohibition policies.

    Obviously Joe Rogan needs to interview Rick Perry so they can talk about psychedelic drugs..

    Berkeley Retail Shutting Down Just Like San Francisco

    September 24th, 2023

    Rising crime, looting, and tolerance of drug-addled transients taking over the streets has led to an exodus of retail establishments from San Francisco.

    Now another Democrat-controlled California city is enjoying the same exodus of retail establishments: Berkeley.

    Here YouTuber Metal Leo looks at streets near Cal Berkeley University, where store after store after store are closed, boarded up or for lease.

    Banks, pharmacies, cinemas, pizza chains: all closed. The only thing that seems to be open are Starbucks.

    There are stores that were last Radio Shacks, which haven’t been around since 2017, which suggests Berkeley’s decline has been underway long before California’s Flu Manchu shutdowns (though obviously those didn’t help).

    Is it the crime? The lawless disorder? The insanely high taxes and rent? Mortgage backed securities rules? Probably some combination of all of the above.

    He doesn’t seem to come across any homeless sleeping on the streets, perhaps because Berkeley has started doing aggressive homeless camp clearances, which might have encouraged them to move over into Oakland or across the bay.

    There is one amazing find: An apparently working payphone!

    This video should remind you of the similar ones Louis Rossmann did of New York City before he left.

    Berkeley’s last Republican mayor left office in 1971. Since then it’s been Democrats or “Berkeley Citizens Action” (social justice before it was called social justice) running the city. Jesse Arreguin, the current mayor of Berkeley, says he wants to “restore Berkeley to the forefront of progressive leadership on the environment and social justice.”

    Looks like he’s succeeded.

    This is your city on social justice.

    Ken Paxton On The Forces Behind His Impeachment

    September 23rd, 2023

    Now that Ken Paxton has been acquitted of all charges, Paxton can talk about the forces that conspired to push his bogus impeachment, which he does in this interview with Texas Scorecard’s M.Q. Sullivan.

  • MQS: “We had a secret investigation take place in the Texas House, with unsworn witnesses offering uh what John Smithy described as triple hearsay as evidence [and] no public hearings.”
  • MQS: “It’s been said that the Republicans were told this is a loyalty vote to the speaker of the House [Dade Phelan], and if it’s taking out Ken Paxton is what it takes to show loyalty, you have to do it.”
  • KP: “Democrats have figured out they can block vote. There’s 65 of them. Right now they block vote. They go to the Republicans and they say ‘We’ll get you elected as as speaker if you do what we say. We want to negotiate this deal.’ And so then that speaker who’s really controlled by the Democrats only needs 10 Republicans votes and then the Democrats effectively control [the House].”
  • KP: “I don’t think it’s any accident that the Biden Administration’s Department of Justice had two lawyers involved with the House investigating committee.”
  • KP: “I think the Biden Administration was tired of being sued. We’d sued him 48 times in two and a half years, and have been relatively successful with those cases, and I think that was a directive to the Democrats.”
  • KP: “[Phelan] was directed by the Democrats.” House Republicans need to be as united as Democrats.
  • KP: “They never had any evidence, and they obviously didn’t when they got to the Senate floor. But I think the message was ‘Do what we tell you to do or else.'”
  • MQS: “It seemed apparent to a lot of observers that the old Bush machine was ratcheted up against you. Johnny Sutton, Karl Rove, folks like that, who had not had much to say about Texas politics, their fingerprints were all over this from from very early on.” Sutton held several roles at the state and national level under George W. Bush, and was eventually appointed U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Texas.
  • MQS: “It seemed like it started off as a way to benefit George P Bush.” As you may remember, George P. Bush got slaughtered by Paxton in the Republican Attorney General race runoff in 2022, when Paxton got over 2/3rds of the vote.
  • KP: “This whole Coincidence of George P., after, what, 10 years of not having his license, on October 1st he asked the State Bar to get his license back. That just so happened to be that later that day that the these employees of mine told me that they’d turn me into the FBI. So somehow on that same day, before I knew about it, George P. is applying for his license.”
  • KP: “I think that that was the first sign that the Bush people were involved in this. And I think you can see from Johnny Sutton representing every one of these employees, that he was he’s doing this for free for the last three years, without ever sending a bill or even having a fee arrangement, that doesn’t make any sense either.”
  • KP: “Karl Rove wrote the editorial and he was directed, and I think given, that editorial by Texans for Lawsuit Reform. So you have all of these Bush connections that sought to get rid of me.”
  • MQS: TLR “is a group that has been kind of the de facto business lobby for more than two decades.”
  • KR: “They have definitely changed. They become a lobby group. They’re beholden to large, either corporate interests or individual interests, that don’t necessarily reflect the views of the Republican party.”
  • Sullivan suggests Paxtons problems may have started when he started targeting big tech and big pharma.
  • KP: “There’s a reason that we we’re looking at Big Tech, because they control the marketplace and they’re trying to control speech and control entire market activity on on advertising. There are issues related to them being deceptive in how they advertise, and also in what they tell consumers about what they’re doing with their information.”
  • KP: “Big Pharma obviously involved in this vaccine mandate, and potentially getting away with not actually testing their their vaccine, and telling us it does one thing when it does another.”
  • Paxton also brings up the role of banking as an industry that may not have been happy with him.
  • In another interview with Tucker Carlson, Paxton said he considers Texas Senator John Cornyn “a puppet of the Bush family” and will consider running against him in 2026.