BidenWatch for May 25, 2020

May 25th, 2020

Senile Joe became Racist Joe this week, with one of the most amazingly ill-considered answers since Gerald R. Ford said Poland didn’t suffer from Soviet domination. It’s this week’s BidenWatch!

Warning: This week is going to be Twitter-heavy.

  • Let’s jump right into the controversy that may convince DNC insiders that they can’t afford to go into the general election with Biden as their candidate:

  • Charlamagne tha God (AKA Lenard Larry McKelvey), the black radio host who interviewed Biden, did not find his apology compelling. “It has to come to the point where we stop putting the burden on black voters to show up for Democrats and start putting the burden on Democrats to show up for black voters.” (Hat tip: Ed Driscoll at Instapundit.)
  • Twitter reactions were…robust:

  • How is the media spinning Biden’s huge gaffe? Either the tried to gaslight us that it was a “joke” or says the real story is, as always, Republicans pounce.
  • Is this Biden’s “Northam in Blackface” scandal? Let’s hope not, since Northam is still in office. (Hat tip: Stephen Green at Instapundit.)
  • Heh: “ Revokes Genealogies Of African Americans Who Don’t Support Biden.”
  • Of course that’s not the only bad news to befall the Biden campaign this week. The Ukraine scandal continues to look worse and worse for Biden and his spawn:


  • ï»żDan McLaughlin analyzes ever aspect of Tara Reade’s rape allegation against Biden.

    None of this necessarily means that Tara Reade’s story is true. But the evidence is fairly convincing that Reade’s story is not just a campaign-season invention.

    One point in Reade’s favor, in contrast to Blasey Ford, is how she has handled her accusation. She made (as Young notes) a few edits to one of her blog posts to tailor it more closely with her current story, but unlike Blasey Ford, she did not delete her social-media history to erase all traces of political rants (even the embarrassing Putin stuff) before coming forward. She was not initially rolled out by a public-relations firm and a partisan lawyer (though she has since retained an attorney who is a Trump donor). She has not hidden behind her representatives to carefully stage-manage who could talk to her, and under what conditions; while she has canceled a few interviews and seems hesitant to appear on Fox News, she has sat for lengthy questioning on and off air by a diverse array of outlets ranging from left-wingers such as Halper, to ex-Fox personality Kelly, to the Times, Post, CNN, the Associated Press, Vox, and National Review. Maybe Reade is enjoying the publicity, but she is not hiding from questioners.

  • Biden wants to tax you till you bleed. Hiking taxes during a recession: What could possibly go wrong? (Hat tip: Ed Driscoll at Instapundit.)
  • Biden wants to kill Charter schools:

  • The (D) after Biden’s name absolves him of all sins:

    One columnist declared that former Vice President Joe Biden could boil babies and she would still vote for him. Feminist leaders have said they believe Biden raped a Senate staffer but they still endorse him. Good government advocates have opposed any investigation into prior sexual harassment or corruption claims against Biden. It seems politicians and pundits alike have discovered the glory of the “presidential bull.” In this instance, Biden is akin to a papal indulgence that allows writers, members of Congress and journalists to forgive any sin in a holy crusade to retake Washington.

    In the 11th century, Pope Urban II formalized the use of indulgences, which could be purchased to forgive sins. A papal bull of the Crusade accompanied those who fought in the Holy Land and committed atrocities in the name of a higher order. The practice was defended as essentially drawing from the “treasury of merit” created by Jesus Christ, the saints and the faithful.

    Now the 2020 election has become the ultimate crusade, and President Trump’s critics seem to be enjoying indulgences in tossing aside moral and ethical considerations. The freedom that is Biden is nowhere more evident than in a recent column by The Nation’s Katha Pollitt, who wrote about the allegations of sexual assault made by former Biden staffer Tara Reade. Pollitt dispensed with any struggle over feminist or moral qualms, declaring, “I would vote for Joe Biden if he boiled babies and ate them.”

    As Pollitt explained, “We do not have the luxury of sitting out the election to feel morally pure or send a message about sexual assault and #BelieveWomen.” Otherwise, Pollitt would have to deal with her column during the confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, in which she denounced “some of his defenders [who] seem to be saying that even if the allegations are true, it shouldn’t really matter.”

    (Hat tip: Ann Althouse.)

  • Heh:

  • The word salad continues:

  • Joe Biden pledges to beat Joe Biden. (Hat tip: Director Blue.)
  • “Your modern technology frightens and confuses me!”

  • Yep:

  • “Poll: 28% of Democrats believe Biden will be replaced as party’s nominee.”
  • I’m sure that those shock at every single thing President Donald Trump does will be shocked at this as well:

  • Amy Klobuchar gets her turn in the veep vetting barrel. For those that wanted all the personal warmth of Hillary Clinton without the purported body count.
  • But actually having won election as U.S. Senator, Klobuchar clearly has a more plausible case than Stacey Abrams:

    Her attempt to leverage a failed Georgia gubernatorial bid into a spot on the Democratic ticket is so brazenly absurd that it’s hard to think of precedents.

    But the 46-year-old African-American activist isn’t one to be constrained by standard political practice — or reality. She refused to concede her narrow but clear 2018 gubernatorial loss, instead alleging she’d been undone by a massive voter-suppression scheme.

    As she put it at a recent event, “malfeasance and incompetence and my opponent, who was a cartoon villain, stole the voices of Georgians.” Usually, candidates who won’t acknowledge defeat are written off as sore losers. Such is the ­inflamed, paranoid state of Dems in the Trump era that rather than being embarrassed by the Georgian’s graceless and unsubstantiated claims of electoral theft, they have embraced and parroted them.

    Abrams could be forgiven for thinking that if she could get her party to accept she is the rightful governor of Georgia, she has a chance to convince it that she ­deserves to be a heartbeat away from the presidency in the administration of a 78-year-old man.

    By her own estimation, she’d be an “excellent running mate.” She has no doubt that she’s prepared to be president on Day One and touts her foreign-policy credentials of having visited more than a dozen countries.

    President Trump has rewritten the rules of political experience, yet it’s still a stretch to imagine someone who has only served in the Georgia legislature — and as a state representative, not even a senator — is ready to become leader of the Free World. Even Pete Buttigieg has more executive experience.


    Abrams can reasonably boast of an ability to stoke turnout among minority and young voters — she won more votes than any state-wide candidate in Georgia ever. But given her high-octane progressivism, she’d have limited appeal to working-class swing voters and suburban women. By picking her, Biden would also be undermining one of his chief arguments, namely, that he’s a low-risk, experienced, steady hand.

    This means that Abrams is likely to be passed over — and, if the past is any guide, conclude that she got robbed.

  • Meta-heh: “To Save Time, The Babylon Bee Will Now Just Republish Everything Biden Says Verbatim.”
  • Memorial Day: Remembering Henry F. Warner

    May 24th, 2020

    This Sunday before Memorial Day we honor the life of Cpl. Henry F. Warner, an antitank gunner who single-handedly destroyed three German tanks and killed the commander of a fourth:

    Serving as 57-mm. antitank gunner with the 2d Battalion, he was a major factor in stopping enemy tanks during heavy attacks against the battalion position near Dom Butgenbach, Belgium, on 20-21 December 1944. In the first attack, launched in the early morning of the 20th, enemy tanks succeeded in penetrating parts of the line. Cpl. Warner, disregarding the concentrated cannon and machinegun fire from 2 tanks bearing down on him, and ignoring the imminent danger of being overrun by the infantry moving under tank cover, destroyed the first tank and scored a direct and deadly hit upon the second. A third tank approached to within 5 yards of his position while he was attempting to clear a jammed breach lock. Jumping from his gun pit, he engaged in a pistol duel with the tank commander standing in the turret, killing him and forcing the tank to withdraw. Following a day and night during which our forces were subjected to constant shelling, mortar barrages, and numerous unsuccessful infantry attacks, the enemy struck in great force on the early morning of the 21st. Seeing a Mark IV tank looming out of the mist and heading toward his position, Cpl. Warner scored a direct hit. Disregarding his injuries, he endeavored to finish the loading and again fire at the tank whose motor was now aflame, when a second machinegun burst killed him. Cpl. Warner’s gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty contributed materially to the successful defense against the enemy attacks.

    Memorial Day: Remembering John Basilone

    May 23rd, 2020

    This Saturday before Memorial Day we honor the life of Gunnery Sergeant John Basilone, who was not only the first Medal of Honor winner in World War II for his actions on Guadalcanal, but left the cushy life of a Bond Drive hero to return to action in time for the invasion of Iwo Jima.

    His actions on Guadalcanal put most movie action heroes to shame:

    John Basilone was born on November 4th, 1916. Basilone was born and raised in Raritan, a small town in New Jersey. He was an adventurous and restless child always looking for something new and exciting. After finishing the 8th grade, Basilone elected not to go to high school. He searched for some adventure and excitement and, not finding any, he joined the Army in 1934. After his basic training Basilone was posted to the Philippines.

    During his time at his base in Manila, Basilone developed a mechanical talent for working with guns, especially machine guns. Basilone also developed a talent for motivating and leading men. After his three year enlistment ended Basilone returned to Raritan. A couple of years later he once again found himself becoming restless and looking for new adventures. He decided to reenlist in the service but this time he joined the Marines.

    Ten months into World War II, Basilone found himself on the island of Guadalcanal, it was August of 1942. The Americans had secured an airstrip that was vital to the war effort. The Japanese and Americans were involved in one of the fiercest battles of World War II. The Japanese were determined to take the airfield and had assigned an entire Japanese division to the task of capturing the airfield.

    Standing between them was only one Marine Battalion. The odds were certainly not in favor of the Americans. Basilone, who was in charge of 16 men, established a defensive position with 4 heavy machine guns in front of Henderson Field. It was October 24th when the Japanese launched a massive attack. The strategy Basilone had established for his unit was to let the Japanese advance to within 30 yards. And then to “let them have it.”

    The plan worked. They fired at the first group of attacking Japanese, successfully wiping them out. This first charge was only the beginning of the overall enemy attack. They charged several more times. Eventually this attack took its toll. Basilone, while manning the left two machine guns, heard a loud explosion come from the right setup of the machine guns. Moments later, one soldier from the right side crawled over and informed him that both right guns were knocked out and that the crew was all dead or injured.

    Basilone knew he had to get to the knocked out guns to see if he could get them working. The first gun was beyond repair, but the second gun had a chance. There was no light to aid in examining the damaged gun. Basilone would have to troubleshoot the problem in the dark, it was now that Basilone’s expertise with machine guns would pay off. He was able to feel the parts to find out what was causing the gun not to fire. Basilone quickly had the gun working again. As soon as it was back in action, the enemy charged. With the extra gun now working, Basilone and his unit easily beat back the Japanese attack. The attacks kept coming. Basilone told two of his remaining Marines to keep the heavy machine guns loaded. Basilone would roll to one machine gun and fire until it was empty, then roll over to the other one that had been loaded while he was firing the first one. At about 3 AM they were almost out of ammunition.

    The Marines had stored ammunition about 100 yards away. However, this would be a difficult 100 yards. There were enemy troops on both the sides and behind their position. Basilone ran and crawled through the jungle. Bullets flew off over his head and grenades exploded around him. But he continued and made it to the ammo dump. Basilone threw six heavy cartridge belts over his soldier.

    As he started back to his men, bullets were whizzing all around him again. But he made it back and soon he found another challenge. One machine gun had been smashed. Basilone took parts from another knocked out gun and fixed it quickly. Later in the night, the ammunition ran low again. Basilone would need to go for more, but this time it would be to another ammunition dump, 600 yards away.

    Once again the Japanese threw everything at him, but he snaked through the grass well enough so that the Japanese could not find a clear target. Basilone made it back with the much needed ammunition which held off the enemy attacks. Finally the attacks ended around sunrise.

    The daylight revealed a scene of utter carnage on the ground. Hundreds of bodies laid dead in front of the American positions, In fact, the entire Japanese regiment, around 3000 men, had been “annihilated.” On this night of October 24th, and 25th the U.S. had turned the tide of the war and the previously undefeated Japanese were on their way to defeat. For his heroics that night Basilone was awarded the Medal of Honor.

    He did his Bond Drive duty, but refused an officer’s commission and a chance to teach gunnery to return to active duty, shipping out of Camp Pendleton on August 11th, 1944…just a month after he had gotten married.

    On February 19th, 1945 the Marines arrived at Iwo Jima and were ready to attack. The Navy had bombarded the island for 36 days. Some Marines hoped this intense bombing would allow them to take the island with little resistance. However, there were 22,000 Japanese warriors who were well dug in, heavily armed, and prepared to die.

    The first U.S. invasion force landed on the beach at 9:05 AM. Basilone’s group landed around 9:30 AM. They were surprised to find little opposition. The Marines got up on the beach and noticed that their feet could barely move in the soft black volcanic sand of Iwo Jima.

    For one hour, the U.S. was able to get their transports up to the beach and unload the men without major resistance. Then, with the beach crowded with U.S. soldiers, the Japanese began their counter attack.

    Suddenly the Japanese from their hidden blockhouses began firing away at the exposed U.S. troops. The Marines were getting annihilated. Survivors later wondered how anyone survived the initial Japanese barrage. The U.S. forces were on the beach, but they had little or no cover, were still disorganized, and had not yet gotten enough heavy equipment ashore to defend against this type of attack.

    The troops had trained for years, but nothing could prepare them for what was happening all around them. The soldiers would later say how frustrated they were that they could not see the enemy to fight back. The Japanese counterattack had stalled the U.S. invasion. Most Marines were hiding in the sand. The beach was littered with damaged vehicles, equipment, and dead soldiers. The invasion was not moving.

    Brave men with leadership ability were needed to rally the troops. Basilone rose to the occasion. Many survivors of the battle recall that in the midst of the battle, with everyone hunkered down in the sand, there was one Marine out in the open, running around, directing men. It was Basilone. He first guided a tank out of a mine field. Only a few tanks came ashore and they were needed to knock out Japanese blockhouses.

    Basilone had noticed a particular Japanese bunker had been effectively shooting mortar shells and raging deadly fire upon the U.S. troops. This enemy strong position “had to go”. Basilone found and organized some machine gunners along with demolition men and directed them toward the bunker. Basilone instructed a demolition man to blow a hole in the concrete structure, while others gave cover against other nearby enemy positions.

    A large explosion went off opening part of the bunker. Basilone then told the enthused machine gunners to hold their fire and directed a flamethrower operator to charge the pit. The brave flamethrower charged the pit as quickly as he could, stuck his nozzle in the pit and ignited the flame. Some of the Japanese soldiers ran out of the pit screaming as they tried to wipe away the jellied gasoline that was burning them. Basilone cut them down with a machine gun. Fellow soldier, Charles Tatum, said “for me and others who saw Basilone’s leadership and courage during our assault, his example was overwhelming.”

    After knocking out the bunker, Basilone led twenty men off the exposed beach area to a location where they could take some cover and plan their next move. He ordered the men to stay while he went back to get more men and some heavy machine guns. Basilone gathered some troops and weapons and started back across the beach to the waiting soldiers. But Basilone was hit with a Japanese mortar shell which landed right in the middle of him and the men he was leading. He died from his wounds around thirty minutes later.

    For his actions that day, John Basilone was awarded The Navy Cross. The military paid tribute to Basilone by naming a ship after him. An anti-submarine Navy Destroyer, the U.S.S. Basilone was commissioned on July 26th, 1949. His home town of Raritan honors him every year with a parade…Basilone remains the only soldier (non-officer) in U.S. history to be awarded both The Medal of Honor and The Navy Cross. He is also the only Medal of Honor winner to go back into combat and be killed in combat.

    Here’s a link to his official Medal of Honor page.

    LinkSwarm for May 22, 2020

    May 22nd, 2020

    The Wuhan coronavirus, and China, and deep state shenanigans, oh my! But first a PSA for Texas shoppers:

  • There’s an an “Energy Star” sales tax holiday in Texas Memorial Day weekend. Products you can buy tax free this weekend include:
    • Air conditioners (priced $6,000 or less)
    • Refrigerators (priced $2,000 or less)
    • Ceiling fans
    • Incandescent and fluorescent light bulbs
    • Washers
    • Dishwashers
    • Dehumidifiers

    Why water heaters, dryers and freezers aren’t eligible I couldn’t tell you, but if you needed to get any covered appliances, this weekend is a good time.

  • When was Michael Flynn unmasked? Wrong question. What if he was never masked in the first place?

    There is no such evidence in the unmasking list that acting national intelligence director Richard Grenell provided to Senators Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa) and Ron Johnson (R., Wis.). I suspect that’s because General Flynn’s identity was not “masked” in the first place. Instead, his December 29 call with Kislyak was likely intercepted under an intelligence program not subject to the masking rules, probably by the CIA or a friendly foreign spy service acting in a nod-and-wink arrangement with our intelligence community.

    “Unmasking” is a term of art for revealing in classified reports the names of Americans who have been “incidentally” monitored by our intelligence agencies. Presumptively, the names of Americans should be concealed in these reports, which reflect the surveillance of foreign targets, primarily under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Broadly speaking, FISA governs two kinds of intelligence collection.

    The first is “traditional” FISA — the targeted monitoring of a suspected clandestine operative of a foreign power. If the FBI shows the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) probable cause that a person inside the United States is acting as a foreign power’s agent, it may obtain a warrant to surveil that person. If the foreign power’s suspected agent communicates with Americans, the latter are incidentally intercepted even though they are not the targets of the surveillance.

    The second kind of FISA collection occurs under Section 702 of the statute. It brings under FISC jurisdiction various intelligence-collection programs that target categories of non-Americans outside the United States. These foreigners also communicate with Americans, so the latter are incidentally intercepted.

    Under federal law, both kinds of FISA collection are subject to so-called minimization procedures. These aim to safeguard the privacy of Americans who have been incidentally monitored. When raw intelligence is refined into intelligence reports (including transcripts of recorded conversations) that are disseminated to U.S. officials, the identities of these Americans do not appear. Rather, a designation such as “U.S. Person” is substituted — the “mask,” as it were.

    If, upon reviewing intel reports, an official with national-security or foreign-relations responsibilities believes that the reporting is critical, and that the identity of the U.S. person must be known in order for our government to reap the full benefit of the intelligence, then that official may request unmasking. Decisions on such requests are made by specialists assigned to the agency that reported the intelligence in question — usually the FBI or the NSA for intelligence collected, respectively, inside or outside the United States. Our intelligence agencies, led by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), keep records of these requests. This underscores that unmasking — because of its privacy implications, because foreign intelligence must never be a pretext for government spying on Americans — is a big deal that should be done only rarely and carefully.

    With that as background, let’s get back to Flynn.

    For three years, we’ve been led to believe that Flynn’s December 29 conversation with Kislyak was intercepted because the latter was “routinely” monitored. (Kislyak was replaced as ambassador in 2017.) That is, Kislyak was an overt agent of Russia, stationed at its embassy in Washington, so the FBI kept tabs on him. Indeed, the “routine”-surveillance story line was repeated by the New York Times just this week.

    The implication is that Kislyak was probably subjected to traditional FISA surveillance by the FBI; or, since he lived in Russia and traveled to other places when not in America, perhaps he was also a FISA Section 702 target. In either event (or both), Kislyak was interacting with Americans, who were thus incidentally intercepted.

    That, the story goes, is what must have happened to Flynn. Trump’s designated national security advisor was unmasked because, once intelligence agents intercepted the December 29 phone call, they decided it was essential to identify the person with whom the Russian ambassador was discussing sanctions that President Obama had just imposed against Moscow.

    I no longer buy this story. If it were true, there would be a record of Flynn’s unmasking. DNI Grenell has represented that the list he provided to Senators Grassley and Johnson includes all requested unmaskings of Flynn from November 8, 2016 (when Donald Trump was elected president) through the end of January 2017 (when the Trump administration had transitioned into power). Yet, it appears that not a single listed unmasking pertains to the December 29 Kislyak call.

    Timeline details and Strzok-Page comms snipped.

    Well, the possibility that first leaps to mind is: Maybe Flynn was a FISA surveillance target. That is, his interception was not incidental. Rather, the FBI was monitoring him under FISA because he was a suspected agent of a foreign power — the theory based on which the bureau opened their counterintelligence investigation of Flynn in August 2016. But that can’t be right. After an exhaustive investigation of the FBI’s abuse of FISA, Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz concluded that there is no evidence the FBI “requested or seriously considered FISA surveillance of . . . Flynn.” (IG Report’s “Executive Summary,” p. vi.)

    It is more likely, then, that the Flynn–Kislyak call was captured by intelligence operations that are not governed by FISA.


    Readers of my book Ball of Collusion know I have argued that the Obama administration’s Trump–Russia probe/political-narrative long predated the FBI’s July 2016 opening of “Crossfire Hurricane.” I believe there were several strands of the Trump–Russia probe, and that they trace back to 2015, around the time of Donald Trump’s entry into the race for the Republican presidential nomination.

    The CIA played a central role. The agency collaborated — I’m tempted to say colluded! — with a variety of friendly foreign intelligence services, especially NATO countries that Trump made a habit of bashing on the campaign trail.

    Read the whole thing.

  • “How Russiagate Began With Obama’s Iran Deal Domestic Spying Campaign“:

    Barack Obama warned his successor against hiring Michael Flynn. It was Nov. 10, 2016, just two days after Donald Trump upset Hillary Clinton to become the 45th president of the United States. Trump told aide Hope Hicks that he was bewildered by the president’s warning. Of all the important things Obama could have discussed with him, the outgoing commander in chief wanted to talk about Michael Flynn.

    The question of why Obama was so focused on Flynn is especially revealing now. The Department of Justice recently filed to withdraw charges against the retired three-star general for making false statements to the FBI in a Jan. 24, 2017, interview regarding a phone call with a Russian diplomat. The circumstances surrounding the call and subsequent FBI interview have given rise to a vast conspiracy theory that was weaponized to imprison a decorated war hero and a strategic thinker whose battlefield innovations saved countless American lives. There is no evidence that Flynn “colluded” with Russia, and the evidence that Flynn did not make false statements to the FBI has been buried by the bureau, including current Director Christopher Wray.

    So if the Obama administration wasn’t alarmed by Flynn’s nonexistent ties to Russia, why was he Obama’s No. 1 target? Why were officials from the previous administration intercepting his phone calls with the Russian ambassador?

    The answer is that Obama saw Flynn as a signal threat to his legacy, which was rooted in his July 2015 nuclear agreement with Iran—the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). Flynn had said long before he signed on with the Trump campaign that it was a catastrophe to realign American interests with those of a terror state. And now that the candidate he’d advised was the new president-elect, Flynn was in a position to help undo the deal. To stop Flynn, the outgoing White House ran the same offense it used to sell the Iran deal—they smeared Flynn through the press as an agent of a foreign power, spied on him, and leaked classified intercepts of his conversations to reliable echo chamber allies.

    Again, read the whole thing. (Hat tip: Ed Driscoll at Instapundit.)

  • Matt Taibbi: “Democrats Have Abandoned Civil Liberties.” I wonder if Taibbi could pinpoint the last time Democrats actually supported civil liberties…
  • “House Dem criticizes her own party for shoving ‘wish list’ stimulus package: ‘It’s not a good look.'”

    Rep. Katie Porter, D-Calif., criticized her own party’s coronavirus legislation this week as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., pressured the Republican-controlled Senate to adopt what Porter described as a Democratic “wish list.”

    “The HEROES Act is dead on arrival,” Porter said Tuesday, referring to the $3 trillion package the House passed last week as a follow-up to the CARES Act. Her comments during an online meeting hosted by the Tustin [Calif.] Democratic Club were first reported by the Washington Examiner.

    “There was no bipartisan negotiation here and no effort at bipartisan negotiation,


    But tucked into the legislation are provisions that rankled the Republicans, including expanding $1,200 checks to certain undocumented immigrants, restoring the full State and Local Tax Deduction (SALT) that helps individuals in high-taxed blue states, a $25 billion rescue for the U.S. Postal Service, allowing legal marijuana businesses to access banking services and early voting and vote-by-mail provisions.

    “I did find myself, Porter said, “on the House floor thinking [of] my Republican colleagues who said, ‘This bill is a Democratic wish list written by a handful of Democrats, and shoved down the throats of the rest of the Congress.’

    Restoring SALT is a giveaway to blue state billionaires. Sounds like the marijuana banking part should be passed, but there’s no reason to cram it into a coronavirus relief bill. And the early voting and vote-by-mail provisions are designed to help further voting fraud. Speaking of which:

  • A Philadelphia judge has pled guilty to helping Democrats commit voting fraud:

    A former Judge of Elections in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, has been charged and pleaded guilty to illegally adding votes for Democrat candidates in judicial races in 2014, 2015, and 2016.

    On Thursday, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced charges against former Judge of Elections Domenick DeMuro, 73, for stuffing the ballot box for Democrats in exchange for payment by a paid political consultant.

    The charges, and guilty plea, include conspiracy to deprive Philadelphia voters of their civil rights by fraudulently stuffing the ballot boxes for specific Democrat candidates in the 2014, 2015, and 2016 primary elections and a violation of the Travel Act.

    “The Trump administration’s prosecution of election fraud stands in stark contrast to the total failure of the Obama Justice Department to enforce these laws,” Public Interest Legal Foundation President Christian Adams said in a statement. “Right now, other federal prosecutors are aware of cases of double voting in federal elections as well as noncitizen voting. Attorney General William Barr should prompt those other offices to do their duty and prosecute known election crimes.”

    As Judge of Elections, DeMuro was paid to oversee the election process in the 39th Ward, which encompasses Philadelphia.

    DeMuro’s guilty plea states that he was paid by a political consultant to illegally add votes for particular Democrat candidates in primary judicial races. The political consultant who allegedly paid DeMuro had been hired by those Democrat candidates.

    According to the indictment, the political consultant allegedly solicited payments from Democrat candidates who hired him, classifying them as “consulting fees.” The payments — which ranged from $300 to $5,000 — were then allegedly used to pay Election Board Officials, such as DeMuro, in exchange for those officials illegally adding votes for the consultants’ Democrat candidates.

    (Hat tip: The President of the United States of America.)

  • In addition to certifying fraudulent results to help Democrats, DeMuro also took a hands-on approach to voting fraud: “Demuro fraudulently stuffed the ballot box by literally standing in a voting booth and voting over and over, as fast as he could, while he thought the coast was clear.” (Hat tip: Chuck DeVore.)
  • Several posts here suggested that Sweden’s model of reaching herd immunity might be a better method than what we were doing. Now that the data is in: not so much. “Sweden becomes country with highest coronavirus death rate per capita.”
  • Speaking of data, the way media dashboards count the numbers are skewed high. “At the time of Colorado’s announcement on Friday, the CDC-definition tally, used in CNN’s “dashboard” and all the other media reports, stood at 1,150 statewide. But only 878 of those, more than 23 percent less, are identified as deaths due to COVID-19.”
  • Democrats thinks the Wuhan coronavirus crisis will get worse. Of course they do.
  • “CNN Is Willing To Lie About Wuhan Virus in Texas If That’s What It Takes to Crash the Economy.”

    CNN has staked out a position in its coverage of Wuhan virus that can only be explained in one way. They perceive a drawn-out lock down of America as something that will damage President Trump’s reelection chances and therefore it is something to be preserved. The move by a handful of governors to re-open their states to normal life despite the latest pronouncement from the latest M.D. or Ph.D. who fancies himself as Galactic Commander, threatens to reveal the Wuhan virus’s new clothing, so to speak. Therefore, anything that can be done to discredit the incontrovertible data that shows whatever threat Wuhan virus presented is now largely abated must be discredited.

    More tests are being given, and the positives rate is actually declining.

  • Oregon’s Democratic governor Kate Brown: “No shopping in open counties for those in closed counties!”
  • “Why California Is In Trouble – 340,000 Public Employees With $100,000+ Paychecks Cost Taxpayers $45 Billion.” I believe the word you’re looking for is looting
  • Speaking of California: More suicides than coronavirus deaths? I know that “data” is not the plural of “anecdote,” but maybe somebody should run the numbers…
  • Is Tesla planning a Gigafactory near Austin? There are still big tracks of land available out near 130…
  • Wargaming a war between the U.S. and China in 2030. Don’t be so sure they could knock out our carriers with hypersonic missiles, and our drones and submarines would wreck havoc with their trade.
  • Another day, another college professor arrested for spying for China:

    Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine professor and former Cleveland Clinic employee was arrested Wednesday over his alleged ties to China.

    The Justice Department announced that Qing Wang was arrested at his Shaker Heights, Ohio home as part of a joint operation conducted by the FBI and the Department of Health and Human Service Office of the Inspector-General. Wang was charged with wire fraud related to more than $3.6 million in grant funding that Wang and his research team at the Cleveland Clinic had received from the National Institutes of Health.

    According to the criminal complaint, Wang failed to disclose affiliations with Chinese universities. He also allegedly failed to disclose that he had received grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China for a nearly identical research project. He held the title Dean of the College of Life Sciences and Technology at Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

    Cleveland Special Agent-in-Charge Eric Smith said this wasn’t “a simple case of omission, ” adding that “Wang deliberately failed to disclose his Chinese grants and foreign positions and even engaged in a pervasive pattern of fraud to avoid criminal culpability.”

  • The 40-year old girlfriend of 74-year old former Texas Lt. Governor David Dewhurst cracked two of his ribs. (Hat tip: Dwight.)
  • Magazine publisher Conde Nast lays off about 100 employees. Maybe the entire Teen Vogue Anal Sex department got laid off. Hopefully there are some good Python courses available in their area…
  • Universally respected mystery expert Otto Penzler was let go as editor of the Best American Mystery Stories of the Year so the publisher could pick stories based on “affirmative action” criteria rather than excellence.
  • When the levee breaks there ain’t no place to—

  • “There’s a sale bankruptcy at Penny’s!”
  • Oopsie!


  • “Florida Ruled To Be In Violation Of Science For Not Having More People Die.”
  • “Democrat Governors Warn If Lockdowns Are Lifted They Won’t Get Nearly As Much Time In The Spotlight.”
  • “I Forced A Bot to Read 1,000 Jennifer Rubin Columns And Write A Jennifer Rubin Column of Its Own.” One step closer to the robot uprising…
  • “Not this time, cat!”

  • Should save this one for winter:

  • ï»żAntidepressant or Tolkien character?
  • Should Joe Rogan, the $100 Million Dollar Man, Move To Texas?

    May 21st, 2020

    Evidently Joe Rogan just inked a deal with Spotify reportedly worth over $100 million to make his podcasts exclusive to Spotify by the the end of the year.

    This is a very lucrative deal for Rogan, but it’s probably a very savvy move for Spotify as well, the way Sirius XM expanded their market by locking up Howard Stern.

    In a very possibly related story, Rogan is also considering moving to Texas:

    Here, then, is an honest assessment of the pros and cons of moving to Texas:


    1. He will save literally millions of dollars by moving to Texas. California’s top income tax rate is 12.3 percent on taxable income of $572,981 and above. Texas’ top income tax rate is 0%. Assuming the Spotify deal was broken up into four yearly chunks of $25 million each, he would save over three million a year in income taxes every year of the deal by moving to Texas.
    2. Your money also goes a lot farther in Texas than California. $1 million will buy you a house in Los Angeles, but in Texas it will buy you a mansion.
    3. Fiscally responsible government means that, unlike California, Texas isn’t going to go bankrupt due to unsustainable public pension debt.
    4. Traffic in Austin or Dallas isn’t exactly good, but it is compared to LA traffic.
    5. Political correctness and Social justice Warriors have less power in Texas.
    6. No earthquakes, and about 98% lower wildfire chances.
    7. The flight time to the east coast (and, indeed, most of America) is a lot shorter from Texas.
    8. No insane hostility to lawful gun owners.
    9. Good deer and wild pig hunting in Texas.
    10. Texas BBQ beats the hell out of California BBQ.
    11. TexMex > Californiamex.


    1. It’s hot as hell in the summer.
    2. You can’t legally smoke marijuana in Texas.
    3. A lot fewer movie and TV acting gig.
    4. Not nearly as many celebrities within driving distance of your podcast.
    5. There are probably more comedy clubs in LA than all of Texas combined. (Of course, with $100 million, he could always build himself a really nice comedy club in Texas…)
    6. I’m betting California sushi is better than Texas sushi.

    So in summary: Come on down, Joe!

    California is a nice place to visit, but you wouldn’t want to live there…

    (Hat tip: Ann Althouse.)

    Vice President MegaKaren?

    May 20th, 2020

    Just when you think 2020 can’t get any weirder comes a story like this:

    Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has confirmed she is in talks with Joe Biden’s campaign to become his running mate, as the race to join his ticket reaches an unseen fever pitch.

    “I’ve had a conversation with some folks,” Whitmer said in a Tuesday morning interview on the “Today” show.

    “It was just an opening conversation and it’s not something that I would call a professional formalized vetting,” she added.

    A rising star in the Democratic Party who has garnered national headlines through her handling of the Wolverine State’s COVID-19 outbreak, Whitmer is considered one of several women on the shortlist to join Biden’s ticket.

    The 48-year-old governor joins Illinois Sen. Tammy Duckworth, who, according to a Senate colleague, was selected for an interview with the Biden camp over the role.

    There’s no guarantee that Whitmer will be Biden’s running mate, and maybe he’s just doing his due-diligence on every remotely plausible female VP possibility.

    But it’s also possible that Biden has been so isolated and insulated by his team that he’s unaware that Whitmer’ authoritarian Wuhan coronavirus lockdown missteps and overreactions have made her possibly the least popular governor in America:

    It is difficult to describe, and impossible to exaggerate, just how badly Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s COVID-19 response has been, and it has been a catastrophe from the very beginning. In early March, when the country was already becoming concerned about the spread of the virus, Whitmer did not cancel the Democratic presidential primary, and indeed, there was record turnout for the March 10 primary, which turned into a “super spreader” event in metropolitan Detroit. She has since bungled practically every aspect of the pandemic, including her deliberately punitive and irrational lockdown policy.

    Her reaction to widespread protests against her? Naturally, she called protestors “racists” and “misogynists.”

    More of Whitmer’s greatest hits:

    One word keeps recurring in online discussions of Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s latest orders to fight the state’s raging COVID-19 outbreak: “insanity.” Last week, the first-term Democrat issued an order extending the state’s stay-at-home policy, which had been set to expire April 15, until May 1. Michigan has the third-highest number of coronavirus cases of any state in America, and certainly strong measures are required to get the pandemic under control. But the devil is in the details, and Whitmer’s new order instantly provoked a firestorm of outrage.

    Among the complaints was that Whitmer had prohibited sale of seeds and other garden supplies at a time when vegetable gardens need to be planted. Executive Order 2020-42 is titled, “Temporary requirement to suspend activities that are not necessary to sustain or protect life,” and it is quite specific about which activities are and are “not necessary.” Stores with “more than 50,000 square feet” (e.g., Walmart, Lowes, Home Depot) are ordered to close areas of the store “by cordoning them off, placing signs in aisles, posting prominent signs, removing goods from shelves, or other appropriate means” that sell carpet or flooring, furniture, and “garden centers and plant nurseries.” So if grandma went to Walmart for groceries and hoped to pick up some tomato plants or cucumber seeds while she was there — sorry, grandma! You could get a thousand-dollar fine and 90 days in jail for disobeying Whitmer’s orders.

    Posting photos from a Walmart in Grand Rapids showing the now-banned seeds cordoned off with yellow tape, one Twitter user declared, “@GovWhitmer has banned us from growing our own food. This is [bleeping] insane.” Another user posted a photo indicating that it’s now apparently forbidden to sell American flags in Michigan. Barbecue grills, lawn chairs — anything in the garden section is now streng verboten in Michigan. References to Whitmer as a “dictator” proliferated on social media over the weekend as Michigan residents came to grips with the consequences of the governor’s draconian order.

    Whitmer imposed a strict prohibition on “not necessary” travel, which means that Michiganders are forbidden even to visit their own private vacation cabins in the “Up North” part of the state. This prohibition includes exceptions, however, that expose the arbitrary nature of Whitmer’s policy. My friend Ray Patnaude remarked on Facebook, “If you live in Chicago you can visit your Michigan Lake house. If you live in Michigan, nope. Unless you drove to another state first and come back in. Insane.”


    “Insanity” — the word keeps cropping up in discussions of Whitmer’s reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic. Last month, the governor actually threatened the licenses of medical professionals who prescribed the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) for coronavirus patients. A week later, however, Whitmer was trying to secure supplies of HCQ from the federal strategic stockpile. Erratic, arbitrary, deaf to criticism — she has thoroughly botched Michigan’s response to this crisis, and yet, despite her blatant failure, there is talk that Whitmer is on the list of potential running mates for presumed Democratic nominee Joe Biden. Such a choice would almost certainly destroy whatever hope Democrats still have of winning Michigan in November. A petition to recall Whitmer had nearly 150,000 signatures Sunday, and a Facebook group, “Michiganders Against Excessive Quarantine,” signed up a quarter-million members in a matter of days.

    Moreover, she extended her state’s lockdown despite having authority from the legislature to do so.

    Also, like Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York, she forced nursing homes to take coronavirus patients. “Whitmer’s order effectively turned the state’s nursing homes into breeding grounds, exposing hundreds of vulnerable residents to the virus. It’s no coincidence that 30% of Michigan’s COVID-19 deaths occurred in populous nursing homes.”

    With the exception of Hillary Clinton, it’s hard to conceive of a plausible Biden running mate that would be less popular than Whitmer. Since you should never interrupt your enemy when they’re committing suicide, we should all hope Biden picks her for the VP slot.

    Texas Now Running At 25-50% Freedom

    May 19th, 2020

    Texas governor Greg Abbott is lifting more Wuhan coronavirus-inspired business restrictions:

    Monday saw new information released on Phase 2 of Texas’ recovery plan.

    Gov. Greg Abbott announced the new guidelines at a press conference Monday.

    Phase 2 includes opening dates and health and safety guidelines and checklists for everything from bars and breweries to day cares, summer camps and even aquariums.

    After being effectively shuttered for months, and putting thousands of bartenders and servers out of work, bars in Texas will be allowed to reopen Friday, Abbott said.

    Under new guidelines, bars will be allowed to reopen at 25 percent capacity under very strict guidelines, he said. Breweries, wineries and wine tasting rooms are also included under these new guidelines.

    Likewise restaurants, which had already been allowed to reopen at 25 percent capacity will be allowed to increase to 50 percent capacity starting Friday.

    Abbott also issued minimum standard health protocols that bars must follow to keep patrons safe.

    The restrictions are more of the “mother may I” rules that both patrons and establishments will probably start ignoring almost immediately.

    Abbott is also lifting restrictions on sports facilities (or at least letting such facilities apply to open without spectators), which is good, since the NBA is also allowing teams back in practice facilities (though with a restriction to four players in a facility at a time, actual team practices aren’t permitted yet).

    Thanks to Republican control of all three branches of government, Texas hasn’t suffered under the extreme lockdown insanity that Democratic governors have imposed on places like Michigan and California. But given that Texas has suffered no spike in coronavirus cases, and that Georgia has also suffered no spike in cases despite lifting most of their lockdown order, Gov. Abbott’s reopening moves seem relatively timid. Republican activists are not impressed:

    For more than two months, Texas has been ruled by the edicts from Gov. Greg Abbott’s office.

    It’s been the governor—and the governor alone—who has decided which businesses can reopen and how many people they can allow inside. The governor’s directives have strayed in the mundane operations of individuals, such as noting how often their employees must wash their hands.

    As Empower Texans CEO Michael Quinn Sullivan asked rhetorically last week: “Are we finding we don’t actually need a legislative branch, with all their pesky drama and hand-wringing?”

    Such is the case in current-day Texas. This is the status quo in a state where the legislature and the Supreme Court have thus far refrained from reining in the power of what’s essentially become an absolute executive.

    As with the previous partial reopening announcements by Abbott, grassroots activists like Julie McCarty of the True Texas Project say Texans should not be satisfied with merely an additional portion of the freedom their leaders have taken from them.

    “I get what Abbott is doing, he’s trying to save his own skin by doing just enough to not be fully blamed by either side. That’s appeasement, not leadership, and it accomplishes nothing,” McCarty told Texas Scorecard. “Texans have had enough with these made-up orders that don’t follow common sense. It’s time for Abbott to fish or cut bait; he doesn’t deserve any praise for piecemeal actions that put his lack of leadership skills on full display.”

    BidenWatch for May 18, 2020

    May 18th, 2020

    Biden panders to the left, banks mad Benjamins, slices up some more word salad, gives the high hat to Stacey Abrams, and his secret weapon is…#NeverTrump? It’s this week’s BidenWatch!

  • Biden’s Support Among Women Drops as Tara Reade Allegations – and His Response – Take Their Toll.” (Hat tip: Stephen Green at Instapundit.)
  • “How the Biden Campaign Aims to Win Battleground States“:

    In an hourlong briefing with reporters on Friday, senior campaign officials pledged to have “over 600 organizing staff responsible for battleground states” in place by next month as they pursue an “expanded map” with Arizona at the “top of the list” of new opportunities. They also said that they had doubled the size of the digital team “and it is growing,” and that they planned to implement a new livestreaming platform as they navigate the challenges of campaigning virtually during the coronavirus crisis.

    So far these are not campaign plans, they’re boxes in a spreadsheet.

    “The most important thing for us and for the campaign is public safety and the safety of the vice president, the people around him, the staff, the press corps, the Secret Service,” Ms. O’Malley Dillon said, noting the current stay-at-home order in Delaware. “We will travel physically to places when the time is right, driven by the experts and the guidelines that come and not a day before.”

    Congratulations! Your friend posting “Horrible day! 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 🙁 Can’t talk about it…” is no longer the Vaguebooking champion.

    Yet news of the campaign expansion comes as some Democrats have expressed anxiety about Mr. Biden’s visibility and the campaign’s agility, headed into a general election in which Mr. Trump has an enormous cash advantage and the bully pulpit of the presidency. The Biden campaign, which is now fund-raising with the Democratic National Committee, has $103 million in cash on hand, according to a slide show that accompanied the campaign presentation. The Trump campaign announced this week that, in conjunction with Republican fund-raising committees, it had $255 million on hand.

    Some Democrats have also been dismayed by the poor quality of Mr. Biden’s online appearances, citing the glitches that have marred some of his livestreams, and have urged him to significantly upgrade his digital operation and to find ways to drive a forward-looking agenda.

    Legit concerns, but maybe you’d like to get back to that “how” thing?

    The indicated that the campaign sees Arizona, Texas and Georgia as being in play. She is particularly “bullish,” she said, on Arizona, a traditionally red state. An accompanying slide described the Biden strategy in Arizona as a mix of persuading Romney-Clinton voters and others who have moved toward the Democratic Party recently, as well as increasing turnout among Latino voters and voters under 30.

    (cue the music) They’ve got…HIGH HOPES…they’ve got…HIGH HOPES…

    These are not plans for battleground states, these are aspirational wish lists. None of those states have Democratic governors, meaning voter fraud is going to be more difficult to commit. You know what states aren’t in that article? Ohio. Pennsylvania. Florida. Minnesota. Wisconsin. Michigan. Save Florida, I don’t see “young Latino voters” pulling them across the finish line in any of those. (And it’s not going to happen in Florida, either, but at least it’s conceivable there.) Either they’re doing a bad job of trying to headfake the Trump campaign or they’re repeating Clinton 2016 errors.

  • Enjoy another roundup of Biden gaffes. (Hat tip: Director Blue.)
  • Lives, jobs, millions, billions, it all goes into the Bidenmatic Word Slicer:

  • Writer notes that unscripted Biden sucks. Stop the presses…
  • Tidbits from Biden’s financial disclosure form:
    • Biden earned $135,116 in a salary from the University of Pennsylvania, according to the latest report, which dates back to the start of 2019. He took a role as the Benjamin Franklin Presidential Practice professor in 2017 and went on unpaid leave in April 2019.
    • Joe Biden made about $450,000 from just four speaking engagements at the end of 2018 and first month of 2019. Jill Biden made about $100,000 from three speaking engagements.

    Nice work if you can get it…

  • “All The Times Joe Biden Told People Not To Vote For Him.”
  • Joe Biden’s pitch to the left. Strangely, it’s not just “I’m not Trump and I’m going to keel over soon.”

    “We hear this every Presidential election cycle,” Harry Reid, the former Senate Majority Leader, told me in February, on the eve of the Nevada caucuses. “At least every one I’ve been involved in for these many decades. ‘The Party is moving too far to the left. It’s just terrible. What are we going to do about it?’ Well, when the primaries are over, the candidate moves back to the middle.”

    Hear that, lefties? Harry Reid thinks you’re perpetual chumps!

    At the time, we were talking about what it would mean for the Democratic Party to have a democratic socialist as its standard-bearer. Bernie Sanders appeared very likely to become the Democratic Presidential nominee. The question of the moment was, how would the ascendent [sic; nice work, New Yorker ] left win over the middle? But, of course, Sanders has suspended his campaign, and Joe Biden is the Party’s de-facto nominee. And that’s complicated the scenario that Reid and the Party have seen so many times. As the primaries ended, the general election began, and the coronavirus crisis hit, Biden, catching up to his own nomination, has spent as much time trying to move left as move forward.

    “A united party is key to winning the White House this November,” Biden tweeted on Wednesday, linking to an article about the task forces that he and Sanders—erstwhile opponents, now allies—have appointed and charged with working toward Party unity in six policy areas: climate change, health care, immigration, education, criminal-justice reform, and the economy. “The work of the task forces will be essential to identifying ways to build on our progress and not simply turn the clock back to a time before Donald Trump—but transform our country,” Biden wrote. The appointees to the task forces include pairings of new progressive stars with veterans of the Obama Administration: former Secretary of State John Kerry and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will co-chair the climate-change group; Representative Pramila Jayapal and former surgeon general Vivek Murthy will co-chair the health-care group. For much of the primaries, Biden’s rhetoric was that Donald Trump was an aberration, and that the soul of America needed to be restored. Now he’s saying that the country cannot “turn the clock back.” The blend of old and new faces on the task forces suggest that a Biden Administration will be a bit of both.

    Oh boy, task forces! Participation trophies for everyone! Any that’s pretty much the extent of the piece, except for sucking up to Elizabeth Warren (AKA 🐍, who the left freaking hates).

  • Want to guess who Biden thinks is his secret weapon? Would you believe #NeverTrump?

    Grandpa Badfinger just let slip that he has a secret weapon for November. No, his secret weapon is not the utter hypocrisy of a Dem base that is eagerly going all in on a senile old weirdo who, when he says “#MeToo,” means that he too treated women like inanimate objects as did his pals Teddy Glug-Glug Kennedy, Bill Cohiba Clinton and Harvey Sex Toad Weinstein. Their hypocrisy can’t be a secret weapon because their hypocrisy is no secret.

    No, Gropey J’s secret weapon is – get this – “Republicans for Biden.”

    Stop looking at me like that. This is really a thing, according to the presumptive nominee whose nemesis is a particularly uppity squirrel living in his backyard.


    I assume President Trump is quaking in his Guccis at the impending onslaught of verbal pinching and slapping from the very secret, very butch roster of Never Trump literal and figurative heavyweights. The Beast further reports on the identity of these titans of treachery: “Those names include former Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ), Wisconsin-based political analyst Charlie Sykes, conservative media giant Bill Kristol, former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele, longtime campaign operative Steve Schmidt, former Rep. David Jolly (R-FL), and columnist Mona Charen, among others.”

    I assume George Conway and Anna Navarro will be waddling along too, assuming that the organizers keep their promise and bring doughnuts. Lots of doughnuts.

    Nor should we count out egg-evoking fiscal conservative Evan McMullin, who it was reported conserved fiscally by not paying his campaign debts. I’m sure David French will be part of it because he’s got nothing better to do. Maybe Jonah Goldberg will join too. He is alleged to have a new website, though most of us haven’t gotten around to not reading it yet.

  • Foreshadowing:

  • Nothing President Trump or Joe Biden does seems to move the polls at all. Eh, most people have other things on their mind right now…
  • Lawrence O’Donnell: Are you going to name Stacey Abrams your running mate? Biden: Oh hey, look at the time!
  • Related:

  • Hmmm. Evidently Jill Biden is not a fan of Homewrecker Harris.
  • Heh:

  • “Biden Campaign Hires Interpreter To Translate His Speeches Into English.”
  • Like BidenWatch? Consider hitting the tip jar:

    The Chieftain Talks About His Time In An M1 Abrams

    May 17th, 2020

    More tanks? More tanks!

    This time Moran climbs around an M1A1 Abrams tank and talks about his time serving inside one during (I’m assuming) Desert Storm [evidently the Iraq War]. Highlights include how an Iraqi bullet missed his head by three inches, and how a tank designer including a pressure sensor on a loading door kept it from taking his arm off when they forgot to throw the proper safety switch.

    Edited to add:

    Joe Rogan On Biden And Leftist Hate For Liberals

    May 16th, 2020

    Two Joe Rogan videos in one week? Extra lazy, aren’t we?

    Eh, been that kind of week.

    This video with comedian Kurt Metzger from back in April is interesting because it touches on two previous themes. First, the sheer weirdness of that Biden “Corn Pop” soliloquy. Hearing it again in its entirety, I’m struck by two separate thoughts. One, it’s so oddly specific that it must have actually happened (at least in some fashion; we all know Biden loves to embellish stories about his past). Two, why on earth did Biden think telling this rambling Grandpa Simpsonesque tale of straight razors in rainbarrels would help his presidential ambitions? It’s like the part of his brain responsible for editing and self-censorship (with Freud called the super-ego) has atrophied, and whatever damn thing enters his mind just flows out his lips unchecked. It’s like the South Park episode where Cartman pretends to have Tourette’s so he can cuss at people without consequence, only to find out that he he’s lost the ability to self-censor embarrassing details out of his own unchecked verbal stream.

    Second, they touch on how the left actually hates liberals. “The lefties hate you more than they hate a Nazi. They hate you more than any right-winger.” I think this is true, and I’ve touched on one of the reasons before, namely that the corrupt wing of the Democratic Party (read “liberals”) is preventing the insane wing of the Democratic Party (read “leftists”) from gaining control of the Party’s apparatus.