Posts Tagged ‘Youngstown’

CNN Interviews Ohio Democrats Who Voted Trump, Shocked To Find They Think He’s Doing A Great Job

Saturday, January 20th, 2018

Here’s another case where CNN assembled a focus group, in this case Democrats from Youngstown, Ohio who voted for Donald Trump the Candidate in 2016, and are shocked to discover that they think Donald Trump the President is doing a great job.

A few takeaways:

  • They think he’s doing a great job on the economy and see signs of economic improvement, even though Youngstown itself isn’t booming.
  • They agree with Trump on immigration.
  • They like that Trump keeps tweeting, given how the media lies about him.
  • Notice that two of the five focus group members are black. Democrats are terrified of Trump cracking the black vote.
  • (Hat tip: The Conservative Treehouse, who I need to add to the blogroll.)