Current Ukraine status:
26 dead so far, including 10 riot police and journalist Vyacheslav Veremei.
Putin’s government gave Yanukovich’s another $2 billion payout.
Yanukovich demands people live the Maidan before any concessions. Protestors tell him to get stuffed.
On the diplomatic front:
Victor Davis Hanson via SooperMexican: Obama’s feckless foreign policy has emboldened Putin in the Ukraine.
A BBC report via Instapundit, in which various EU diplomatic grandees make meaningless noises of “concern.”
Though they’re at least considering sanctions.
And Secretary of State John Kerry? While Kiev burns, he’s lecturing the world on…global warming.
Some videos:
PC carrier tries unsuccessfully to breach Euromaidan lines in a hail of molotov cocktails:
Another view:
Scenes from the fighting:
An overview of the fighting:
More clashes:
Livestream again, though it looks like mostly video clips right now: