Posts Tagged ‘thermite’

You’re Gonna Burn

Monday, September 2nd, 2024

Russian soldiers in a Horsell Common Zaporizhia treeline got a very unpleasant surprise when a new Ukrainian drone unleashed a rain of fiery thermite death on them.

Leave it to the Ukrainians to make yet another terrifying innovation in drone warfare. I’m sure the Russian soldiers were none too thrilled to be targeted by this drone-based Martian heat ray. Thermite is easy to come by, being just powdered aluminum and rust, and burns at an infernal 4,000°F. But I do wonder how they’ve rigged it so that it does its Sparkler Rain of Death trick without catching fire itself. I suspect some sort of pressurized nozzle with a separate igniter.

I suspect this will prove a very effective tool at clearing trenches.

Now for a Brucie Bonus (as Suchomimus likes to say, based on a British game show), here’s the post title reference.

Brucie Bonus #2: