Posts Tagged ‘Sunnyvale’

California Jewelry Store Looted In Broad Daylight

Tuesday, June 18th, 2024

At what point do California voters finally realize that their Democratic Party leaders have abandoned trying to enforce the rule of law and shout “Enough!”?

The latest example of California’s decline into a lawless state is a bold daylight robbery where 20 masked intruders looted a Sunnyvale jewelry store in broad daylight.

Video of a shocking smash and grab robbery shows the moment a Sunnyvale jewelry store is overwhelmed by suspects armed with tools and hammers.

The incident took place at PNG Jewelers on Wednesday afternoon. The store is located at 791 E. El Camino Real. Police said at least five people have been arrested, but they are looking for more suspects.

The surveillance video’s timestamp shows the robbery happened just before 12:30 p.m. Well over a dozen suspects, clad in black clothing, barge into the store and begin smashing the glass counters as they ransack the place.

Sunnyvale Department of Public Safety said their officers responded to a report of a robbery in progress and that approximately 20 suspects were involved.

“The suspects fled the store in multiple vehicles before officers arrived on scene. Officers located two suspect vehicles as they were attempting to flee the area,” Sunnyvale DPS said in a news release.

For those unfamiliar with it, Sunnyvale is smack dab in the heart of Silicon Valley, between Mountain View, Cupertino and Santa Clara, and was home to numerous influential companies including Fairchild Semiconductor, Atari and LinkedIn. Homes there list for $2 million and up. El Camino Real is the central “strip” of Silicon Valley, running all the way in to San Francisco where it turns into Mission Street.

Daylight jewelry store robberies were hardly unknown before, but these large mobs of smash-and-grab looting are a direct result of Democrats decriminalizing shoplifting. Even though the haul here is clearly above the $950 limit of Proposition 47, California criminals that have honed their looting skills on smaller value targets are clearly seeking fatter scores, and show no hesitation in branching out to hit targets in affluent cities.

The continued slide of one-party blue California into abject lawlessness is no longer shocking, but it should be. In the name of social justice, Democrats are systemically destroying the underpinnings of ordered, law-abiding society. How long before insurance companies simply refuse to insure retail stores in California, and how soon until high end stores in Silicon Valley go the the way of those in San Francisco and simply close entirely?