The big news around Austin is that it actually rained last night, meaning our trees and lawns won’t die, fall over and blow away like so many tumbleweeds. At least not this week.
Another fascinating Michael Totten piece, this one interviewing Palestinians in Jerusalem.
Having solved all other problems, Sen. Judith Zaffirini (D-Larado) decides to tackle Texas’ most-pressing need: A week-long statewide celebration of just how awesome Sen. Judith Zaffirini is.
Want to call in an airstrike against the Taliban? There’s an app for that.
Over at NRO, Matt Mackowiak says this is Rick Perry’s moment.
Yelena Bonner, Andrei Sakharov’s widow and a human right campaigner in her own right, died over the weekend at 89.
Plus Rich Lowry weighs in on Perry’s “Uncompassionate Conservatism”.
Michael Williams puts up his official statement on why he switched to the a congressional race. He also says “In only a week, we have been able to secure over $250,000 in contributions and pledges,” which is a seriously good start for a House race. His website also sports his snazzy new bow-tie logo.
The Texas Tribune’s insiders list puts up a poll of 2012 and 2014 race favorites. Use grains of salt as instructed by your spin doctor.
Dallas ISD spent $86,000 on Chick-Fil-A, proving not only that administration is wasteful, but that they have bad taste to boot.
So far, Jon Huntsman’s campaign is making Newt Gingrich’s look better by comparison.