Posts Tagged ‘Robert Nichols’

BREAKING: Paxton Acquitted

Saturday, September 16th, 2023

This just in: Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has been acquitted on all 16 articles of impeachment.

In a dramatic loss for the Texas House of Representatives, the Texas Senate did not sustain any of the articles of impeachment against Attorney General Ken Paxton, triggering his reinstatement to office after nearly a four-month suspension.

The House Board of Managers needed to convince 21 senators to sustain at least one of the charges. The Senate’s court of impeachment sustained none of the charges, granting a full acquittal to Paxton to resume his position as the duly elected attorney general.

Most of the charges were dismissed by a vote of 14 to 16.

After the vote concluded, Sen. Brian Birdwell (R-Granbury) made a motion to dismiss the four articles of impeachment that had been held in abeyance and were not considered in the Senate’s impeachment trial proceedings. The motion passed by a vote of 19 to 11.

Paxton slammed the Texas House and Speaker Dade Phelan (R-Beaumont) in a statement celebrating the acquittals.

“The weaponization of the impeachment process to settle political differences is not only wrong, it is immoral and corrupt,” Paxton said.

“Now that this shameful process is over, my work to defend our constitutional rights will resume. Thank you to everyone who has stood with us during this time.”

The attorney general thanked his wife, Sen. Angela Paxton (R-McKinney), and his other supporters.

Patrick had his own criticisms of Phelan and the House after the acquittals were announced.

“Millions of taxpayer dollars have been wasted on this impeachment!” Patrick exclaimed from the dais.

The lieutenant governor called for amendments to the Texas Constitution to prevent the hasty impeachment of an elected official based on unsworn testimony, among other recommendations.

A few moments later, Patrick signed the documents reinstating Paxton as attorney general and dissolved the Senate’s court of impeachment.

It became apparent in the trial that the allegations against Paxton were unsupported.

The next step should be that every Republican who voted to impeach Paxton in the House or Senate needs to be primaried.

And Dade Phelan should be at the top of that list.

Death Star Update: Preemption Bill Closer To Passage

Tuesday, May 16th, 2023

Remember the “Death Star” preemption bill designed to prevent left wing local governments from doing amazingly stupid things? Now it’s one step closer to Governor Abbott’s desk.

A landmark local government preemption bill cleared its second hurdle Tuesday as House Bill (HB) 2127 was passed by the Texas Senate, with a few amendments.

Dubbed the “Texas Regulatory Consistency Act,” the bill prohibits municipalities from approving regulations that exceed state law in nine different sections of code: Agriculture, Business & Commerce, Finance, Insurance, Labor, Local Government, Natural Resources, Occupations, and Property.

The bill states that any regulation specifically enumerated in state code is regulatable by municipalities, and anything else is not, a strategy called “field preemption.” Up until this session, the state had opted for “conflict preemption,” a strategy of addressing specific policies adopted by localities after the fact.

It’s the difference between blasting with a shotgun and firing with a rifle.

HB 2127 allows individuals or associations in the county of potentially offending regulation to sue the locality for abridging this prohibition.

The bill, authored by Rep. Dustin Burrows (R-Lubbock) and sponsored by Sen. Brandon Creighton (R-Conroe), was passed by the House about a month ago, where it received eight votes from Democrats in the lower chamber. From there, it moved to the Senate Business & Commerce Committee, where it passed six to two.

On Monday, the Senate passed its version with three amendments; Sen. Robert Nichols (R-Jacksonville) was the only GOP “nay” on the bill. The vote was the same on Tuesday’s final passage.

Those amendments include a “loser pays” provision, placing the burden of payment for a frivolous lawsuit with the person or group who brought the suit; a limitation that a suit may only be brought against the offending political subdivision, not individual elected officials of that locality who were liable to be sued under the House version; and the tacking on of a prohibition against local governments halting evictions.

Plaintiffs must provide three months’ notice to the locality of an impending suit, intended as a grace period within which the potential violation can be revoked.

That eviction language comes from Senate Bill (SB) 986, which appears to have stalled out in the lower chamber. That bill is aimed at what big cities in Texas tried to do — but were stopped by courts — in ordering eviction moratoriums during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Creighton said in a statement after the bill’s passage, “The Texas Regulatory Consistency Act, the most pro-business, pro-growth bill of the 88th session has passed the Senate.”

“HB 2127 gives Texas job creators the certainty they need to invest and expand by providing statewide consistency and ending the days of activist local officials creating a patchwork of regulation outside their jurisdiction. Local governments acting as lawmakers in a patchwork of varying anti-business ordinances result in job killing outcomes.”

Gov. Greg Abbott has backed the bill, shedding little doubt over whether he will sign it into law once it reaches his desk.


With the bill passed in the upper chamber, it now moves back to the House, where the members must either accept the Senate version with its amendments or reject them and trigger a conference committee.

From there, it moves into the friendly embrace of Abbott, who’s been chomping at the bit to sign it into law.

The sooner this is signed into law, the sooner the madness consuming the local governments in Travis and Harris County can be reigned in.