Posts Tagged ‘Percy Payne’

Austin Security Guard Slammed For Doing His Job Finds New Gig

Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Here’s a short feel-good video for Sunday.

Austin security guard Percy Payne got chewed out by his boss on camera for giving an interview in his security guard outfit about trying to stop two hooded thugs in the parking garage he was patrolling.

So he quit on camera.

Some takeaways:

  • He had to call 911 twice to get an officer out. “Defund the police” is still hurting response times four years later.
  • He got attacked by thugs, and his boss blames him for fighting back.
  • It takes a special kind of toxic boss to chew out a subordinate on camera while they’re being interviewed by the media.
  • Fortunately for Payne, Central Texas Gun Works owner Michael Cargill saw the video, and decided to hire Payne “just like that.” “I’m confident he’s going to be an outstanding person.” Karl told me about Cargill a while back: A black, gay gun store owner who also teaches firearms classes. The Second Amendment is a very big church indeed.
  • It’s always nice when a story like this has a happy ending.

    And businesses will keep getting robbed until they make it clear to criminals that they won’t allow themselves to be robbed…